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Chapter I


Background of the Study

The application of bio-based insecticides benefits the environment, particularly

nature. It improves the safety and health of the natural environment. The harm to
humans and the environment is lessened by using bio-based insecticides. Since they do
not pollute the environment, it is preferred to chemical pesticides. Furthermore, it is a
natural, organic substance that is applied to crops in forests, gardens, and farms to
control a range of agricultural pests, according to Kumar, Ramlal, Mallick, and Mishra

Basil extract's effectiveness on chives plants is one of the most beneficial and
effective substances for plants as well as the environment. It is one of the best herbs to
grow alongside other plants because it promotes growth and protects them from
insects. Because basil extract is a great companion to chives, this type of alternative
bio-based insecticide results in an effective type of insecticide. Planting these herbs
alongside insect-prone vegetables and ornamental plants can help reduce pest
populations (Harrington, 2022). In fact, basil and chives complement each other well
because their growth requirements are similar; however, perennial chives thrive best
when planted in a location that will not be disturbed every year.

According to Gardener 2022, the process of cultivating various plants together

for mutual benefit is known as companion planting. Gardeners value companion
planting highly since it not only improves the well-being and development of their plants.
The companionship between basil and chives helps and increases the efficiency of a
pesticide on both the primary plant and other plants. However, the effectiveness of the
plants makes a great benefit to the environment as well as to other plants from long
term benefits.

The advantages of using basil extract as an alternative bio-based insecticide on

chives include that they can benefit from each other's nutrients, moisture, and shade
when planted together (Ugaoo, 2017). Another advantage is that it can help with organic
insect control. A natural defense against pests and illnesses is developed when several
plants are cultivated together (Kalkura & Ramyashree, 2021).

The goal of this study is to learn about and determine the efficiency of basil
extract as an alternative bio-based insecticide on chives plants. Its goal is to
demonstrate and educate people about the importance of natural bio-based
insecticides. It leads to the research of the alternative bio-based pesticide efficiency of
basil extract to chives plants to the environment as well as nature. The natural basis will
particularly lead to a successful conclusion that will benefit both plants and individuals.

Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this study is to develop and assess the effectiveness of the Basil
(Ocimum basilicum) extract on the chives plant as an alternative insecticide. This study
also aims the following:

- Chive plants can be an alternative onion since onion is quite expensive today in the
market because of inflation, and with the help of insecticides, we can produce more
high-quality chives that can be useful to people, especially in culinary.

- To help the environment by reducing the pollution produced by commercially or

chemically made insecticide by using bio-based insecticides. Chemical insecticides can
also be toxic to a host of other organisms including birds, beneficial

- To produce a high-quality insecticide that will not harm the animals and the
environment. Controlling insects also prevents the spread of some plant diseases that
can lower the quality of the product.

- To improve the production of crops by protecting the yields with the use of bio-based
insecticides and it can also improve the quality of vegetables, fruits, and other plants.
Statement of the Hypotheses

Since basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a well-known insect repellent, The

researchers expect that there will be an effect of basil as a substitute bio-based

insecticide of the chives (Allium schoenoprasum) plant.

The following are possible results on the 1 st trial, the null and alternative

hypotheses of this study:

1. Null Hypotheses (Ho) - There is no effect since the insecticides are not applied to

the chives plant.

2. Alternative Hypotheses (Ha) - There is an effect of basil extract on the chives plant

because the insecticides were applied to the plant that contains a ratio of 100g basil,

100 ml of vinegar a ratio of 100 ml, and 100 ml of water.

Conceptual Framework


1) Extract the basil leaves

-Basil knowns as a and put in on a spray bottle.
-Determine efficacy of
good insect repellent. the bio-based
2) Spray the chives plant insecticide after the
-basil leaves contain a using the bio-based
chemical compound insecticide.
that are effective in 3) Observe the chives for two
eliminating mosquitoes. weeks and analyze the result


Figure 1: A Research Paradigm Representing the Conceptual Framework of the Study.

According to Climent (2015), Basil contains four mosquito-repellent volatiles, of
which there is a predominance of estragole (1-allyl-4-methoxybenzene), also known as
tarragon, methyl chavicol, or allylanisole. The researchers seek more about what basil
can do as an insect repellent so we will extract the basil leaves and spray them on the
chives plant after that, we will observe so we can come up with an output which is to
determine the effectiveness of the basil insecticides.

Significance of the Study

This study contributes knowledge and information about bio-based insecticides,

which can help with the following:

Students. This study will help the students to have an information about the
benefits that they can acquire in this study.

Teachers. This study will be very beneficial to the teachers for them to know
what are the benefits of this study to us and to the environment.

Future Researchers. The result of this research may be a basis of further

studies and can be used as related literature.

Agriculturalists. Farmers can start creating their bio-based insecticides using

the product of basil for their crops and plants if the experimentation results are


Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of basil (Ocimum basilicum) as a

bio-based insecticide. The experiment will be done solely by the researchers. The

experiment will be performed in a laboratory or clean ventilated place. The researcher

will handle each procedure with cautious to avoid risk, and to only perform what is
needed. Thus, the researcher decided to strictly focus on the objective of the study

which is to develop a bio-based insecticide for chive plant (Allium schoenoprasum)

using a basil extract combined with water and vinegar in order to make a precise

observation. The researchers will use two different setups for the investigation: two

chive plants will be observed, one with and one without a bio-based insecticide.

