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Chapter 5 - The Gas Phase

1. The molar volume in the gaseous state is much larger (about 1000 times larger) than the liquid

2. The volume of a gas is the volume of the container it occupies

(59) 1.[G] A sample of 0.10 mol of oxygen gas and 0.40 mol of nitrogen gas are placed in an empty
container of volume 20 L. The total pressure in the container is 0.50 atm. Find the volume of
the oxygen gas.

3. As the molar mass of the gas increases the molar volume of a gas at STP decreases.
4. As the number of atoms per molecule (atomicity) increases the molar volume of a gas at STP

Measurement of molar volumes of various gases show that the molar volume
a) tends to decrease with increasing molar mass.
b) tends to increase with increasing molar mass.
c) is totally independent of molar mass.
d) is proportional to the molar mass.

Measurement of molar volumes of various gases show that the molar volume
a) tends to decrease with increasing atomicity.
b) tends to increase with increasing atomicity.
c) is totally independent of atomicity.
d) is proportional to the atomicity.

mass of volume V
5. Mass of 1 mole of a gas at STP = ( V

5.6 dm3 of a gas at STP have a mass of 8.0 g. The mass of one mole of this gas is

6. Kinetic theory of gases:

• The tiny particles of a gas are moving at random, colliding with each other and with the walls of
the container.
• As particles of a gas collide with the walls of the container they exert pressure
• Average kinetic energy of a gas is constant at constant temperature.
• As temperature increases average kinetic energy of a gas increases
• As temperature increases particles move more rapidly, they collide with the wall of the
container more frequently and more strongly pressure of the gas increases.

Describe, in one sentence, the motion of a gas, as pictured by the postulates of the kinetic theory.
According to the kinetic theory, at a higher temperature a gas exerts a higher pressure because
a) its particles collide with the walls of the container more frequently.
b) its particles collide with the walls of the container more strongly.
c) it will have more molecules.

According to the kinetic theory, at a higher temperature the molecules of a gas

a) move more rapidly.
b) move more slowly.
c) become lighter.

According to the kinetic theory, the molecules of the oxygen gas have, at the same temperature,
a) the same average speed as hydrogen molecules.
b) the same average kinetic energy as hydrogen molecules.
c) the same mass as hydrogen molecules.

To explain the behavior of an ideal gas, we make all the following assumptions but one.
Which one is not an assumption?
Particles of an ideal gas:
a) are “point masses”.
b) exert no forces on each other.
c) move in straight lines and undergo elastic collisions.
d) move in zigzag motion without colliding with other objects.
e) have (an average) kinetic energy proportional to the absolute temperature.

7. An ideal gas remains a gas on cooling while a real gas liquefies.

8. The product PV is constant for an ideal gas while it is only approximately constant for a real

What is an ideal gas?

9. A real gas behaves like an ideal gas at high temperatures and low pressures.
10. As pressure increases and volume decreases a time comes where a real gas liquefies, PV=
constant does not apply anymore. Ex 6 p132
11. As the temperature of a fixed mass of gas at constant pressure increases, so does its volume.

The temperature of a fixed amount of gas is changed at a constant pressure, every time taking the
readings. When the volume (on the ordinate) is plotted against the temperature (abscissa) the graph is
a) a curve that passes through the point t = 0°C
b) a straight line which when extrapolated backward passes through the point t = 0°C
c) a straight line which when extrapolated backward passes through the point t = −273°C

12. T(K) = t(°C) + 273

What is the temperature that is called the absolute zero?
a) It is the temperature at which liquid water becomes solid ice.
b) It is the temperature of – 273.16 °C, or 0 K.
c) It is the temperature at which air becomes a liquid.

a) Change 373 K to °C.

b) Change 27°C to Kelvin.

13. The Kelvin has the same magnitude as the degree Celsius.

What is the magnitude (size) of the Kelvin as compared to a °C?

a) The size of the Kelvin is the same size as the Celsius degree: 1K = 1°C.
b) The size of the Kelvin is the same – 273.16 °C.
c) The size of the Kelvin is the same size as Fahrenheit degree.

