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English Subject

Subject Pronoun & Object Pronoun

Subject pronoun
• A subject pronoun is a personal pronoun that is
used as the subject of a verb.
• Berperan menggantikan subjek dan biasanya
ciri-ciri subjek (pelaku) berada di awal kalimat.
Singular Plural

1st person I We

2st person You You

3st person He, she, it They

• Yuni takes a bath because she wants to go to
• You seem lost.
Perhatikan pada kata she (dia).
Sebenarnya pada kata she itu adalah nama orang,
tetapi agar tidak berulang-ulang, maka
menggunakan kata ganti (pronoun), dan posisi kata
ganti itu adalah pada subjectnya. Makanya disebut
dengan subject pronoun.
Object pronoun
• An object pronoun is a personal pronoun that
is used typically as a grammatical object.
• Object pronoun terdiri dari 2, yaitu objek
langsung dan tidak langsung.
• Kata ganti bahasa pribadi dengan introgatif
memiliki bentuk objek :
• kata ganti benda tunggal
me, you, him, her
Kata ganti bahasa pribadi dengan introgatif
memiliki bentuk objek :

• Kata ganti benda tunggal : me, you, him, her

• Kata ganti benda jamak: us, you, them
• Kata ganti benda introgatif: whom, what
• Example Subject pronoun
Sinta : hey isti, do you like lemons?
Isti : yea, I really like them. And do you like rice?
Sinta : sure, I like it. And how about chicken?
Isti : yea, I like that too. Why do you ask me?
Sinta : I want to make lemon chicken for dinner
Isti : sound great!
• Object Pronoun
Isti : Do you know vinka?
Sinta : Sure, she’s in my class, I study with her.
Isti : Why?
Sinta : Oh, nothing. I want her to help me, that’s
Isti : I have his phone number. Call her!
Sinta : Ok, thanks!

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