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J Oral Maxillofac Surg

67:1595-1599, 2009

Factors Associated With the Stability of

Mini-Implants for Orthodontic Anchorage:
A Study of 414 Samples in Taiwan
Tzu-Ying Wu, DDS,* Shou-Hsin Kuang, DDS, DMSc,† and
Cheng-Hsien Wu, DDS‡

Purpose: To evaluate failure rates and factors associated with the stability of mini-implants used for
orthodontic anchorage.
Patients and Methods: We enrolled 166 patients (35 male patients and 131 female patients) who had
consecutively received mini-implants for orthodontic anchorage at the Section of Orthodontics and Pediatric
Dentistry, Taipei Veterans General Hospital (Taipei, Taiwan) from January 2001 to December 2006. A total of
414 mini-implants with diameters ranging from 1.2 to 2.0 mm were evaluated. Clinical variables for analysis
were divided into host-related and implant-related factors. Mini-implants that could be maintained for
orthodontic anchorage for more than 6 months were considered to be successful. Statistical analysis was used
to evaluate the failure rate in our study cohort and to identify possible associated factors.
Results: The overall failure rate was 10.1% (42 of 414 screws) with orthodontic force loading for more
than 6 months. Most failures were due to loosening and occurred within the first 2 weeks. Differences
in overall failure rates for the maxilla and mandible (9.3% and 16.3%, respectively) were not statistically
significant. A lower failure rate was found for the maxilla with implant diameters equal to or less than 1.4
mm (P ⫽ .036). The left side had a lower failure rate than the right (6.7% vs 13.9%, P ⫽ .019). Length
and type of mini-implants, age, and gender were not associated with mini-implant failure.
Conclusions: Use of mini-implants for anchorage is reliable. In our study the overall success rate was
89.9%. Careful diameter selection for different locations is essential. In the maxilla an implant diameter
equal to or less than 1.4 mm is recommended. In the mandible an implant diameter larger than 1.4 mm
is suggested for better orthodontic anchorage. Hygienic care of implantation sites should also be
emphasized for long-term success of mini-implant anchorage.
© 2009 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 67:1595-1599, 2009

Anchorage control is the cornerstone of orthodontic The efficacy of these traditional techniques largely de-
treatment. Good anchorage control ensures that the teeth pends on patient compliance and the pre-existing dental
can move predictably. Accordingly, various techniques condition. The use of mini-implants to obtain absolute
have been developed to obtain good anchorage, such as anchorage has recently become very popular in clinical
the multi-bracket appliance, headgear, and chin cap.1 orthodontic approaches and has had promising re-
sults.2-8 In our department mini-implants for orthodontic
Received from the Department of Stomatology, Taipei Veterans
anchorage have been used since 2001. Compared with
General Hospital, and School of Dentistry, National Yang-Ming
miniplates, mini-implants are less expensive, they are
University, Taipei, Taiwan.
small enough for placement at any surface of the alveo-
*Attending Physician, Section of Orthodontics and Pediatric Den-
lar process, and techniques for manipulation are rela-
tively simple. To obtain desirable anchorage, the stabil-
†Division Chief, Section of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry.
ity of mini-implants is a prerequisite. The purpose of this
‡Attending Physician, Section of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
study was to investigate factors relating to the clinical
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Wu: Section
failure of mini-implants in our patient cohort.
of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Stomatology,
Taipei Veterans General Hospital, and School of Dentistry, National Patients and Methods
Yang-Ming University, No. 201, Sec. 2, Shipai Road, Beitou District,
Taipei City, 112 17, Taiwan; e-mail: STUDY POPULATION
© 2009 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons From January 2001 to December 2006, 166 patients
0278-2391/09/6708-0004$36.00/0 (35 male patients and 131 female patients; mean age,
doi:10.1016/j.joms.2009.04.015 26.5 ⫾ 8.9 years) who had received mini-implants