14. The volume of an ideal gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature

Which relation is true between the volume of a fixed amount of gas and its temperature, at
constant pressure?
a) As the temperature increases the pressure decreases.
b) The volume is directly proportional to the Celsius temperature.
c) The volume is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature.

15. The higher the molar mass, the higher the FP and BP.

How do the boiling points and freezing points in degrees Celsius of certain substances that are gaseous
at room temperature change with increasing molar mass?
a) In general, the higher the molar mass the higher is the FP and BP.
b) In general, the higher the molar mass the lower is the FP and BP.
c) In general, the freezing points and boiling points are directly proportional to the molar mass.

16. The barometer: is an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure

The barometer is used to measure

a) absolute temperature.
b) Distance.
c) the pressure inside a tyre.
d) the pressure of a gas in a bottle.
e) the atmospheric pressure.

17. An atmosphere is the P that can support a column of mercury 760 mm high at 0°C.

18. To measure gas pressure we can use a closed-end manometer or an open -end manometer.
19. The closed-end manometer: is used to measure directly the pressure of a gas in a container by
measuring the difference in height of mercury between the two arms of the manometer.
20. For a closed end-manometer: the level of the mercury in the closed-end side can never be
lower than the level of the mercury in the other side.
21. For a closed end-manometer: if the gas container is empty (i.e. it has vacuum), the level of
mercury on both sides of the tube is the same.
22. For a closed end-manometer: The difference in height of mercury between the two arms of the
manometer is independent of the atmospheric pressure.

A closed-end manometer is used to

a) measure directly the pressure of a gas in a container. The pressure of the gas in the container is
measured by the difference in height of mercury between the two arms of the manometer.
b) measure the atmospheric pressure. The pressure reading is taken as the level of the mercury.
c) measure the difference between the pressure of a gas in a container and the atmosphere. The
pressure of the gas in the container is measured by the difference in height of mercury between
the two arms of the manometer.

Which of the following is true regarding the closed-end manometer?

a) The closed-end manometer should have air in the sealed end.
b) The level of the mercury in the closed-end side can never be lower than the level of the mercury
in the other side.
c) If the gas container is empty (i.e. it has vacuum), the level of mercury on both sides of the tube is
the same.
d) The difference in height of mercury between the two arms of the manometer is independent of
the atmospheric pressure.

23. An open-end manometer: measures the difference between the pressure of a gas in a container
and the atmosphere.
(60) 2. Find the pressure of the gas in the closed end manometer in each of the following cases.

a. If the difference between the heights of A and b. If there is no difference between the heights of
B is 120 mm Hg, and the atmospheric pressure A and B, and the atmospheric pressure is 660
is 750 mm Hg. What is the pressure of gas X mm Hg. What is the pressure of gas X in the
in the manometer? manometer?
(61) 3. A diagram for an open-end manometer is shown below. For each of the following situations
where a gas is contained in the flask, calculate the pressure in the flask

a. If the difference between the b. If the difference between the c. If there is no difference
heights of A and B is heights of A and B is between the heights of A and
150 mm Hg, and the 120 mm Hg, and the B, and the atmospheric
atmospheric pressure is 800 atmospheric pressure is 700 pressure is 740 mm Hg. What
mm Hg. What is the mm Hg. What is the pressure is the pressure of gas X in the
pressure of gas X in the of gas X in the manometer? manometer?

24. Partial pressure: The pressure a gas would exert if it were alone in the vessel

The partial pressure of a gas in a mixture of gases placed in a vessel is:

a) The ratio of the pressure exerted by this gas to the total pressure exerted by the mixture.
b) The total pressure diminished by the pressure of this gas.
c) The pressure a gas would exert if it were alone in the vessel.

25. Total number of moles = n 1 + n 2 + n 3 + …

26. Mole fraction of a gas is the ratio of number of moles of this specific gas over total number of
moles X 1 = n 1 /n T or X 1 =n 1 /n 1 +n 2
27. Sum of mole fractions is always equal to one.
28. At a constant temperature, for a fixed volume of gas, pressure and number of moles of a gas are
directly proportional ⇒ 𝑛𝑛1 = 𝑛𝑛2 = 𝑛𝑛𝑇𝑇 ⇒ 𝑷𝑷 𝟏𝟏 = 𝒏𝒏 𝟏𝟏 = X 1 ⇒ P 1 = X 1 P total
1 2 𝑇𝑇 𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕 𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕

2.0g of helium gas were placed in a glass container at 25°C. The pressure was measured to be 120
mmHg. If 6.0g of He gas were added to the container while maintaining the temperature constant, how
much would the pressure be?

