Earthquake Lesson Plan

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|| Lesson Plan-1 ||

Class: 7th Standard

Subject: English
Duration: 40 to 45 Minutes
Topic: A Terrible Earthquake
1. Student Learning Outcomes
1.1 General objectives:
At the end of this lesson students will be able:
• To use English effectively for study purpose across the curriculum.
• To analyse text pattern and identify the topic sentences and sporting details.
• To develop interest in and appreciation of literature.
• To understand meanings of unfamiliar word in the text.
1.2 Specific Objectives:
At the end of this lessons to students will be able:
• To understand the effect of natural disasters on life.
• To understand the usage of correct form of verbs.
• To know about the precautions taken during the earthquake.
• To develop a story with the help of graphic organisers.

2. Teaching Method:
• Discussion method
• Lecture method

3. Materials required:
• Board
• Chalk\marker
• Pictures
• Chart

4. Previous Knowledge:
• What are natural disasters?
• Have you ever read about a calamity?
5. Announcement The Topic:
Today we will discuss about the Terrible Earthquake and also know the about the precautions
taken during the earthquake.

6. Information For Teacher:

A natural disaster is a sudden overwhelming and unforeseen event. No two disaster are the
same, yet they all have similarities in human suffering and material loss. There are many natural
disasters that can imperial life and property. Some of them are volcanoes, earthquake, floods,
explosions and avalanches.
These are the results of national phenomenon and strike without warning. Some disaster are
more serve than others. Some can bring more damage to the earth life and property.

7. Introduction:
• What is an natural disaster?
• Which areas were affected by the earthquake of 2005?
• What took active part in the rescue work?

8. Presentation:
9. Development:
Activity 1: Discuss in your class how you would behave when some people are
trapped in disaster.
Activity 2: Discuss the five regulation for your school.
• What are they?
• Are they effective?
• would they work in case of emergency?
Activity 3: Discuss the information on first aid and it's importance in our daily life.
10. Conclusion:
This was the deadliest earthquake in the recent history of the subcontinent. According to
reports, more than 73,000 people died and almost 2.8 million people became homeless. It
effected the major town is Kashmir and it's surrounded areas.
Disaster management is best handled by the local community and volunteers that can play active
role in disaster management other communities like Police Department , fire department and also
the heavy granted gave by the international countries like USA.

11. Assessment:
• Which was the largest earthquake that struck Cortana in Kashmir in the 20th
• How can people be trained for disaster management?
• Do all disaster cause equal damage?

12. Follow up:

1. Find the meaning of these word;
• Deadliest
• Magnitude
• Overwhelming
• Remote
• Volunteers
2. You are left alone after a disaster. describe what happened and write about your feeling and
what you did.
|| Lesson Plan-2 ||

Class: 7th Standard

Subject: Science
Duration: 40 to 45 Minutes
Topic: Investigating the space
1. Student Learning Outcomes
1.1 General objectives:
At the end of this lesson students will be able:
• Explain the big bang theory of the origin of the universe.
• Evaluate the evidence that supports scientific theories of the origin of the universe.
• Describe a star using properties such as brightness and colour.
• Identify bodies in space that emit and reflect light.
• Suggest safety methods to use when observing the sun.
1.2 Specific Objectives:
At the end of this lessons to students will be able:
• Define the terms star, galaxy, milky way and the black holes.
• Explain the types of galaxies.
• Explain the birth and death of our sun.
• Identify major constellations visible at night in the sky.
• Describe the formation of black holes.
• Explain the working of a telescope.

2. Teaching Method:
• Inductive method
• Demonstration method

3. Materials required:
• Board
• Chalk\marker
• Pictures
• Galaxy pinwheel
4. Previous Knowledge:
• What is stars?
• Name the hottest plant on galaxy ?

5. Announcement The Topic:

In a clear night we see thousands of stars and other heavenly bodies twinkling in the sky.

