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THEO Parables that refer to the future coming of the


▪ Comes from the Greek word “Parabole” The Parable of the Ten Virgins (Mt. 25:1-13)
▪ It is an allegory or a story that uses symbols and
Major Themes of the Parables
illustrations familiar to the listeners and aims
to give special message to its recipients. ▪ God’s loving mercy is at the heart of the Good
Parables in the Old Testament ▪ Everyone is called to enter the Kingdom;
▪ Ez. 24:3-14. The Parable of the Corroded ▪ The Kingdom demands our repentance;
Cooking Pot ▪ The Good News demands persevering
▪ Ez. 17:3-10. The Parable of the Two Eagles and response;
The Vine (Ez. 17:11-21. Explanation of the ▪ Rejoice and be hopeful.
▪ 2 Sam 12:1-4. Parable of Nathan for King David
(2 Sam 12:5-9 Explanation of the Parable)

Jesus’ use of Parables in His Teaching

Parables are short stories or tales that explain a certain
unknown reality through the use of images familiar to
the listener. It conveys a special message and deep
Jesus used parables to teach about the heavenly Father
and the things about heaven.
Jesus was a teacher; storytelling and symbols were the
best method in teaching about the Father, Son, and the
Holy Spirit.

Reasons why Jesus Spoke in Parables

▪ Because knowledge of the mysteries of the
Kingdom of heaven has been granted to the
Apostles but not to all the people (Mt. 13:11)
▪ Because the people have different interests in
life that “they look but do not see and hear but
do not listen or understand” (Mt. 13:13)
▪ Because the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled in
them (Mt. 13:14-15; Is. 6:9-10)

Types of Parables
Parables that describe the King (God), His nature, His
qualities, and His attitudes in dealing with people.

The Parable of the Lost Sheep (Lk. 15:4-7)

Parables that emphasize the king of response needed

to enter the Kingdom.

The Parable of the Rich Fool (Lk. 12:16-21)

Parables that deal with our relationship with other


The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Lk. 12:16-


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