CS 1104 Learning Journal Unit 2

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CS 1104 Learning Journal Unit 2

The basics of the number system that distinguishes between base 2 and base 10 were covered in
this week's lessons. We continued learning about base 2 and how to represent positive and
negative numbers. This is then followed by binary number addition and subtraction methods
employing circuits created using Unit 1's logic gates. It is the culmination of everything we
learned in lesson 1, but I can honestly say that I had a difficult time understanding the concepts
throughout that week. However, with lots of practice and study, it got better, and now I know
what I'm dealing with. I read my homework a lot since I want to comprehend addition and binary
minus approaches.

I am quite unfamiliar with this week's project, thus I am surprised by how long the research
paper is .Most concepts are as evasive and challenging as binary addition and subtraction. I
discovered that I didn't truly comprehend everything while completing the self-study
questionnaire, so I went back to the chapter that was suggested and made an effort to review and
practice more. Although challenging, I enjoyed the course since it piqued my interest in how
computer systems are constructed and made me want to learn more about it. Now I can readily
identify the differences between binary addition and decimal addition. Calculating 1 + 1 = 10 in
binary is a tremendously interesting learning curve. I also learned about "binary subtraction. “I
initially struggled with understanding it. but now I feel comfortable recognizing it. it's interesting
when learn how to get 1's complement of an original number by "inverting the bits “of the
original number. Then I just add a binary 1 to 1's complement to take 2 .'s complement.

The writing task is intriguing because Logisim is a simple, user-friendly tool for creating circuits.
I had to conduct more research for this from other sources, but after that everything was fine.
The task of creating a circuit for an alarm system that uses combinational logic is the most
intriguing. It was a new learning curve for me because I had to put in more effort to find out
more details about connecting two or more logic gates to produce a circuit. To make learning
more enjoyable, I created a circuit in a virtual setting. As a student at UoPeople, I have come to
the realization that the greatest way to learn is by doing it yourself. alone, reading, and creating
my own notes is very helpful as it changed my perspective as a learner. Practice more than very
useful especially when it comes to logic and understandable Basic knowledge of Boolean (1 and
0) functions is very important to learn basic knowledge of Information system

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