In this chapter we shall learn about stars ✨, constellations, galaxy's and other astronomical

6. Information For Teacher:

According to scientists, the starting point of the universe was the Big Bang. According to the
Big Bang Theory, once the universe was packed into one giant fireball. Then a tremendous
explosion, the Big Bang scattered the matter of the universe into all directions.
• Stars are huge balls of glowing gases. Stars are very far away from us.
• The colour of a star is related to its temperature. Blue-coloured stars have higher
temperatures than yellow and red-coloured stars.
• Stars emit energy in the form of light and heat. The stars which emit greater amount of
energy look brighter than other stars.
• A galaxy is a large group of stars, nebulae, gases, dust and planets. Our solar system is
the part of Milky Way galaxy.
• A black hole is the last stage in the life of a massive star. A black hole is so dense that
nothing can escape from it.
• Scientists classify galaxies in three main types on the basis of shape. These are spiral
galaxies, elliptical galaxies and irregular galaxies.
• A star (the Sun) starts its life as a protostar in a nebula. Then it changes to a star. After
releasing its energy the star becomes a red giant and in the end a dwarf.
• A telescope is a device that is able to make a far away object appear very close. We can
see many more stars in the night sky with the help of a telescope.
• The Sun emits dangerous radiation. We must observe safety measures before viewing the

7. Introduction:
• An introduction to Big Bang Theory.
• What is Milky Way?
• Classification of the galaxies.
• The life of stars.
8. Presentation:

Classification of galaxies:
9. Development:
Activity 1: Model of an Expanding Universe
1. Cut out small circles from sticky labels. The circles will be the galaxies in your model.
2. Slowly blow up a balloon. Stop as soon as the balloon appears round. Hold the end of the
balloon to keep the air from escaping.
3. Have a classmate place the galaxies at various positions on the balloon. The balloon now
represents the universe and its galaxies.
4. Blow up the balloon until it is completely inflated. As you do, observe what happens to the
Activity 2: Make Oreo Moon Phases
These Oreo "Moons" show how the Moon looks from Earth during these

10. Conclusion:
According to Islam and other Ibrahamic religions, universe was created by
Allah Almighty. According do the Holy Quran, Allah Said (Kun) and the
universe was created (FayaKun).
But scientists have been presenting different theories of creation of the
universe from time to time. that we have been discussed in this chapter.
in addition we have discussed about the star galaxies Milky Way and star distance along with the
birth of star.
When our Sun will become a red giant, it may become so large that it will absorb Mercury and
Venus planets. The Earth would become extremely hot. All life on the Earth would be wiped off.

11. Assessment:
• How do scientists think the universe began?
• Are blue stars young or old? How can you tell?
• How do constellations differ from galaxies?
12. Follow up:
Given that there are more low-mass stars than high-mass stars in the universe, do you think
there are more dwarfs or more black holes? Explain.
|| Lesson Plan-3 ||

Class: 3rd
Subject: English
Duration: 40 to 45 Minutes
Topic: Saving Resources
1. Student Learning Outcomes
1.1 General objectives:
At the end of this lesson students will be able:
• To use re reading strategies to predict the content vocabulary from pictures.
• To recognise, articulate and use some formulaic expression to express needs and
• To apply critical thinking to interact what they follows in the text using content.
• To enhance the ability to speak in English with simple sentences.

1.2 Specific Objective:

At the end of this lesson students will be able:

• To help their students to Acquire knowledge of environmental degradation.
• To create awareness among the student on environmental problems and
• Create awareness and promoting environmental friendly lifestyle.
• To develop an ethic of respect and responsibility for the environment.
2. Teaching Method:
• Tutorial method

3. Materials required:
• Board
• Chalk\marker
• Pictures
• Chart
4. Previous Knowledge :
• What are the natural resources?
• why is it necessary to save natural resources?
• do you know drinking clean water is necessity for health?

