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Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Min. Sub: CHEMISTRY (34) Total Marks: 70

Scheme of Valuation (Bagalkot District)
1. Select the correct option from the given choices. 1x15=15
1. Which one of the following is non -crystalline or amorphous?
(a).Diamond (b).Graphite (c).Glass (d).Common salt
Ans: (c). Glass
2. Which among the following is an example of an solid solution?
(a).Copper dissolved in Gold (b) Ethanol dissolved in water
(c).Glucose dissolved in water (d).Sodium chloride dissolved in water
Ans: (a).Copper dissolved in Gold
3. How does the solubility of gases vary with pressure?
(a). Increase with pressure (b). Decrease with pressure
(c). First increase and then decrease (d). No effect
Ans: (a). Increase with pressure
4. The product formed at the anode surface during electrolysis of aqueous NaCl is
(a).Na (b). H₂ (c). O2 (d). Cl2
Ans: (d). Cl2
5. If the rate of a reaction is expressed by rate = [A]2[B], the order of reaction will be
(a).2 (b). 3 (c). 1 (d).4
Ans: (b). 3
6. Which of the following colloids are solvent hating?
(a). Lyophilic (b). Hydrophilic (c). Lyophobic (d).None of these
Ans: (c). Lyophobic
7. Nickel (Ni) is refined by
(a) Zone refining (b). Van -Arkel method(c).Mond's method (d).Electrolytic refining
Ans: (c) Mond's method
8. Find the first nobel gas compound prepared by Neil Bartlett
(a) Xenon hexafluoro platinate (V) (b) Xenon hexafluoro Platinum (V)
(c) Xenon hexafluoro Platinum (IV) (d) Xenon bexafluoro platinate (VI)
Ans: (a) Xenon hexafluoro platinate (V)
9. The element which show highest oxidation state in 3d series.
(a). Sc (b) Cr (c) Fe (d) Mn
Ans: (d) Mn
10. The oxidation state of 'Cu' in [Cu (NH)] SO4
(a).+4 (b).-2 (c). +3 (d). +1
Ans: (b). + 2
11. Methyl bromide reacts with Silver fluoride to give methyl fluoride and Silver bromide this reaction is
(a) Swartz reaction (b) Fittig reaction (c) Finkelstein reaction (d) Wurtz reaction
Ans: (a) Swartz reaction
12 The product formed when hydroxybenzne resets with zinc dust
(a) Phenol (b) Aniline (c). Benzene (d) Toluene


Ans: (c). Benzene
13. Stephen reaction reagent is
(a) Pb / BaSO4 (b) Pd &BaSO4 (c) SnCl2 / Conc.HCl (d) SnCl4 / conc, HCI
Ans: (c) SnCl2 / Conc.HCl
14, Name the gas liberated when methyl amine reacts with nitrous acid
(a) H2 (b) O2 (c) N2 (d). NH3
Ans: (c) N2
15. Nitrogenous base present in DNA.
(a).AGUC (b) AGUT (c) AGCT (d). AUGT
Ans: (c) AGCT
II. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word from those given in the brackets:
(CO2, Two, O2, CH3Cl, C6H5COONa) 1x5 = 5
16, Soda water bottles are sealed under high pressure in order to dive more CO2 gas in it.
17. For the reaction 2HI → H2 + I2 TWO its molecularity.
18. Xenon forms compounds with fluorine and O2.
19. Methanol reacts with Lucas reagent after heat to form CH3Cl.
20. C6H5COONa is the example of artificial food preservative.
III. Answer any FOUR of the following. 4x2=8
21. Calculate the numbers of particles present in bcc unit cell?
Ans: In bcc unit cell, 1 atom is present at the center of the body and 8 atoms are present at the 8 corners of
body. The atom at the center of body contributes fully to the unit cell. The contribution of each corner atom
to the unit cell is one eight.
Hence, the total number of atoms in the unit cell is 1/8 × 8 + 1 =2.
22. What is the effect of dilution on (i) conductivity (ii) molar conductivity of a solution? Give reason.
Ans: Hence when a solution is diluted, conductivity decreases and molar conductivity increases.
On dilution, the ionic mobility and number of ions present in solution increases but the number of ions per mL
decreases. Molar conductivity is defined for 1 mole of ions. Thus on dilution ions more apart and mobility of ions
increase which leads to increase in molar conductivity of the solution.
23. A first order reaction is found to have a rate constant of 1 .55 x 10-14. Find the half life of the
Ans: t1/2 =0.693 / k, t1/2 = 0.693 / 1.55 x 10-14 = 0.126 x 1014 , So, t1/2 = 1.26 x 1013 s.
24. Mention two consequences of Lanthanoid contraction.
Ans: Consequences (1). There is not regular trend in ionization potential in the group due to lanthanide contraction.
Similarity of 2nd and 3rd transition group. (ii) Regular decrease in their tendency to act as reducing agent, with
increase in atomic number.
25. What happens when phenol reacts with bromine water? Write the equation.
Ans: When phenol is treated with bromine water, white ppt. of 2, 4, 6 – tribromophenol is obtained.