Definition of Terms

Basil (Ocimum basilicum) – is known as a good insect repellent. It is one of the best

herbs to grow alongside other plants because it promotes growth and protects them

from insect.

Bio-based – is derived from plants and other regenerative forestry, agricultural, and

marine materials such as basil and chive plants.

Bio-based insecticides - is beneficial to the environment, particularly nature. It

improves the safety and health of the environment. it is an alternative to chemically

made insecticides, and these are more sustainable and often safer for pest

management in agricultural production.

Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) - is a species of flowering plant in the family

Amaryllidaceae that produces edible leaves and flowers. Chives are in the lily family,

but they're related to onions as well.

Extract - is a substance that can be obtain from something else, for example utilizing a

chemical or industrial process. Basil leaves will go through extraction to consume its oil

and will be used in creating the bio-based insecticide.

Insecticide - any toxic substance that is used to kill insects. Such substances are used

primarily to control pests that infest cultivated plants or to eliminate disease-carrying

insects in specific areas.

Insect Repellent - It helps to prevent, repeal, or mitigate pests. It is also commonly

called "bug spray" it is a substance applied to skin, clothing or other surfaces to

discourage insects (and arthropods in general) from landing or climbing on that surface.

Chapter II


This chapter's main objective is to review relevant studies and literature that

support the findings of our research project. Several studies have shown that basil can

be an effective bio-based insecticide product.

Foreign Literature

The effectiveness of basil extract on chives has significant advantages for other

plants by preventing harm and enhancing their security and health, according to Dada,

Liu, Johnson, Rehman, and Gurr (2020). It proved that the weevil barriers made of

chives and basil were effective at protecting the storage roots of sweet potatoes. It

makes sense in this context why chives and basil have such a positive impact on all

plants. The potent scents and oils of basil and many other herbs are frequently used to

counter common household pests. Basil's potent ability to prevent flies has led to its use
in pest management methods dating back to ancient times. Basil is intolerant to the cold

and needs a full day of sunlight (Bowen, 2022).

Local Literature

Basil is frequently used in Ayurvedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and

other holistic medicinal systems, according to Pimentel (2021), making it one of the

oldest herbs known. Additionally, it makes basil an effective type of insecticide for other

plants because it is one of the best plants for promoting the health and growth of other

plants. In the Philippines, chives and basil are widely grown and referred to by a variety

of regional names, such as Kamangi in Bisaya, bidai in Iloko, and Tulasi in Tagalog.

This kind of plant works well, especially for the health of plants. Filipinos are aware of

the efficacy of basil and chives because this kind of matter creates an essential way to

make the atmosphere more healthy and more natural.


The annual plant known as basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a member of the

Lamiaceae family's Ocimum genus. With its wide variety of uses, especially for flavoring

and preservation, basil is one of the most well-liked herbs beyond the cultural and

traditional rituals in the culinary and food network (Qing X. L. & Chiou L. C., 2016). As

cited by Mishra BB & Tripathi SP (2012).

Bio based Products

Bio-based products are mostly made from plants or any renewable agricultural,

aquatic, and forestry materials or what we also may call biomass products. Wise use of
the product may lead to the production of goods of completely new items, and thus help

us contribute not only to us but also contributes to savings in greenhouse gas emission.

By using these kinds of products, we can promote innovative products which are yet to

be known – by giving them visibility (InnProBio, n.d).

Effect of Insects to Plants

Pests and insects destroy over 20% and 40% of plants annually. One of the main
culprits behind crop damage is insects. They hinder plant growth and harm developing
plants. Due to the insects' interference, there is a loss in agricultural production, which
reduces the availability of food. (Mahmoud R. Sofy, et al., 2021). Other insects are
beneficial to plants, although most insects tend to harm crops. Due to their ecological
importance, contribution, and influence on agriculture, insects play an important role in
maintaining our biodiversity. On Earth, insects can be found throughout every type of
environment. They help in the process of decomposition and even pollinate plants. By
decomposing and recycling nutrients back into the soil, some insects benefit the plants.
Insects like bees, wasps, and butterflies help tremendously in pollination, which benefits
plants (Preetmoninder L. et al., 2012).


Insecticides can also be called pesticides. Insecticides products are commonly

used for plant protection (Walia S., Saha S., Rana V. 2014). Insecticide may be defined

as any chemical mixture of components intended for preventing, destroying, and

repelling pests. The world's food is mainly affected by insects which constantly hinder

crop growth, harvest, and even in storage. There is an estimated loss of over 18-20%

regarding the total amount of the product harvested annually. Which affects in

production of food (Souto A. et al., 2021)

Foreign Studies
According to Dohbia, A.R. A.'s study on the Effectiveness of Basil (Ocimum

bacilicum) in the management of Fall Armyworm 2022, Since it was discovered that the

staGuinea Savannah Ecological Zones of Northern Ghana, the survey of the study

applied additional formulations of lemon basil material during the cropping season 2020.

The results indicated that the soaked preparation has superior performance because

there was no sign of pest attack on plants treated with the soaked solution plots during

the seven-day application period.

Local studies

A study by Gonzales et al. (2004) evaluated the effectiveness of various

component control methods, including the use of biological control agents. According to

their study, basil (Ocimum bacilicum) intercropped with eggplant (Solanum melongena)

(approximately 200/0 of the total plant populations) appeared to have the possibility of

reducing the infestation of aphids and leafhoppers as illustrated by the lower density of

the pests and higher yield. The objective of the cultural control is to make the crop

environment less suitable for insect pests. Based on the study, basil could be used to

lessen the infestation.

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