(total number, 414) for orthodontic anchorage at the tion, was usually necessary because of their smaller
Section of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, Tai- diameters and higher titanium alloy content. Initial
pei Veterans General Hospital (Taipei, Taiwan) were stability was checked, and a form used to record
enrolled in this study. Among these patients, 4 types screw types was filled out by the surgeon. The pa-
of mini-implants were used: type A (MIA, Absoanchor; tients were given instructions for postoperative care,
Detos Co, Daegu, South Korea) (n ⫽ 339; diameter of and antibiotics were prescribed (500 mg amoxicillin 4
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, or 1.7 mm; length of 7, 8, or 10 times daily for 3 days). Orthodontic loading was applied
mm); type B (Lomas; Mondel Medical System GmbH, 1 to 2 weeks later.
Tuttlingen, Germany) (n ⫽ 36; diameter of 1.5 or 2.0
mm; length of 11 or 13 mm); type C (A1; Bio-ray, CLINICAL VARIABLES
Syntec Scientific Co, Chang Hua, Taiwan) (n ⫽ 20; To assess possible factors that could affect the clin-
diameter of 1.5 or 2.0 mm; length of 10 or 12 mm); ical success of mini-implants, 8 clinical variables were
and type D microimplants (microscrew; Mondel Med- collected for analysis. The variables in this study were
ical System GmbH) (n ⫽ 19; diameter of 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, divided into 2 categories: host-related factors and im-
or 2.0 mm; length of 12 or 13 mm). Type A, B, and C plant-related factors. Host-related factors were age,
mini-implants all possess a special screwhead design gender, and anatomic details such as the recipient jaw
for hooking orthodontic appliances, whereas the type (maxilla or mandible), side, and sites of implant place-
D microimplants, which were originally designed for ment. Implant-related factors included type, length,
orthopedic purposes in the maxillofacial region, and diameter of the mini-implants. To assess the in-
lacked this special attachment (Fig 1). Therefore type fluence of bone density and thickness of cortical bone
D mini-implants were discontinued for orthodontic on success, the recipient sites were divided into 4
anchorage starting in 2004. groups: 1) interdental area (buccal alveolar bone be-
tween teeth), 2) palatal area, 3) edentulous area, and
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE 4) retromolar area (Fig 2).
Informed consent was obtained from patients be- Mini-implants that were maintained in the bone for
fore surgery. All surgical procedures were performed more than 6 months without obvious mobility and that
by the senior oral surgeon. After local anesthesia, a were capable of sustaining the function of anchorage
small vertical mucoperiosteal stab incision (3-4 mm) were considered successes. If the mini-implants loos-
was made on the attached gingivae to expose the ened during treatment within 6 months or fractured
underlying cortical bone. The mini-implant was during insertion, they were considered failures.
tapped into the cortical bone directly with a handheld
screwdriver. In the placement of type A and D mini- STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
implants, additional pilot hole preparation, by drilling The overall success rate and the success rates for
through the cortical bone with a twist drill at 1,000 different clinical variables were calculated. To deter-
rpm under continuous normal saline solution irriga- mine contributions of continuous data (implant diam-
eter and length) to the level of success, a Student t test
was used. To evaluate clinical success stratified by
different categorical variables, either the ␹2 or Fisher
exact test was performed. The differences between
values were considered significant when a 2-tailed
P value was less than .05. Statistical analysis was
performed with SPSS software, version 15.0 (SPSS,
Chicago, IL).

The overall failure rate was 10.1% for mini-implants
(42 of 414 screws) with orthodontic force loading for
more than 6 months. The main reason for implant
failure was screw loosening that had usually occurred
FIGURE 1. Four types of mini-implants were used in this study: type within the first 2 weeks (data not shown).
A (Absoanchor) (diameter, 1.4 mm; length, 10 mm); type B (Mon- The failure rate was not significantly affected by age
deal) (diameter, 2.0 mm; length, 13 mm); type C (Bio-ray) (diam-
eter, 2.0 mm; length, 10 mm); and type D (microscrew; Mondeal)
or gender, although the failure rate for younger ages
(diameter, 1.5 mm; length, 13 mm). was higher (Table 1). Regarding anatomic factors, the
Wu, Kuang, and Wu. Mini-Implant Stability. J Oral Maxillofac left side had a significantly lower failure rate than the
Surg 2009. right side (6.7% vs 13.9%, P ⫽ .019) but no difference

FIGURE 2. Sites of screw implant placement (arrows). A, Interdental area between mandibular second premolar and first molar. B, Maxillary
palatal alveolar bone. C, Edentulous ridge of first molar. D, Retromolar area distobuccal to second molar.
Wu, Kuang, and Wu. Mini-Implant Stability. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2009.

was found for the sites of mini-implant placement cause of its efficiency and simplicity. In our study the
(Table 1). Diameter and length did not appear to total failure rate was 10.1%, which was quite similar
contribute to mini-implant failure (P ⫽ .707 and P ⫽ to other studies showing the high reliability of mini-
.356, respectively) (Table 2). However, the difference implants for orthodontic anchorage.9-11
in failure rate between the maxilla and mandible was In this study we found that diameter and length
significant when the implant diameter was equal to or were not factors associated with mini-implant failure.
less than 1.4 mm (8.4% and 16.3%, respectively; P ⫽ However, the impact of diameter on mini-implant
.036) (Table 3). Although the opposite result was failure was relevant when considering the jaw in
found for an implant diameter larger than 1.4 mm, which the implant was inserted. The data showed a
this finding was not statistically significant (13.2% for lower failure rate in the maxilla when the implant
maxilla vs 2.7% for mandible, P ⫽ .085). diameters were equal to or less than 1.4 mm. The
The failure rates for each type of mini-implant were different biological adaptation mechanisms of jaw
as follows: 10.6% for type A, 2.8% for type B, 20.0% bone during or after mini-implant insertion may be
for type C, and 5.3% for type D. Although type C responsible. A predrilling process was performed rou-
mini-implants had a higher failure rate than the other tinely for these smaller-diameter mini-implants. Heat
types, the differences were not statistically significant is always generated during the drilling process, which
(Table 1). may lead to osteonecrosis.12-14 When the factor of
Mini-implants for orthodontic anchorage have been drilling speed is controlled for, a greater drilling time
used in our department since 2001. We also evaluated will produce higher bone temperature, which is det-
experience-related factors by analyzing the failure rimental to bone healing.14,15 This might happen
rate in terms of yearly trends. The initial failure rate when performing pilot hole preparation over the
was as high as 25% in the first few years but progres- mandible because a greater drilling time is needed
sively declined to 7.9% in 2006 (Fig 3). because of its cortical bone, which is thicker on
average.15,16 When one takes basic physiology into
consideration, the process of drilling and implant
placement may create stress and heat on the bone,
Anchorage control is important in orthodontic with microcrack formation,17 and microdamage can
treatment. A reliable anchorage source eliminates stimulate bone modeling or remodeling in the bone
unwanted tooth movement. The use of mini-implants that supports the implant.18 In the maxilla bone re-
to obtain absolute anchorage has gained attention sponds to increased strain through processes result-
among contemporary orthodontic practitioners be- ing in modeling, which increased bone volume.19