26. How carboxylic acids are prepared from Grignard reagent?
Ans: The reaction of Grignard reagents with crushed dry ice or solid carbon dioxide leads to the formation
of salts of carboxylic acids. Further, the acidification of the salts of a carboxylic acid with mineral acids
leads to the formation of corresponding carboxylic acids.

27. Give an example for (1) An antacid (ii) An artificial sweetener?

Ans: Examples for Antacids is : Lansoprazole, Omprazole, Cimitidine.
Examples for Artificial sweetener is : Sucrulose, Aspartame, Alitame.
28 Explain saponification of oils/fats with equation.
Ans: When ester treated with an alkali, the reaction gives ethanol and sodium ethanoate. This reaction is called
saponification reaction because this reaction forms the basis of preparation of soap.

IV. Answer any FOUR of the following. Each question carries three marks. 4 x 3 =12
29. Draw labeled diagram of Hall-Heroult electrolyte cell for the extraction of aluminium, Write
anodic cathodic and overall reaction.


The overall reaction is:
2Al2O3 + 3C → 4Al + 3CO2
The electrolytic reactions are:
At the cathode:
Al 3+ + 3e– → Al (l)
At the anode:
C (s) + O2- → CO (g) + 2e–
C (s) + 2O2- → CO2 (g) + 4e–
30. Explain Ostwald's process of manufacture of nitric acid?
Ostwald process to manufacture nitric acid-
Step 1: Catalytic oxidation of Ammonia
A mixture of dry air and dry ammonia in the ratio of 10:1 by volume is compressed and then passed into a platinum
gauze which acts as catalyst at about 800℃.
4NH3+5O2 ⟶ 4NO + 6H2O + Heat
Step 2: Oxidation of nitric oxide
Nitric oxide combines with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide at about 50°C.
2NO+O2 ⟶ 2NO2
Step 3: Absorption of nitrogen dioxide in water
The nitrogen dioxide and oxygen present in the air react with water to form nitric acid.
4NO2 +2H2O+O2⟶4HNO3.
31. Complete the following equations.
(1) CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O
(b) C12H22O11 + conc.H2SO4 → 11C + 12 H2O
(i) 2Fe+3 + SO2 + 2 H2O → 2 Fe+2 + SO42- + 4 H+
32 (i) How is chlorine prepared using KMnO4. 2+1=3
Ans: Potassium permanganate reacts with conc.HCl to form chlorine.
(ii).Why is I2 less reactive than ICl?
Ans: ICl is more reactive than I2. This is because interhalogen compounds are more reactive than halogens
(except fluorine) as X−X′ bond in interhalogens is weaker than X−X bond in halogens except F−F bond due
to low bond dissociation energy of interhalogen bonds.
33. (1) Give reason: Ti+4 salts are colorless. 2+1=3
Ans: Since no unpaired electron is present in Ti , it is colorless.
(ii).Calculate the spin magnetic moment of Cu2+.
Ans: The correct option is D 1.73 BM
Cu2+ : [Ar]3d9]

