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7 Ms.

Excel:Formulas and Functions 2010

QB Answer the following questions.

1 What do you mean by Formula? Explain with examples.

Ans A formula is an expression telling the computer what mathematical operation to perform
upon a specific value.
e.g. =SUM(B2:B4)
2 What certain rules of precedence that Excel follows?
Ans 1) Excel calculates expressions within parentheses ‘(‘,’)’ first.
2) Excel calculates multiplication and division before addition and subtraction.
3) Excel calculates consecutive operators with the same level of precedence from left to
3 What are the steps in conditional formatting?
Ans 1)Click Home tab
2) Locate the style group and Click on the downward arrow of conditional formatting.
When you click on Highlight cell rules this method will keep the cells “inactive” until the
values contain the specific rule you select.
You have the option to select: Greater than, Less than, Between, Equal To, Text that
contains, A data occurring and Duplicate values.
Once you have selected a rule a dialog box will appear where you may specify the
appropriate criteria.
4 What is cell reference?
Ans A cell reference refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be used in a
formula so that Microsoft Office Excel can find the values or data that you want that
formula to calculate.
5 Describe the rules to enter a function?
Ans To create a basic function in Excel:

Select the cell where the answer will appear (F15, for example). Type the equals sign (=),
then enter the function name (SUM, for example). Enter the cells for the argument inside
the parentheses. Press Enter and the result will appear.

8.Introduction to programming in JAVA

B.Explain the following term.

1 Portability: Portability means that the same bytecode program can run on any computer
system that has a Java interpreter. Also a source program can be compiled into
bytecodes on any computer that has a Java compiler.
2 Applet: An Applet is a Java bytecode program that runs on a Web browser. Most up-to-
date web browsers include a Java interpreter. A web page may contain an applet, which
means that part of what the page displays is controlled by Java bytecodes.
Applets are used for user interaction, graphics, and animation.
C. Answer the following questions.
1 First question is for Homework.
2 Describe what happens if, in, you omit.
1) main: Error: <identifier> expected
public static void(String args[])
2)String: Error: <identifier> expected
public static void main(args[])
3)System.out: Error: cannot find symbol println
symbol: method println(String)
location: class Area_r
4)println: Error: cannot find symbol System.out
symbol: method out(String)
location: class System
5)HelloWorld: Error: <identifier> expected class
3 Describe what happens if, in, you omit.
1)the; : Error: ;Expected
2)the first “: Error: not a statement ‘;’ expected
3)the second “: Error: Unclosed string literal
4)the first {: Error: ‘{‘ expected class
5)the second {: Error: class, interface/enum expected.
6)the first }: Error: reached end of file while parsing }
4 Describe what happens if, in, you misspell(by,say,omitting the
second letter)
1)main: error: can't find main(String[]) method in class: Helloworld
2)String: error: cannot find symbol
public static void main(Sring args[])
symbol: class Sring
location: class Helloworld
3)Helloworld: No Error,displays output
4)System.out: error:package Sstem does not exist Sstem.out.println
5)println: error: cannot find symbol System.out.pintln
symbol: method pintln(String)
location: variable out of type PrintStream

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