5. Announcement Of The Topic:

Today we will discuss about the natural resources and how can we save our natural resources
from the wastage.
6. Information For Teacher:
Nature provide us with many gifts such as air, water, land, sunlights, minerals, plants and
animals. we need to conserve these resources. existence on earth would not have been possible
without any of these. It should be available to all in abundance. all these natural resources make
life worth living on earth. we cannot imagine life without any of these. many of the sources are
being used faster than they can be replaced. they use for these has increased cause of
• Waters while drinking from cooler at school.
• Check water leakage in the house and school.
• Unplug electronics not in use.
• Turn off unnecessary lights 🚥
7. Introduction:
• What are the natural resources?
• What are the initial precaution would take to save water
electricity and paper?
8. Presentation:
Saving resources:
Nature provide us with many gifts such as air, Water, land,
sunlight, animals, plant’s. We cannot imagine life without any of these.
the use for these has increased because of overpopulation and they
have wasted the most. it's time to understand and take some
precautions to have
undergone these
natural sources to
save for us for our
Water: Humans,
animals and plants,
all need water to
9. Development:
Divide students into three equal groups, naming them as water, electricity and
paper. each group will prepare as speech. you may take help from the given tips.
Activity -2 :
I should discussion on the topic off if you can change one thing in the world that
what will it be ?
10. Conclusion:
We almost spread awareness about conversation of natural resources. it can be achieved only
when people understand it's importance. they should know the methods to conserve water and
electricity and other natural resources. Besides, it is essential to grow more plants. we should
make every effort not to pollute air.
11. Assessment:
• How can we save wasting water?
• write two points to save electricity?
• what is paper made of?
• what causes environment pollution?
12. Follow up:
• Create a poster with the idea the school can bring about changes to conserve water
and electricity and paper.
|| Lesson Plan-4 ||

Class: 4th
Subject: Math
Duration: 40 to 45 Minutes
Topic: Factors and Multiple
1. Student Learning Outcomes
1.1 General objectives:
At the end of this lesson students will be able:
• To develop interest of student in mathematics.
• To develop observational skill amongst pupils.
• To acquaint Students with the use of math in daily life.
• To provide opportunity for development of continuous process.
1.2 Specific Objectives:
At the end of this lesson students will be able:
• To explain about the factors.
• To explain about the multiples.
• To solve the questions relating to factors and multiples.

2. Teaching Method:
• Problem Solving Method
• Inductive Method

3. Materials required:
• Board
• Chalk\marker
• Pictures
• Text book

4. Previous knowledge:
Ask the question to the students about:
• What are the Whole number and Prime Numbers?
5. Announcement Of The Topic:
In this chapter, we will learn about they Factors and Multiples , relationship between them.
Also know about their definition with example and the difference between them in detail.

6. Information For Teacher

• What Is a Factor?
A factor is a number that divides a bigger number completely without leaving any
• What Is a Multiple?
A multiple of a number is the resultant product when we multiply that number with
another natural number. You can observe multiples in multiplication tables.
• How to Find Out Factors/Multiples of a Given Number
1. To get a factor of a given number, you must determine another number that evenly
divides it.
2. To get a multiple of a given number, you multiply that number by another integer
Factors vs Multiples
Following are the key differences between factors and multiples:
Factors Multiples
1 Factors consist of a list of numbers, each of which can Multiples are the resultant products of a
divide a specific number without leaving a remainder. number when we multiply that number with
other natural numbers.
2 Factors of a number are limited. There is a minimum of Multiples are unlimited. Every number is a
two factors of every number, i.e. 1 and the number multiple of 0 and itself.
3 Factors are generally less than or equal to the given Multiples are greater than or equal to the
number. given number.
4 We use division to get the factors of a number. We use multiplication to get the multiples of
a number.

7. Introduction:
• Factors
• Multiplication ✖
➢ Prime numbers
➢ composite numbers
8. Presentation:
Activity 1: Ali wants to store 10 eggs in some baskets. How many baskets should Billy
have so that the eggs are divided evenly and no egg is left out?
Method 1: Factors by division
Step 1: Find all the numbers less than or equal to the
given number.

Step 2: Divide the given number by each of these

smaller numbers. Pick those numbers that divide the
given number completely. These divisors are the
factors of the given number.

In this example, the numbers less than or equal to 10

are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. When we divide 10
by these numbers, we observe that only 2, 5, and, 10
divide the number 10 without any remainder.

Therefore, these divisors are the factors of the number 10.

Method 2: Factors by multiplication

Write the given number as the product of two numbers in as many
possible ways as possible. The smaller numbers you get are the
factors of the given number.

For this example, we will write 10 as the product of two numbers

in multiple ways.

Thus, the factors of 10 are 1, 2, 5, and 10.

Conclusion: Ali should have 2, 5, or 10 baskets to divide the eggs evenly.