29. Know that the total pressure is the sum of individual partial pressures P T = P 1 + P 2
(62) 4. 0.10 mole of oxygen gas and 0.40 mole of nitrogen gas are placed in an empty container of
volume 20 liters. The total pressure in the container is 0.50 atm.
Find the:

a. Total number of moles of gas in the container.

b. Mole fraction of nitrogen gas and oxygen gas in the container.
c. Partial pressure of oxygen and nitrogen gases.
d. Volume of the oxygen gas and nitrogen gas in the container.
e. Fraction of the volume of the container occupied by oxygen.
(63) 5. A sample of air was found to contain 0.32 g oxygen and 1.12 g nitrogen.
Find the:

a. Total number of moles of gas in the sample.

b. Mole fraction of oxygen in the sample.
c. Partial pressure of each of oxygen and nitrogen in the sample; knowing that the sample of air
was exerting a pressure of 755 mm Hg.
d. The percentage composition of air.
(64) 6. A 6 dm3 flask is filled with dry air to 1000 mm Hg pressure. Air is 20% O 2 and 80% N 2 by
volume (this means by mole ratio).
a. What is the volume of the oxygen in the flask and that of nitrogen?
b. What is the partial pressure of each gas?

30. Real gases differ in behavior from ideal gases:

a. the particles are NOT point masses, they occupy volume
b. Their particles exert forces on each
c. At high pressures and lower temperatures real gases particles are closer to each other and
therefore deviate more from ideal behavior.
d. At high pressures and low temperatures real gases liquefy
e. Real gases only approximately obey P × V= constant

Complete the following:

Real gases behave like ideal gas at ___________ temperatures and ____________ pressures.

31. Charles’ Law: For a fixed amount of gas (constant n) at constant pressure, the volume is
directly proportional to the absolute temperature T.

• Given that V α T for a fixed amount of gas at constant pressure, write all possible mathematical
representations of Charles’ Law.
• For a fixed mass of gas at constant pressure, draw the graphs of V versus T, 𝑇𝑇 versus T, V
versus t.
32. Pressure- temperature behavior of an ideal gas: As temperature increases the average
kinetic energy of the particles of an ideal gas increases, frequency of collision with the walls of the
container increases, strength of collisions increases, pressure of the gas increases. The graph of P
versus t(°C) is a straight line that intersects the t-axes at -273 ̊C (0K, absolute zero).

- 273 t

33. For a fixed amount of gas, in a fixed volume, the pressure is directly proportional to the
absolute temperature.

• Give all mathematical representations of pressure- absolute temperature behavior of a fixed

amount of gas in a fixed volume container.
•For a fixed mass of gas of a constant volume, draw the following graphs: P versus T and 𝑇𝑇
versus T.
34. State Boyle’s law: The pressure of a fixed amount of gas is inversely proportional to its volume
at constant temperature.
(68) 10. [G] A certain mass of helium gas was placed in a cylinder fitted with a piston at 25℃.
The volume and pressure were measured to be 3.0 dm3 and 120 mm Hg respectively. If the
piston was pushed till the volume reaches 2.0 dm3 while maintaining a constant
temperature, how much will the pressure be?
(69) 11. [G] A certain mass of helium gas was placed in a cylinder fitted with a piston at 25°C. The
volume and pressure were measured to be 3.00 dm3 and 120 mm Hg respectively. If the gas
is heated to 125°C, while maintaining the volume at 3.00 dm3, what will the new pressure
(70) 12. [G] A certain mass of helium gas was placed in a cylinder fitted with a piston at 25°C. The
volume and pressure were measured to be 3.0 dm3 and 120. mm Hg respectively. If the gas
is heated to 125°C, the pressure was found to become 90. mm Hg, how much will the
volume be?
(71) 13. [G] A certain mass of helium gas was placed in a cylinder fitted with a piston at 25°C. The
volume and pressure were measured to be 3.0 dm3 and 120 mm Hg respectively. If the gas is
heated to 125°C while keeping the pressure constant, how much will the volume be?
A cylinder fitted with a piston has 10 dm3 of a gas 27ºC. How can you double the pressure by varying

a) only the volume?

