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A Complete Guide

How to grow on Twitter

I grew from 0 → 50k on Twitter
in 8 months
In this guide, I'll share all the secrets I've learned along the way

What you will learn
Everything you need to know about Twitter growth

• Branding your profile to increase follower conversion

• Designing an effective content strategy

• How to ideate and create high quality content efficiently

• Strategies to boost your following (real tactics, no dodgy apps)

• How to befriend the algorithm

• Tools for Twitter creators

+ a lot more
Growth Hacks Reply Strategy Engaging with large accounts

Profile Branding Analytics What is "good" content?

Content Templates Engagement Tactics Good vs bad followers

Content Strategy Engagement Tactics The Algorithm Game

Starting from scratch Content Frequency Best Tools

An Important Question • Grow your reputation

Why? • Share your knowledge or journey

• Find leads for your business

Why do you want to grow a • Network
following on Twitter?
• Document your knowledge

• Monetize

Unpopular Opinion

Monetization should not be

your primary goal.
It might lead you to make tradeoffs where you compromise on growth
or get demotivated because of the long journey ahead.

Monetization is a side-effect that will come naturally if you

achieve growth

Determine how you want to be known.

Focus on what value you will provide

Your brand should appeal to your target


Designing your brand

What is your content niche?

What can you write about well?

What do you enjoy writing about?

Who is your target audience?

What does your audience care about?

What is your goal?

Designing your brand

An ideal content brand is

Unique Authentic Useful Memorable

Try to differentiate Do NOT write about Your writing needs to Your branding and
yourself from other something you don't be useful to the reader content should be
creators. know or care about. or evoke a feeling. something people
Specific knowledge can People can smell It could be informative,
help you differentiate. through BS and you entertaining,
won't be able to write educational, creative,
Going super-niche is good content inspiring, etc
one way to differentiate. consistently.

You get 9 elements on your profile to
show off your branding.

Profile Picture 9 opportunities to convince

Cover Picture someone to follow you.

Location Make them all count.


Pinned Tweet

Social Proof @shivsakhuja

Twitter Bio

Good Examples

Your bio needs to explain one or both of the following:

• What value do you provide your followers

• Who you are and why you are credible

Your cover is an opportunity to creatively
explain what your account is about.

An example:

Can be subtle Or explicit

Pro Tip
You can use

Profile Photo to add a

ring around the photo
that fills in based on your
follower count - it makes

Try to make yours unique or stand out. it more interesting and

people are more likely to

If it’s a headshot, you could try:

• adding a colored background like me @shivsakhuja
• using a really professional shot like thejustinwelsh
• using a cartoonized version like @heyeaslo / @dickiebush

Don’t use random NFT images that don’t belong to you.

Use the location section to be more creative and share
something interesting.

Anything that tells the audience a little more about you to

get them interested in following.


Personal Website YouTube Instagram

If you have multiple links, linktree can be a good solution.

Pinned Tweet
This could be:

Your pinned tweet should highlight A post linking to all your best pieces
your best work to your potential of content.
A sample of your best work
You want to make a good
impression. Something that is representative of
what your audience will see when they
follow you

Social Proof
When big accounts follow you, your potential audience sees that
as validation that you are worth following.

punk6529, thedefiedge, cdixon, Route2FI and 245 others

you follow follow shivsak

"If I see @thedefiedge following someone, I’m much more likely to follow too
since he follows only a few people and I’m interested in similar topics as he is."

Becoming a Content Creator
Now that your branding is on point, let's turn you into a content creator.

What is good content?
Good content:

helps your audience meaningfully Don’t write about content that is too far
off-brand just for engagement.
is true to your brand (Don’t sell your soul for engagement)

Pillars of Content Creation
There are 4 pillars to succeeding as a content creator:

Audience- Engagement
Quality (10x) Quantity
Content Fit with Audience
I’m an engineer, so I tried to think of the
content game as a function.

Inputs Outputs

audience fit

Content Strategy
Define a concrete content strategy.

This should be a guiding light for your content creation.

Your content strategy plan should define:

1. Content Buckets

2. Super Content

3. Satellite Content

4. Regular Content

5. Frequency
Create Content Buckets
For example, your buckets might be:
02 03 04
Explainers of Investing
Industry Personal
complicated Psychology
topics News Stories

Then find the right frequency for each bucket to fit your brand identity.

2. Invest in Super Content
Sometimes you want to really invest in a piece of content, and go all
out to make it phenomenal.

This is your SUPER content. A lot of your followers will come from your
super content.

I got 6000+ followers I got 8000+ followers

from my post about "The from my post: "Where is
Future of NFTs" the money coming from"

3. Core Content + Satellite Content
Your content strategy consists of 3 types:

Core Satellite Regular

Content Content Content

Satellite Content

When you create your core super

content, create other satellite
content that feeds back into your
Core core content.
@thejustinwelsh wrote
a great article about this

Why you should create

Satellite Content

1 Continued Engagement
in the following weeks and months even after the initial wave dies out. (24-48 hours)
You've already done the work.

