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Hypothesis-testing-random-motors-project compress random motor assignment for hypothetical and analytically study ofLiveprproooflibtau

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Rocinante 36 Marengo 32
Top speed Top speed
Mileage (km/hr) Mileage (km/hr)
(km/ltr) (km/ltr)
Car No. Car No.
1 21.2 151.9 1 15.04 211.3
2 21.79 147.6 2 15.41 207
3 21.87 145.6 3 15.43 206.2
4 22.71 136.1 4 15.92 213.4
5 22.52 139.7 5 15.2 204.2
6 21.41 146.1 6 15.22 208.7
7 22.71 139.6 7 14.6 200
8 21.71 143 8 14.41 210.9

9 19.95 136.4 9 14.79 208.5

10 20.65 146.6 10 14.81 214.2

11 22.86 139.9 11 15.61 215.8
12 21.12 136.6 12 15.76 215.8
13 22.8 148.5 13 14.97 215.2
14 20.89 143.4 14 14.71 218.7
15 22.49 134.2 15 15.55 208
16 20.94 140.5 16 15.19 212.2
17 20.37 137.8 17 15.36 219.7
18 22.72 135.1 18 15.93 216.4
19 20.54 138.8 19 14.54 205.8
20 21.14 132 20 14.76 209

Roccinate Mileage

Sample size 20

Sample standard deviation 0.927290762325786

Hypothesized mean 22
Sample mean 21.620
Std error of mean 0.207
Degrees of freedom 19
t-test statistic -1.835
p-value 0.08221

Marengo Mileage

Sample size 20
Sample standard deviation 0.458802503090497
Hypothesized mean 15
Sample mean 15.161
Std error of mean 0.103
Degrees of freedom 19
t-test statistic 1.564
p-value 0.1343




538659092.xlsx Security Level

Step 1 For Rocinante36 For Marengo32

State the null and Alternate Hypothesis Mileage(km/litre) Mileage(km/litre) n<30 t-Test

H0 µ = 22 km/litre H0 µ = 15 km/litre
H1 µ ≠ 22 km/litre H1 µ ≠ 15 km/litre
Top Speed(km/hr) Top Speed(km/hr)
H0 µ = 140 km/hr H0 µ = 210 km/hr
H1 µ ≠ 140 km/hr H1 µ ≠ 210 km/hr

Step 2
Level of significance 5% level of significance 0.05

Step 3 t-Test t-Test

Decide test to be used (z/t )
Calculate test statistics Calculate p values

Roccinate Mileage
Sample size 20
Sample standard deviation 0.92729

Hypothesized mean 22

Sample mean 21.6195

Std error of mean 0.207
Degrees of freedom 19
t-test statistic -1.83507
p-value 0.08221
Roccinate Topspeed
Sample size 20
Sample standard deviation 5.39815758043037

Hypothesized mean 140

Sample mean 140.970

Std error of mean 1.207
Degrees of freedom 19
t-test statistic 0.804
p-value 0.4313
Marengo Mileage
Sample size 20
Sample standard deviation 0.458802503090497
Hypothesized mean 15
Sample mean 15.161
Std error of mean 0.103
Degrees of freedom 19
t-test statistic 1.564
p-value 0.1343
Marengo Topspeed
Sample size 20
Sample standard deviation 5.14633236801756
Hypothesized mean 210
Sample mean 211.050
Std error of mean 1.151
Degrees of freedom 19
t-test statistic 0.912
p-value 0.3732
Step 4 Interpretation
Rule Rocinante Fail to Reject Null Hypothesis Marengo Fail to Reject Null Hypothesis
If p≤.05, Reject Ho
if p>.05, Fail to reject Ho

Rocinante H0: µ = 22 km/litre Marengo H0: µ = 15 km/litre

Step 5 H 0: µ = 140 km/hr H0: µ = 210 km/hr

Types of Error Interpretation Interpretation

Type 1 Rej H0 when H0 is true Mileage is 22 km/litre, Reject Mileage is 15 km/litre, Reject
Top Speed is 140 km/hr, Reject Top Speed is 210 km/hr, Reject

Type 2 Fail to rej Ho when H0 is false Mileage is not 22 km/litre, Fail to Reject Mileage is 15 km/litre, Fail to Reject
Top Speed is not 140 km/hr, Fail to Reject Top Speed is 210 km/hr, Fail to Reject

Business decision? Business decision?

we might ask the chief engineer to check again and it is an indication that more investment is needed in the we might ask the chief engineer to check again and it is an indication that more investment is
design to improve their performance. performance.
Type 1 Type 1

Type 2 The engineer revises the specifications Type 2 The engineer revises the specifications
Quality Check,Spend resources on R&D
Launch, Customers get angry , They
might sue, Reputation of company will
get affected, Need to Refund to

08/28/2021 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page4of6

Which model is likely to bring more profit overall?
The predicted sales and the profit margin per unit is needed to calculate the overall profit th
likely to bring
Per unit profit margin = Per unit price - Per unit cost
Perform multiple linear regressions separately for each brand to predict the sales of both the
using price, mileage and top speed based on the historical sales data.
Two equations containing sales as the dependent variable and price, mileage and top speed
independent variables are expected after the multiple linear regressions are performed
Now you have two regression equations, one for each brand. These equations can help you predict the sale
model. What should you do next?
08/28/2021 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page5of6
Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution

Perform hypothesis tests on the desired specifications (mileage and top speed) of the new an
values into the regression equations only if they pass the tests.
08/28/2021 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page6of6
ment for hypothetical and analytically study ofLiveprproooflibtausbinileistys sachnodol b(InesstitttutseeolfliMnagnapgrreomdenutcTteciddhneonlotgiyfii,
ollege or university

Sample size

Sample standard deviation

Hypothesized mean
Sample mean
Std error of mean
Degrees of freedom
t-test statistic


Sample size
Sample standard deviation
Hypothesized mean
Sample mean
Std error of mean
Degrees of freedom
t-test statistic
Security Level

n<30 t-Test

o be used (z/t )
ct Ho

H0: µ = 15 km/litre

Mileage is 15 km/litre, Reject
Top Speed is 210 km/hr, Reject

Mileage is 15 km/litre, Fail to Reject

Top Speed is 210 km/hr, Fail to Reject

we might ask the chief engineer to check again and it is an indication that more investment is needed in the design to improve their

The engineer revises the specifications

t is needed to calculate the overall profit that a model is

r each brand to predict the sales of both the models

historical sales data.
t variable and price, mileage and top speed as the
tiple linear regressions are performed
and. These equations can help you predict the sales of each
on Page5of6

tions (mileage and top speed) of the new and input the
pass the tests.
Distribution Page6of6

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