b) only the temperature? (No calculator allowed)

35. The equation of state (Ideal gas law): PV = nRT

Where: P: pressure of gas in atm, V: volume in dm3 or L
n: number of moles of gas
T: absolute temperature in Kelvin (T = t℃ + 273)
R: Universal gas constant, 0.0821 atm.dm3.K-1.mole-1
(65) 7. Calculate the molar volume of an ideal gas at 27°C and 1.0 atm.
Use R = 0.082 dm3.atm.K-1mol-1

36. PM = dRT, Where: P: pressure of gas in atm

M: molar mass of gas
n: number of moles of gas
T: absolute temperature in Kelvin (T = t℃ + 273)
R: Universal gas constant, 0.0821 atm.dm3.K-1.mole-1
(67) 9. Calculate the density of hydrogen gas exerting a pressure of 760 mm Hg in a container at 127°C.

37. Summary of relations for ideal gases:

1) P 1 V 1 = P 2 V 2 (at constant n and T)

P1 P P1 n
2) = n2 or = n1 (at constant V and T)
n1 2 P2 2

V1 V2 V1 n
3) = or = n1 (at constant P and T)
n1 n2 V2 2

P1 P P1 T
4) = T2 or = T1 (at constant V and n)
T1 2 P2 2

V1 V V1 T
5) = T2 or = T1 (at constant n and P)
T1 2 V2 2

P1 V1 P2 V2
6) = (at constant n)
T1 T2

7) PV = nRT

8) PM = DRT (D= density in g / dm3 , M = molar mass in g/mole)

38. Applications
(66) 8. Consider air to be 80% N 2 and 20 % O 2 (No calculator allowed). Calculate:
a. The average molar mass of air
b. The density of air at STP.
(72) 14. [G] a. A sample of 2.0 g of helium gas were placed in a glass container at 25°C. The pressure
was measured to be 120 mm Hg. If six more grams of He gas were added to the container
while maintaining the temperature and volume constant, how much would the pressure be?
[He = 4.0]

b. A sample of 2.0 g of helium gas were placed in a 5.0 L balloon at 25°C. If six more grams
of He gas were added to the balloon while maintaining the temperature and pressure
constant, how much would the volume of the balloon become? [He = 4.0]
(73) 15. [G] When 1.00 kg of He gas is filled into an empty balloon at 27.0°C the pressure in the balloon
becomes 760. mm Hg. Find the volume of the inflated balloon. [He = 4.00]
Use R = 0.082 atm.dm3.mol-1.K-1

16. How many moles of an ideal gas occupy 2.24 dm3 at a pressure of 380 mm Hg and a temperature of
273ºC? Take R = 22.4 dm3.atm.K-1mol-1

17. Calculate pressure of 16.0 g of oxygen gas in a 2.0 liter container at a temperature of 27°C. Use R =

39. Effusion: is the passage of a gas through a tiny orifice or it is the escaping through small
40. At the same temperature the average kinetic energies (KE) of all ideal gases is the same.
41. KE is directly proportional to absolute temperature. KE = kT
42. KE is directly proportional to the gas molar mass and inversely proportional to the gas
velocity squared. KE = 2Mv2.
43. At the same temperature, the lighter a particle is, the faster it moves (so the faster it effuses).