2 You've already done the hard part

For super-threads, you'll put in many hours of work. But much of the research won't
make it to your final thread.

You've already done the work for many pieces of content. It’s often a good idea to
create follow-up pieces to your super content that your audience can dive deeper into.

Think of it like a business
Customers → Readers Product → Content $ → Attention

Create More Products →$

Create Better Products → $$$$

Differentiate → $$
Regular Content
Every piece of content you put out can’t be super content.
I can create 1 or 2 truly SUPER But that doesn’t mean you can’t post other
pieces of content a month. content. And that other content doesn’t
And it takes a lot of effort. have to suck. It can still be REALLY good.

Your bread and butter is the content you post regularly.

It should take less time than the super content &

should be sustainable for you to create consistently

Regularly Posting Top-Quality Content is

your best chance of growing your following.

5. Frequency

They say you should post 3-5 tweets per day and 1 thread per week.

I say make every post count.

Here's what I do for ideas

I do a weekly braindump of ideas.

I throw all ideas I come up with,

good or bad into my notes.
The goal is to find topics your
audience or target audience is
interested in it and that you can
write about really well. Create notes as I read or hear
interesting things through the week

After many months of this, I've gotten to a place

where everything I read about gives me content ideas.

Find good brainfood to inspire you.
What you consume determines what comes out of you

What is "good" brainfood

Not meant to give you copy-pasta ideas

Good brainfood should expose you to unique ideas

so you can connect the dots for your audience

My News & Stories

Economics, Finance & Markets

Innovation & Tech

Psychology & Marketing

Design, photography, & illustration
Strategy games like Poker & Chess
Blogs ...

Content Ideas
Some examples to inspire you

1. Do original content
with visuals.

2. Do a thought experiment, and

share your process or your idea.

Take an interesting piece of

content, and offer a different
take, a fresh perspective,
and/or additional insights.

Share your creative work
(designs, animations, etc)

Share a story or
personal anecdote.

This can be really powerful to

connect with your audience.

6. Share your failures.

Make sure your content is
unique and authentic to you.
Don’t pretend to be someone else.
Go for authentic you (the best parts).
People can see through bullshit.

Ultimately, you need to put
out original, high-quality
content frequently that your
audience cares about.
Simple, but difficult.

Quality REALLY matters.
If your content is high quality, then you get:

more likes
Quality has a massive
more retweets
multiplier effect for all
aspects of growth.
more engagement

more readers converting to followers

more opportunities coming your way

Content Quality Tips

Give > Ask
The majority of your content should be focused on
GIVING value, not asking users to sign up.

You can ask people to sign up, subscribe, etc, but making
sure your give : ask ratio is heavily skewed towards giving.

What makes a high-quality post?

Unique and interesting Well-structured

Copy-pasta content won't get you far. Your threads overall structure is very
There's little incentive to follow important. Your threads should tell a story
someone who's posting content I've and capture the audience till the end. People
already read 5 times before. won’t retweet a post if they got bored a third
of the way through.


Do Don't
Write concisely and clearly. Go on tangents
Stick to the story. Keep the
Edit aggressively story continuous.
Every sentence should be
necessary for your post. Overcomplicate

Minimize fluff Use fancy words

You're not writing a book. You're You don’t get points for big
competing for attention. Don't words. Instead, you get your
lose the audience with fluff. audience feeling stupid.

Make threads skimmable
People may only care about the latter
Well-formatted half of your thread. Make it easy to
find what they care about.

Nothing scares away Short paragraphs

Avoid writing paragraphs that are
readers like dense more than 2-3 lines.
Try to avoid continuation tweets
walls of text. where a sentence spills over into
the next tweet
Use bullet points and headings as

Use Grammarly to improve
your writing.
Poor grammar, typos, mistakes, etc are a flow
disruptors because people will re-read sentences.

It might also make people question your credibility

(perhaps unfairly).

The language is a tool (just like memes)

Mastering the tool can help you master the game

Don’t share links
People don’t click on external links a lot because it disrupts their flow.

You’re competing for attention, and it’s priced in time.

It’s easier/faster to expand a thread than to click on an external link.

External Low Fewer

Links engagement impressions

News Websites
A classic example @nytimes The NYTimes has over 54
MILLION followers, and they ONLY got
129 likes on this post after 24+ hours.

They have a 1000 times as many followers

as I do, and yet my last post got over 400
likes in the same period of time.

Maybe the @nytimes could learn

a thing or two from this!

You can still share links, but that should
not be the primary part of your content

Engagement = Likes, Retweets,
Comments, Clicks

Dirty Engagement
Some posts get you cheap engagement. Don't abuse this

1. Which coin will 100x in 2022?

This kind of question is an open invitation for shillers to

attack the comments section.

You probably won’t get any meaningful discussion in the

comments, but you will get impressions and you might
spot a trend.

I don't recommend using this much though - you're not

adding any value for anyone.
Some people like to use dirty engagement a lot as filler
content, so they are always getting impressions. I prefer not to,
though I will occasionally ask questions about something I’m
interested in polling my audience on.