Cu2+ has 1 unpaired electron

μ=√ n(n+2) BM
∴μ=√ 3 =1.73 BM
34. Write the balanced equations in the manufacture of potassium dichromate from chromite ore.
Ans: The balanced equations in the manufacture of K2Cr2O7from chromite ore are as given below:
Step I : roasting- conversion of chromite ore into sodium chromate
4FeO⋅Cr2O3 + 8Na2CO3 + 7O2 → 2Fe2O3 + 8Na2CrO4 + 8CO2


Step II : Conversion of sodium chromate into sodium dichromate
2Na2CrO4 + H2SO4 → Na2Cr2O7 + Na2SO4 + H2O
Step III : Conversion of sodium dichromate into potassium dichromate
Na2Cr2O7 + 2KCl → K2Cr2O7 + 2NaCl
35. On the basis of VBT, explain hybridization geometry, and magnetic property of the complex
Ans: Co is in a +3 oxidation state in the complex [CoF6]3-.
Hence, [CoF6]3- is sp3d2 hybridized and the shape is octahedral.
Therefore, according to VBT (valence bond theory), the shape of [CoF6]3-is octahedral.

36. (1).Give any two postulates of Werner's theory. 2+1=3

Ans: Central metal ion in a complex shows two types of valences primary valence and secondary valence.
The primary valence is ionisable and satisfied by negative ions
Secondary valence is non ionisable. It is equal to the coordination number of central metal ion or atom. It is
fixed for a metal.Secondary valencies are satisfied by negative ions or neural molecules.
(b) Write the IUPAC name of Na3 [Fe (Ox)].
Ans: Sodiumtrioxalatoferrate (III).
V. Answer any THREE of the following. Each question carries five marks. 3 x 5 = 15
37. (1).Calculate the packing efficiency in body centered cubic lattice. (4 + 1 = 5)

In a BCC unit cell, the edge length is ‘a’ and radius of the particle is ‘r’.
Then r = √34a ∴ a = 41√3 and two particles are present in an unit cell of BCC.
Packing efficiency = Volume occupied by 2 spheres in the unit cell /Total volume of the unit cell x 100%


(ii).What is the coordination number in FCC.
Ans: 12.
38. (i).The boiling point of benzene is 353.23 K. When 1.85 g of a non-volatile solute was dissolved in
90 g benzene, the boiling point is raised to 354.14 k. Calculate the molar mass of the solute (Kb for
benzene= 2.53 k kg mol-1). (3 + 2 = 5 )
Ans: Boiling point of Benzene (Tb0) = 353.23 K, Boiling point of solution (Tb) = 354.14 K, Weight of
solute (Wb) = 1.85 g, Weight of solvent (Wa) = 90 g, Ebblioscopic constant (Kb) of Benzene = 2.53 K Kg
∆Tb = Tb – Tb0 = 354.14 – 353.23 = 0.91 K,
∆Tb = Kb x 1000 x Wb / Mb x Wa , Mb = 2.53 x 1000 x 1.85 / 0.91 x 90 = 57.14 g mol-1.
(ii) Mention any two difference between ideal and non-ideal solutions.

39.(i).Calculate the EMF of the cell represented below: 3+2=5

Zn / Zn (0.1M) ║ Cu / Cu (1M) at 25°C
2+ 2+

Given: E0Cu = +0.34V, E0Zn = - 0.76 V.

Ans: E0cell = E0RHE – E0LHE = + 0.34 – ( - 0.76) = 1.1 V.
Ecell = E0cell – 0.059 / n log [Product] / [Reactant],
Ecell = 1.1 – 0.059 / 2 log [0.1] / [1], = 1.1 - 0.059 / 2 log 10-1
Ecell = 1.1 - 0.059 / 2 x -1 = 1.6295 V.
(ii).Write the reaction taken place at anode and cathode during corrosion of iron?



40. (i).Derive the integrated rate equation for the rate constant of a first reaction.
Ans: R → Products

(ii).Show that the rate of first order reaction is doubled when concentration of the reactant is doubled.
For a first-order reaction, rate=K [A]1
when the concentration of A is doubled,
Rate new= K [2A]
The rate of reaction becomes double.
41. (1).Write any two characteristics of chemical adsorption? (2 + 2 + 1)
Ans: The two characteristics of Chemisorption are:
(a).In Chemisorption which is highly specific in nature the adsorbate and adsorbent get attached by chemical
bonds which are either covalent or ionic in nature.