Unlike the maxilla, the mandible dissipates the strain Table 2. IMPACT OF DIAMETER AND LENGTH ON
more readily because of its thick cortical bone. Hence CLINICAL SUCCESS OF MINI-IMPLANTS
a remodeling response is evoked instead of a model-
ing response in the mandible. This remodeling re- Clinical Failure No. of
Variable Rate (%) Failure/Total No. P Value
sponse may increase bone porosity and decrease the
strength of the supporting bone.20 This could possi- Diameter .707 (NS)
bly lead to the ultimate failure of the mini-implants in 1.1 mm 5.5 3/55
the mandible. From a clinical view, the increased 1.2 mm 13.9 22/158
1.3 mm 8.8 8/91
cortical bone thickness may cause fracture of mini- 1.4 mm 11.1 1/9
implants with a small diameter. We also noted that 1.5 mm 0 0/17
there was a trend toward more mini-implant failures 1.7 mm 8.7 2/23
in the maxilla when diameters were larger than 1.4 2.0 mm 9.8 6/61
mm. A possible explanation is that mini-implants with Length .356 (NS)
7.0 mm 0 0/2
diameters larger than 1.4 mm were usually placed at a 8.0 mm 13.2 5/38
higher level without keratinized tissue rather than in 10.0 mm 10.5 32/304
the inter-radicular area. According to a recent study, 11.0 mm 0 0/18
nonkeratinized mucosa was a risk factor for mini- 12.0 mm 18.2 4/22
implant failure10; a mini-implant placed in an area of 13.0 mm 3.8 1/26
14.0 mm 0 0/2
movable mucosa might have a higher risk of food 15.0 mm 0 0/2
impaction, which could result in inflammation and
loosening of the mini-implant. On the basis of our For univariate analysis of continuous variables, the Stu-
dent t test was used.
study, implant diameters equal to or less than 1.4 mm Abbreviation: NS, not significant (P ⬎ .05).
are recommended for orthodontic anchorage in the
Wu, Kuang, and Wu. Mini-Implant Stability. J Oral Maxillofac
Surg 2009.


maxilla whereas the choice of diameter should be
Failure No. of Failures/ P larger than 1.4 mm in the mandible.
Clinical Variables Rate (%) Total No. Value Although there was not a significant difference in
failure rates between sites of implantation, the failure
Gender .67
Male 8.9 7/79 rate appeared to be higher in the mandible (12.6%
Female 10.4 35/335 [17/135]) than in the maxilla (9.3% [25/268]). Corre-
Age .48 spondingly, a recent study by Park et al11 on 227
⬍20 yr 13.5 17/126 screw implants showed a higher failure rate in the
20-25 yr 9.7 11/113
mandible (13.6% for the mandible and 4% for the
25-30 yr 8.2 7/85
⬎30 yr 7.8 7/90 maxilla). However, a similar study by Miyawaki et al9
Side of placement .019* did not show a significant difference between the
Right 13.9 79/209 maxilla (15.9%) and mandible (16.4%). The different
Left 6.7 13/194 outcomes of these studies might be because of di-
Site of placement .133
verse diameter selection and different placement pro-
Interdental 9.7 38/393
Palatal 0 0/11 cedures.
Edentulous 30.8 4/13
Retromolar 0 0/1
Type of screw .194
C (A1) 20 4/20
D (Mondeal) 5.3 1/19 Failure Rate P
Recipient jaw (excluding Maxilla Mandible Value
palate) .311
Maxilla 9.3 25/268 Diameter ⱕ1.4
Mandible 12.6 17/135 mm (n ⫽ 313) 8.4% (18/215) 16.3% (16/98) .036*
Diameter ⬎1.4
For univariate analysis of categorical variables, either the mm (n ⫽ 90) 13.2% (7/53) 2.7% (1/37) .085
Fisher exact test or ␹2 test was used.
*Statistically significant (P ⬍ .05). *Statistically significant (P ⬍ .05).
Wu, Kuang, and Wu. Mini-Implant Stability. J Oral Maxillofac Wu, Kuang, and Wu. Mini-Implant Stability. J Oral Maxillofac
Surg 2009. Surg 2009.

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