If you want to use these, I’d recommend at least asking

interesting questions to stand out and using them sparingly to
not become known as a spammy engagement farming account.

Engagement Tip

Ask meaningful questions that

others aren’t asking

The right way to get followers on Twitter

1 2 3 4
Quality content Consistency Engagement Branding

Good Followers Bad Followers

Bad ways to get followers

Follow for Mass follow Engagement Buying Giveaways

follow / unfollow spam followers

These methods bring in lower-quality followers.

These followers are not high-value accounts who will engage with you or have lots of followers.

The best followers are large accounts (10k+) who engage with
your content and have a similar target audience as you.

When these followers like / retweet your posts., you get

Tens of thousands of impressions

Engagement rate goes up

If the quality is good.

Don’t hesitate to DM people
you want to connect with
Many large accounts have open DMs and reply to everyone

But don't be spammy or Twitter will flag your account

The Algorithm
can be your best friend or your
worst enemy

The Algorithm

No one truly knows how the algorithm works.

But I have learned some tricks from analyzing

my own data and experiences. It might help
you play the algorithm game better.

Here are some things I believe to be true:

Most content has a shelf life of 24-48 hours. After which engagement
drops massively.

I’ve consistently seen this on my posts using

Retweets are much more powerful than likes.
Especially if they come from a creator with a genuine
following and the right audience for your content.

People offer me hundreds of $ just to retweet their content

I don’t do it because I don't want to lose the trust of my audience

But likes are also valuable because

1. It signals to the algorithm that people enjoyed the post.

2. “shivsak liked your post” also (sometimes) shows

up in the feeds of shivsak's followers.

Mentioning other creators in a relevant
way is helpful to get noticed by them
(since it shows up in the mentions section of their notifications)

One way to do this is to include a relevant tweet from them in your threads

Autoretweet your content after
12 hours to reach your audience
in other timezones

Schedule your posts to be retweeted
after a few weeks or months to resurface to new followers.

These will never do as well as your fresh, original content

but every little bit counts, and sometimes it gets
noticed by a large account weeks later and you could
get a nice boost.

How to start if you have few followers?
You spend 5 hours researching and writing a thread - a masterpiece,
some might call it.

You hit the button to publish your tweet.

*cricket sounds.*

Turns out your 86 followers don’t care about .

You get 2 likes and 0 retweets in 24 hours.

Demoralized, you give up.. Sound familiar?

Days or weeks of writing long threads and getting almost no
engagement could make anyone want to give up.

1. Figure out what’s working / not working, and double down on what is.

2. Engage with others in your niche - add value to them.

3. Try to boost your following.

Boosting Hacks
Build relationships with Add targeted value
large accounts to large accounts

I heard this awesome podcast on

by replying, DM-ing, @RealVision with 6529 and @RaoulGMI
engaging and answering
I made some notes and
questions or adding
created a mindmap out of it.
valuable insights on their
@RealVision and other large accounts
retweeted it, bringing tens of thousands
of impressions to my post.

Don’t create content only to get
retweets from large accounts.

Your content should be valuable enough that a lot

of people find it interesting and engage with it.

Retweets will get you more impressions, but they

won’t help much if no one engages with your
content or follows you.

Here's an example!

Reply Strategy

Add value in replies to Big Accounts

For big accounts, tweets can have millions of impressions

Suppose only 1% of people see the comments
If you can get to the top of the comments, you can easily get 10k+ impressions.

This is a great way to grow a small account...

but there’s a right way and a wrong way.
How do you reply the RIGHT way?
Whatever you share must be contextually relevant to the original post.

You don’t want to spam your favorite big accounts, you

want to add value to their posts by doing one of these:

Share interesting thoughts on the topic

Share relevant insights
Share a relevant meme
Ask a relevant question to start a
meaningful discussion The key word: relevant

Every tweet you post helps
shapes your brand identity
Make sure you're not going too far off
brand just to get follower boosts

Analytics help you measure what
the market is voting for.

I got over 12.5M+ impressions in a 125

60 day period from May-June.


4.4M of those came in just 3

days from my best post. 75

That post alone did 2M impressions itself and added

another 2M impressions for my embedded tweets.

And I had only 24k followers at the time. 25

This tells me that it’s worth investing the time to create

SUPER content that has a high likelihood of doing really well. 0
May June

What analytics do I track?
I use to track these numbers

Followers per day Like Rate

Likes / Impressions
This helps you compare how well posts
are doing.
How many times people saw your
Retweet Rate

Engagement Rate Profile Click Rate

Engagement / Impressions
Engagement is when people interact with your Look at the rates not the raw numbers.
content (like, click, see comments, click on profile, etc)

You can find analytics in a
few places:

There’s an analytics button under each tweet that shows

you the tweet’s statistics. (official Twitter Analytics page) by @tdinh_me
Black Magic for Analytics Advanced Twitter Search

Social Blade for seeing other

Typefully for Writing Threads
creator’s growth and drivers

Twemex for fast, advanced Hypefury to schedule tweets

search and finding the best Especially useful for short filler
threads by other people content


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