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13/02/2023 10:30 Interview Warmup - Grow with Google

Background question 1/5

Can you please tell me a bit about yourself?

notes Your answer

Oh, hi. My name is William. I like to play soccer with my kids and I like to play the piano as well. And I really love
working computers. 1/3
13/02/2023 10:30 Interview Warmup - Grow with Google

Situational question 2/5

Imagine you've run into a challenge with an analysis and you aren't sure how to address it. What are some steps
you might take to seek help?

notes Your answer

Oh, wow. I tried to talk to my colleges and see if we can find the answer together.

Technical question 3/5

When would choose to use a programming language like R instead of spreadsheets or SQL?

notes Your answer

Well the best way to choose to use a programming language like is not so usual. You see the range, you know the
technology on it. So most of the technology are so specific with another language. For example, we can use
bison or C+. And then it's going to be much better than use spreadsheet. So that's why I'm just thinking so that's
the way to choose.

Situational question 4/5 2/3
13/02/2023 10:30 Interview Warmup - Grow with Google

Tell me about a time you had to deliver on multiple competing priorities. What did you do, and what were the

notes Your answer

Well, it's very hard. But first of all, we need to see what is urgent. And what is so important. So when you use this
you know when you classify urgent and And the importancy so you get the priority. So when I did that the result
was so amazing and we got these results better than the best way.

Background question 5/5

Tell me why you are interested in a role in data analytics. What is it that particularly interests you?

notes Your answer

Oh, you know I like mathematics and I like to do, you know just calculating stuff. That makes me happy. 3/3

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