Activity 2: Aisha is preparing goodie bags for her friends. She

has to put two candies in each bag. Are 5 candies enough to
prepare three goodie bags?

Since we have 3 goodie bags, and we have to put 2 candies in

each, we must find out the first three multiples of 2 to get the

The first three multiples of 2 can be found by multiplying 2 by the first three natural numbers.

9. Conclusion: To prepare 3 goodie bags, we need 6 candies. Therefore, 5 candies will not be
enough to prepare three goodie bags.
10. Assessment:

• What factors of 36 are multiples of 4?

• Define factor ?

11. Follow up:

• Solve all the questions of exercise 4.3 in textbooks.

• Write three examples of factors by division methods.
|| Lesson Plan-5 ||

Class: 3rd
Subject: English
Duration: 40 to 45 Minutes
Topic: Healthy Habit
1. Student Learning Outcomes
1.1 General objectives:
At the end of this lesson students will be able:
• To develop their intellectual, personal and professional abilities.
• To develop positive attitude towards learning English.
• To practise class talk to learn for formulaic expressions for efficiency in speaking
• to utter tongue twister as a practise for fluency tone and pitch.
1.2 Specific Objectives:
• Knowledge
Students know about the various importance of good habits
• Understanding
➢ Students will be able to understand about the moral value.
• Creativity
➢ To enhance their imaginary skill
➢ To enable them to create their own skills.

2. Teaching Method:
• Discussion method
• Tutorial method
• Demonstration method
3. Material required:
• Board
• Chalk\marker
• Pictures
• Text book
• Chart
4. Previous Knowledge:
• How do you clean your room?
• What are your daily habits before coming to school?

5. Announcement of the topic:

Today we will learn about the good habits of your daily
So today discussion is about: washing your hands,
dreaming your nails, clean your teeth, Combing your hair.

6. Information For Teachers:

It’s important to start teaching your child healthy habits as early as possible. But rather than
simply telling your child how to take care of his body or how to keep himself safe, it’s essential
to teach your child the reason behind your rules.

If he grows up understanding why these habits are important—and they become like second-
nature—it can prevent power struggles. Here are eight healthy habits you should start teaching
your child when he’s a toddler:

• Wash Your Hands

• Cover Your Mouth
• Teach your child to put tissues and trash into the garbage can.
• Take Care of Your Teeth
• Protect Your Head
• Save Water
• Save Paper
• Move Your Body

7. Introduction:

• Reading poem we wash our hands with action.

• Add tell students how to keep your clean teeth with the story highlighted a frog
named wizard.
8. Presentation:

Activity-1: Group Activity- Make a list of actions we take every day

Activity-2: Do 10 Sit Stand during Class for the purpose of active and healthy day.

9. Conclusion :

If you do maintain a healthy lifestyle, there are many benefits, and not only for your body.
Some are maintaining a healthy weight, reducing risk of developing heart disease, increasing
energy levels, assisting a healthy immune system, and it helps you to be more social. Having a
healthy lifestyle is crucial for giving your body everything that it needs.

10. Assessment:

• Why should we eat fewer candies?

• how will we remain healthy by taking care of our teeth?

11. Follow Up:

After reading the story “The Toothy” Toad why do you think it's important to brush your
teeth? Write into three lines ..
|| Lesson Plan-6 ||

Class: 4th
Subject: Science
Duration: 40 to 45 Minutes
Topic: Force and Motion
1. Student Learning Outcomes
1.1 General objectives:
At the end of this lesson students will be able:
• To develop the interest of students in learning science
• To enable them to get knowledge contained in the class.
• To develop the abilities of imagination, reasoning, and observation.
• To provide students to acquire deep insight with facts and principle of physical science
1.2 Specific Objectives:
At the end of this lesson students will be able:
• To describe force and motion with example from daily life.
• Identify gravity as a force that draws object to earth.
• To investigate that friction works against the direction of motion.

2. Teaching Method:
• Heroustic Method
• Demonstration Method

3. Material Required:
• Board
• Chalk\marker
• Pictures
• Text book
• Plastic Bottle

4. Previous Knowledge:
• Define energy
• Different forms of energy?
5. Announcement the Topic:
Today we will learn about the force and motion. We surely discussed about the
• How can a toy car be moved?