44. Comparing the speed of different gases at the SAME temperature leads to:
𝛎𝛎𝟏𝟏 𝐌𝐌𝟐𝟐
= �
𝛎𝛎𝟐𝟐 𝐌𝐌𝟐𝟐

(76) 20.
[G] Equal number of moles of methane gas, CH 4 , and helium gas were allowed to effuse out of
container at the same temperature. Compare the rate of effusion of these gases.
[C = 12; H = 1.0; He = 4.0]
45. Comparing the time required for two different gases to travel the same distance.
𝐝𝐝/𝐭𝐭 𝟏𝟏 𝐌𝐌𝟐𝟐 𝐭𝐭 𝟐𝟐 𝐌𝐌 𝟐𝟐
= � , = �
𝒅𝒅/𝐭𝐭 𝟐𝟐 𝐌𝐌𝟐𝟐 𝐭𝐭 𝟏𝟏 𝐌𝐌 𝟏𝟏
46. Comparing kinetic energy of gases at different temperature
𝑲𝑲. 𝑬𝑬.𝟏𝟏 𝐓𝐓𝟏𝟏
𝑲𝑲. 𝑬𝑬.𝟐𝟐 𝐓𝐓𝟐𝟐

(74) 18. A vessel contains equal moles of SO 2 and He gases. The pressure is 760 mm Hg.
a. On average, which travels faster, the He atoms or SO 2 molecules? How many times as fast?
b. If SO 2 was removed from the system, what would the pressure become?
c. What happens to the kinetic energy of the molecules if the temperature is raised from 0°C to


1) 10 cm3 of Helium gas took 5.0s to effuse (diffuse from a small orifice) under certain conditions
of temperature and pressure. Under the same conditions, it took anothergas X 20.0s to effuse
from the same orifice. Calculate the molar mass of gas X. Explainall your calculations.

2) Which gas should diffuse faster, SO 2 or CH 4 ? How many times as fast? Why?

3) The rate of diffusion of a particular gas was measured and found to be 24 cm3 /min. Under the
same conditions the rate of diffusion of methane gas CH 4 was found to be 47.8 cm3 /min. What
is the molar mass of the unknown gas?

4) The molecules of an unknown gas, SOx travel at ¼ the speed (on average) of helium atoms at
the same temperature. Calculate the molecular mass of SOx, and deduce the value of x.
[O = 16; S = 32].

5) Cooking gas is a mixture of two gases: propane (C 3 H 8 ) and butane (C 4 H 10 ).

a) On average, the molecules of which gas have a higher kinetic energy?
b) On average, the molecules of which gas are moving faster? How much faster?

47. A quantitative investigation of the reaction of magnesium metal with hydrochloric acid.
(77) 21. When Mg reacted with HCl, H 2 gas was produced and collected in a gas measuring tube. In
order to read the volume of the gas, we should
A. close the bottom of the tube with a thumb, take the tube out of water, then take the reading.
B. put a piece of white paper behind the level of the meniscus in the tube then take the reading.
C. move the tube up or down until the level of water inside and outside the tube is the same,
then take the reading.
D. transfer the gas gently to a burette then take the reading.
E. transfer the gas gently to a pipette then take the reading.
(78) 22. When Mg reacted with HCl, H 2 gas was produced and collected in a gas measuring tube. In
order to determine the pressure of the hydrogen gas, we should:
A. add the vapor pressure of water to the atmospheric pressure
B. subtract the vapor pressure of water from the atmospheric pressure
C. just read the atmospheric pressure
D. first dry the hydrogen gas by passing it through a cotton towel
E. “pop” the hydrogen gas with pure oxygen and determine the mass of water formed

1) Write an equation to represent the reaction of magnesium with hydrochloric acid?

2) Write the possible observations?

3) When Mg reacted with HCl, H 2 gas was produced and collected in a gas measuring tube. In
order to read the volume of the gas, we should

4) In order to determine the pressure of the hydrogen gas collected over water, we should

• A sample of nitrogen is collected over water at 18.5ºC. The vapor pressure ofwater at 18.5ºC is
16 mm Hg. The water levels inside and outside the tube wereequalized. If the atmospheric
pressure is 756 mm Hg, what is the partial pressure of nitrogen?

• A sample of nitrogen gas was collected over water at 20oC and a total pressure of 1.00 atm. A
total volume of 250cm3was collected. What mass of nitrogen was collected? (At20oC the vapor
pressure of water is 17.5 mmHg).

48. Diffusion: is the term used to describe the mixing of gases. It is the process of the spread of a
gas throughout space.
(75) 19. [G]
a. Define effusion of gases.
b. Define diffusion of gases.

The diagram shows some people sitting round a dinner table.

When the lid of the dish was removed, all the people could smell the food. How did the smell reach

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