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What does Berlin mean when he says "(In teaching writing) we are teaching a way of
experiencing the world, a way of ordering and making sense of it"?

Communication is not merely speaking and writing. There must be an in depth

understanding, logical reasoning and open mindedness. In everything that we say, others
perceive it in different ways; they may be enlightened or they may oppose you. In
communicating effectively and efficiently, you must convey your thoughts completely and let it
all out without being rude and insensitive. Through communication, we are able to encounter
different people with different perspectives in life and with that we can learn from them, gain
knowledge and exchange opinions, and with that, they can also learn from us. Our reasoning
may be challenged when issues arise, but as long as you are open to communicating with others.

Without proper communication, peace and order is unattainable. People will act
however they want, and will say whatever they want to say. Due to their close-mindedness, they
will consider criticisms as a libelous act instead of accepting that there were really shortcomings.
However, if it is not a fact they can provide proof that says otherwise. If proven, as a speaker
practicing communication ethically, we will acknowledge the criticisms that we have made and
apologize. This happens often when we are voicing out politically, most are being red-tagged for
pointing out the wrongdoings of the government even if it is a fact and this shows how our
freedom of speech is being oppressed.

2. In your perspective, why is the study of communication relevant to your life and to your
future profession? Cite specific instances of its significance.

Communication is significant in Accounting; this is due to the fact that accountants must
convey the financial reports accurately for the business to make appropriate economic
decisions. It was said that accounting has been the universal language of business. Without
accounting, information contained in accounting records will be useless since it cannot be
conveyed to potential and existing users. Accountants are the one who tells if the business is still
doing well, how much the profit or loss for the year was or will they continue investing to a
subsidiary company to the decision makers of the business.

For instance, a business will get a loan from the bank. Banks consider the cash flow, the
business’ liquidity, and short-term accounts receivables and payables. All of these should be
presented and communicated accurately for the bank to allow the company to receive a loan.

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