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Student Name: Aneesh UID:21CDO1056

Branch: CSE(DevOps) Section/Group: 21BCD-1(A)

Semester: 3rd Date of Performance:14-9-22
Subject Name: Operating System Subject Code: 21-CSH-242

Aim: To Study basic Linux commands.

Theory: Linux is an Open-Source Operating System based on Unix .It is used in the following
ways: Server OS for web servers, database servers, file servers, email servers and any other type
of shared server. Designed to support high-volume and multithreading applications, Linux is
well-suited for all types of server applications.
Desktop OS for personal productivity computing.
Screen Shot:

ls: List the contents of the folder from which it runs.
mkdir: command create a new directory. cat: It is used to create a file with content and can
concatenate two or more file
2. touch: It is used to create file without content. cp: It is used copies a file from one

location to another location.

cd: It is used for changing the directory. mv: It is used command moves a file from

one location to another location.

3. Whereis: It is usedto locate the Sources and Manual Pages of the command.

Whatis: It is helpful to get brief information about Linux commands.

Which: It is used to locate executables in the system.

4. man: It provides online documentation for all the possible options with a command and
its usages.
5. Info: It provides online documentation for all the commands but in a better structured way.
6. whoami: It is used to find out the current user of the terminal. bc: It means the basic

calculator, used for the basic calculations.

grep: It searches the given file for lines containing a match to the given strings or words.

head: It prints the first 10 lines of the given file. tail: It prints the last 10

lines of the given file.

7. tac: It prints content of the given file in reverse order.

echo: It used to prints a text on the standard output. df: Report disk usages of file


du: Estimate files space usage.

8. ps: Process gives the running status of processes with a unique Id.

uname: The “uname” command stands for Unix Name, print detailed information about the
machine name, Operating System and Kernel.

sudo: It allows a permitted user to execute a command as the super user or another user.

su: It is used to run shell with substitute user and group IDs. date: It print the current date

and time standard .

cal: It is used to display calendar of the present month or any other month.

Clear: It is used to clear the screen.

9. history: It prints the history of long list of executed commands in terminal.

Learning outcomes (What I have learnt):

1. How to use terminal in Ubuntu.

2. what are commands in Ubuntu.

Evaluation Grid (Created as per the Assessment Model):
Sr. No. Parameters Marks Obtained Maximum Marks
1. Worksheet 8
2. Conduct of 12
3. Quiz/Viva Voce 10
Total 30

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