(b).High activation energy is required and high temperature is also favorable.
(c).Chemisorption increases with the increase in surface area which results in more number of active sites.
(1).What is Brownian movement? What is the cause for it?
Ans: A random movement of particles in a fluid due to their constant collision with other moving particles
known as Brownian movement.
Brownian movement is due to the impact of the molecules of the dispersion medium on the molecules of the
dispersed phase.
(iii).What is heterogeneous catalysis?
Ans: The reaction in which reactants and catalysts are present in different phase is called ‘heterogeneous
VI. Answer any THREE of the following. Each question carries five marks. 3 x 5 = 15
42. (i).Write equations for the steps in SN mechanism of conversion of t-butyl bromide into t-butyl
Ans: t-butyl bromide reacts with aqueous NaOH, it gives t-butyl alcohol.
r = K [RX]
(CH3)3C – Br + NaOH → (CH3)3C – OH + NaBr
Mechanism: It involves 2 steps:

(ii). Explain Fittig's reaction.

Ans: Fittig reaction: Aryl halides react with sodium in dry ether solvent to give diphenyl is called fitting
reaction. Read more on -

43. (1).Write the mechanism of acid catalyzed dehydration of ethanol to ethane?

Ans: Mechanism of acid catalyzed dehydration of ethanol
Step I: Protonation of ethanol

Step II: Formation of carbocation


Step III: Elimination of a proton.

(i).How does anisole react with acetyl chloride in presence of an AICl3? Give equation.
Ans: Anisole reacts with acetyl chloride in the presence of anhydrous aluminium chloride as catalyst to
form 2-methoxy acetophenone and 4-methoxy acetophenone. The reaction is Friedel Craft's acylation
reaction (an electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction). Methoxy group is ortho - para directing group.

44 (i) Complete the reaction: (3+2=5)

(a). C = O + NH2OH → C = N –OH + H2O

(c) .

(ii).Explain ‘Cannizaro’s reaction with an example.

Ans: Aldehydes which do not have a α-hydrogen atom, undergo self-oxidation and reduction
(disproportionation) reaction on heating with concentrated alkali.
In this reaction, one molecule of the aldehyde is reduced to alcohol while another is oxidized to carboxylic
acid salt.
45.(i).Explain diazotization reaction of aniline? (2+ 2 + 1 = 5)
Ans: Diazotization: The process of conversion of a primary aromatic amino compound into a diazonium
salt is known as diazotization. This process is carried out by adding an aqueous solution of sodium nitrite to
a solution of primary aromatic amine (e.g., aniline) in excess of HCl at a temperature below 5°C.

(ii). How is methanamine prepared by Hoffman degradation reaction? Give equation.


Ans: When an amide is treated with bromine in aqueous or alcoholic solution of NaOH, primary amine is
Ex: CH3CONH2 + 4NaOH + Br2 → CH3NH2 + Na2CO3 + 2NaBr + H2O
(iii). Mention the TUPAC number of (CH3)2 – N – CH3.
Ans: N,N-Dimethyl Methanamine.
46.(i). Write the Haworth structure of cane sugar. (2+2+1 = 5)

(ii).What are non-essential amino acids? Name naturally occurring a-amino acid which is not
optically active.
Ans: Nonessential means that our bodies can produce the amino acid, even if we do not get it from the food
we eat.
Glycine is a optically inactive amino acid.
(iii).Which vitamin deficiency causes the disease scurvy?
Ans: Vitamin - C
47.(i).How is Nylon 6, 6 prepared? Give equation. (2 + 2 + 1 = 5)
Ans: Nylon is made by the polymerization of adipic acid (1, 6-hexanedioic acid) and hexamethylene
diamine (1, 6-diamino hexane).
(ii).Write the partial structure of
(a). Polythene :

(b) Neoprene
(c) Name the biodegradable polymer: PHBV


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