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Nama : Dennis Dwi Septiyanto

Kelas : 1ba03

Npm. : 22230081

Klarifikasikan jenis pronoun pada artikel, list masing masing lengkap kalimat &
jenis pronoun nya.

1. Right down to the ring tone on your cell phone

Your : possesive adjective
2. Wanda`s mother interrups her fantasy
Her : possesive adjective
3. Who announce their candidaces for student
Their : pssesive adjective
4. Ty explain why he should be elected
He : subject pronoun
5. Wont give him the time of day
Him : personal pronoun, third person
6. She very interested
She : subject pronoun
7. She cant do anything right
She : subject pronoun
8. Wanda stands up for herself
Herself : reflextive pronoun
9. He gloats over his victory
His : possesive adjective
10. She tells him
She : subject pronoun
Him : pesonal pronoun, third person
11. Talk about their problem
Their : possesive adjective
12. She tell wanda
She : subject pronoun
13. His buddies snap photos
His : possesive adjective
14. Touches the birthmark on her cheek
Her : possevie adjective
15. She sees that
She : subject pronoun
16. They pressure ty to admit
They : subject pronoun
17. Tys house to get her story
Her : possesive adjectove
18. He is shocked
He : subject pronoun

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