6. Information For Teacher:

The act of pushing or pulling a body is called Force. Force is used to move or stop a body. For
example we either pull R dot awards us or push it away to open it. force can also change the
direction of motion for example applying for force ball with a cricket bat changed its direction
of motion.
An object change its position during a movement it's called Motion. Motion is a result of
applying force on a body so this process in which an object change its position is called motion.
you may have noticed that whatever is thrown upward it returns to the ground . Earth actually
pulls every object towards itself with a specific force, this specific forces called the Gravity Of

7. Introduction:
• What is force?
• What is motion?
• Explain the gravity of earth?
• Explain about the friction?
• Advantages and disadvantages of friction?
• Difference between simple machine and lever?

8. Presentation:
With the help of this charter we
can understand that the force has
change into herself in :
• Push
• Pull
• Magnetism
• Gravity
• Friction
Activity 1:
• Die a pencil to a piece of thread and hang it with ruler. Is gravity acting on the pencil
• now cut that thread. You see even that thread breaks the pencil falls to the ground.
• Explain the reason?
Conclusion: you may have noticed that the pencil is thrown upward it returned to the ground the
earth actually pulls every object toward itself with a specific force that's why it is called the
gravity of earth
Activity 2:
• Take a ruler, a pencil and a book.
• Place on end of the ruler under the book as shown in the
• Place the pencil under the ruler near the book. Apply
force on the other hand of the ruler to lift the book.
• What do you observe.?

9. Conclusion:
in this activity the pencil acts as the fulcrum while the book is the weight that can be easily lifted
with the help of force.

10. Assessment:
• How can we walk on earth?
• What is simple machine?
• Define lever with example??

11. Follow up:

• What is gravity? On which object does it act?
• Define friction? In which direction does it act?
• What is a machine? How does it work for us?
|| Lesson Plan-1 ||

Subject: Math
Duration: 40 to 45 Minutes
Topic: Measurement of Mass, Length and Gravity
1. Student Learning Outcomes
1.1 General objectives:
At the end of this lesson students will be able:
• To enable the student to solve mathematical problems of daily life.
• to develop thinking and reasoning power of student
• To give the child an insight into the relationship of different topics and branches of
1.2 specific objectives:
• To use standard metrics unit of length(kilometres, metre, end centimetre)
• To solve real life situation involving same units of Length for addition without
• To standard metric units of mass( kilogramme And gram)
• Solve real life situation involving same units of Mars for subtraction without

2. Teaching method:
• Inductive method
• demonstration method

3. Material required:
• textbook
• scale
• whiteboard
• marker

4. Previous knowledge:
• How can we measure an object?
5. Announcement of the topic:
In today lesson we will learn about the mass and length.
• how can we measure it?

6. Information For Teacher:

Mass: Mass is the amount of matter present in any physical object. Usually mass and weight
are two different terms as the weight gets affected by gravity. The mass of the object remains the
same whereas the weight of the object may change from one place to another. But for elementary
classes, we assume everything on the surface of the earth and the weight and mass of objects are
considered as similar things.
How to measure Mass?
There is various equipment available in the market to measure the mass of any object. For
example digital scales, spring scales, balance scales, kitchen scales and bathroom scales.
To perform calculations and conversions, it’s important to understand the relationship between
different units of mass.
• 1 gram (g) is equal to 1000th part of the kilogram. We can represent the same in an
expression like
• 1 kg = 1000 g
• Further 1 milligram is equal to 1000th part of a gram. So, the expression becomes
• 1 g = 1000 mg
Length is defined as the measurement
or extent of something from end to
end. In other words, it is the larger of KM TO M M TO CM CM TO MM
the two or the highest of three
dimensions of geometrical shapes or KM M M CM CM MM
objects. For example, a rectangle has
its dimensions as length and breadth.
1 1000 1 100 1 10
Length Conversion Table
The conversion of units from one unit 2 2000 2 200 2 20
to another is essential while solving
many problems to understand the
parameters. Below are the few 5 5000 10 1000 10 100
conversions which are basic and will
help in problem solving. 10 10000 50 5000 50 500

100 100000 100 10000 100 1000

7. Introduction:
• Instrument for measuring a mass
• Name the instruments for measuring length
• Mayor and record the length and height of the objects
• addition and subtraction of the length.

8. Presentation:
Arslan bought 4m and 70 cm cloth while Rizwan
bought 5m 20cm cloth. Find the total length of cloth
they bought?
Arslan’s cloth = 4m 70cm
Rizwan’s cloth= +5m 20cm
Total cloth = 9m 90cm
Thus, the total length of cloth was 9m 90cm
Activity one:
Measure the length and width of your classroom with the help of measure tape also right the
Activity 2 :
Find the total weight of bags of three children's.
which bag will have the greatest Mars mass among the bags?

9. Conclusion:
There is various equipment available in the market to measure the mass of any object. For
example digital scales, spring scales, balance scales, kitchen scales and bathroom scales.
To perform calculations and conversions, it’s important to understand the relationship between
different units of mass.

10. Assessment
• Name two instrument for measuring length
• state the metrics units of length
• Measure correctly the length breadth and height of object in the classroom.
• Record measurements correctly including unit.
11. Follow up:
|| Lesson Plan-1 ||

Subject: Science
Duration: 40 to 45 Minutes
Topic: Solar System
1. Student Learning Outcomes
1.1 General objectives:
At the end of this lesson students will be able:
• to develop skills of scientific inquiry to design and carry out scientific investigations and
evaluate scientific evidence to draw conclusions
• to encourage and enable students to develop inquiring minds and curiosity about science
and nature.
• to encourage and enable students to develop inquiring minds and curiosity about science
and nature
1.2 specific objectives:
• Describe the solar system and its planetary arrangement showing the position of the
earth in our solar system.
• Identify the sun as a source of heat and Light for the solar system
• Illustrate and explain how solar and lunar eclipse occur
• recognise that the earth has a moon that revolves around it.

2. Teaching method:
• Lecture Method
• Discussion Method
3. Material required:
• textbook
• scale
• whiteboard
• marker
4. Previous knowledge:
1. The students have learned the following concepts in the previous class:
2. We live on a heavenly body called the earth.
3. The shape of the earth is spherical.
4. The earth spins about its vertical axis which results in day and night.
5. The earth also moves around the sun known as its orbital motion.

5. Announcement of Topic:
We see many start at night on a clear sky. the sun is one of those medium sized stars. However, it
is much larger than the earth. have you ever thought what is inside the sun??
so today lesson we will learn and explore the inside of sun.

6. Information for teachers:

We know that the earth is a planet and the sun is a star. We also know that the earth goes around
the sun. The path of the earth around the sun is called its orbit. Earth is not the only planet
orbiting the sun. in fact, there are eight planets including the earth revolving around the sun in
almost the same plane but in different oval shaped orbits.
We can see the planets in the night sky. Unlike the stars, planets don`t give off their own light
but reflect the light of the sun.
• A few years ago, nine planets were considered to constitute the solar system. The so
called ninth planet “Pluto” is no longer
considered as a planet as it does not fit the
definition of planet.

7. Introduction:
• Why do stars shine?
• What is the difference between the sun and the planet?
• How are day and night made?
• Is our earth a star or a planet? Why?
• How many planets are there? Are they all of the same size?

8. Presentation:
Now tell them that the 8 planets along with their moons and the sun make the solar system.
Our earth is a part of the solar system.
• Mercury
• Venus

• Earth
• Mars
• Jupiter
• Saturn
• Uranus
• Neptune

Activity 1: Fix the unlabeled chart of the solar system.

Activity 2: Divide the class into groups of five each. Display a poster of the solar system.
• Each group brainstorms a list of facts they have learnt about the solar system.
• Ask each group to study the display and prepare a presentation about what they know of
the solar system.
• Ask each group to present.
• Discuss each group`s presentations
9. Conclusion:
The Solar System is the gravitationally bound system of the Sun and the objects that orbit it. It
formed 4.6 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of a giant interstellar molecular cloud.
The vast majority (99.86%) of the system's mass is in the Sun, with most of the remaining mass
contained in the planet Jupiter.
10. Assessment:
1. What is the Solar System?
2. What is at the center of the solar system?
3. How many planets are there in the solar system?

11. Follow up:

• The sun stop providing light and heat, what effect on the earth?
• would life be possible on earth?

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