A2 Script

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Topic: Attitude and Behavior

The setting of our video is that of a workplace environment where we will be taking up the roles of an
employer, HR and the employees. In addition to this, we’ll enact some real-life situations.

The concepts and theories that we’ll be covering in this video are-

 ABC model
 Attitude Strengths
 Cognitive dissonance
 Implicit Attitude
 Work Attitudes & Job Satisfaction

We’ll select a few scenarios to depict from the following-

Scenario 1

Location: Office setup

Time: Post 8pm

Cast: Manager and employees

Gist: Two employees engaging in non-work-related activities during office hours. Their manager catches
them in the act but ends up scolding only one of them

Scene: Two employees Rahul Khanna and Aman Mehra engaging in non-work-related activities during
office hours. Their manager catches them in the act but ends up scolding only one of them

Rahul: Aman...Why do you work all the time? Come on let’s take a break and watch this new movie
quickly, our boss doesn’t seem to be around anyway.

Aman: We can do that after work can’t we, we only have an hour left let’s focus on completing this
project instead.

Aman is engrossed in work but Rahul persuades him further.

Rahul: Aman man...just throw your rule book out of the window; you deserve a fun break after all the
long and dedicating hours you put into each and every one of your projects.

Aman: Alright, alright, just for this once, but we better get back to work quickly.

Rahul and Aman watch a movie while their manager Anjali Sharma catches them in the act.

Anjali: (clears throat) Aman-Rahul? What is going on here? (ANGRRRRYY)

(Rahul is still chill, Aman looks frightened)

Aman: No Anjali, you’re misunderstanding- we were just doing work

Anjali : I can still see the movie running in the background- don't try to fool me
Anjali: Office premises is not a movie theatre for you. This is the least expected behaviour out of you
two. You weren’t hired to do this.

Either work or leave the office immediately.

Scenario 2

Location: Office setup

Cast: Manager(Prashant) and LGBTQ+ employee(Umang)

Scene: An LGBT individual is being used by the organization as a token employee to showcase how
inclusive and accommodating they are. But in reality, the management has strong aversion with them
and unconsciously prefer a straight person over one from LGBTQ+ community. The above situation can
be identified as an example of implicit attitude .
Lauren: To wrap up, we are proud to say that our company XYZ gives opportunities to one and all- irrespective of their
background, gender and even sexualities! Thankyou everyone.

[after ceremony]

Sara: Lauren hi, I wanted to discuss something with you.

Lauren: (looks at her watch and makes a face) You always want to discuss things with me at wrong times. Tch. Never
mind what do u have to say?

Sara: I-

Lauren: Make it quick, I don’t have all day.

Sara: Lauren I want to discuss the client allotment that was given by you. Why I am not given Decathlon, I
have worked for it for past 3 months and my marketing strategies helped the client increase 25%sales.

Lauren: That’s a big request! Decathlon is one of our largest clients and I wanted to make sure we have the
best representative for them from the company. You know you don’t have it in you to work with the big leagues.
You should be lucky we even gave you a job considering- (looks up and down)

Sara: (confused and baffled) Considering what?

Lauren: You know exactkly what I’m talking about. Your colleagues don’t feel comfortable being around you but we still
gave you an opportunity to work here, and instead of being grateful you’re being greedy!

Sara: Anyone not being comfortable with who I am seems like their problem. And it definitely doesn’t mean I don’t
deserve the promotion after working so hard! I thought this company was accepting and open minded-

Lauren: If I were you, I wouldn’t be pointing fingers at the very place that feeds me. If you have any issues, take it up with
the HR. I don’t have time to deal with your sob stories.

Sara: You chose Pallavi over me bcoz I identify as Non-Binary from LGBTQ+ community. But Prashant my
skills and capabilities don’t change with my gender identity. I am in the company because of my talent
and not of your inclusivity policy. Really saddened to hear this from you. Thank you Take care.
Scenario 3

Location: Office Setup

Cast: HR and Employees

Scene: A male employee is facing harassment in the workplace by his senior. He is hesitant to file a
complaint with HR thinking no one would believe him and fearing judgement.

Characters – Boss (Neha), HR-male(Kunal), Employee(Sam)

Neha: Hey Sam, how are you?

Sam: Hello Mam, I am very fine, just a little burdened with work, how about you?

Neha: Haha, great great. You are so hard working(in a sexy voice). I’m feeling so tired

Sam: Yeah, I understand, you had a 6 hour long meeting with the clients.

Neha: Yeah, its already 8 pm and tomorrow is a Sunday, so you wanna come over for a movie night?

Sam: Sorry Mam, but I already have some plans for tomorrow.

Neha: I don’t like hearing a NO, you know.

Sam: I am really sorry Mam but I cant as I have some other plans

Neha: I hope you are aware that next week I am going to declare the list of promotions and I had my
eyes on you to move you to a managerial role

Sam (hesitantly): Ummmm, Yes mam

[List is out and Sam doesn’t get promoted]

Sam to Kunal: I am the most appropriate candidate for the promotion, my dedication towards my work
has also been noticed by the client multiple times.

Kunal: The list is put up by our Boss, so I cant really argue to her on her choice

Sam: My performance and the results that I have brought up for this company is self sufficient to prove
my worthiness for this promotion. In the last quarter, I have brought in 3 major project enhancements
which will have a high impact for the company. If I am not promoted, I don’t think anyone else here is
more deserving than I am

Kunal: I understand but why do you think you did not get the promotion

Sam(awkward tone): According to me, its because I refused to go on a date night with her

Kunal: Sam, are you really accusing your Boss for denying your promotion as a result of this action?

Sam: What other reason could it be?

Kunal: This is a serious accusation and it cannot be taken forward. Moreover, you should think twice
before taking up this to the HR. Do you have any proof for the same?

Sam: This came up in a conversation last week

Kunal: Sorry, without any valid proof, I am not going against our boss. Moreover, I highly doubt she
would have asked you out as she is very ethical and dedicated to her work. She wont let such things
come in her way.

Sam: But…………..

Kunal: Better focus on your work and give in your best for the next promotion date. Lets close this as I
have another important meeting to attend.

Scenario 4

Location: University

Cast: 6 Students

Scene: An international student joins university and other students assume that she doesn't know Hindi.
There is an event in college which requires a Hindi emcee for which the international student applies for.
She faces the stereotype of not knowing the language and is made fun of by fellow classmates and

Characters - Katrina, Alia, Deepika, Priyanka, Ranveer, Ranbir

Katrina: I feel so ready to begin my new journey in this new college and apply for my first ever event!

Alia: That’s a great attitude! I’m glad you’re getting out of your comfort zone and trying to do something
that could be a challenge for you.

Ranbir: Oh ho ho what's going on here

Ranveer: Did u hear Katrina is applying for the Hindi emcee role in the annual cultural event

Ranbir: Kya mazaak chalu hain bhai, yeh gori madam bhi ab emcee ka role karegi

Priyanka: Guys don’t make fun of her, we need some entertaining clown auditions too right?

[R R P D laugh]

Deepika: By the way, where is she even from? (ROLLS EYES)

Alia: Even though it’s none of your business, she’s from Massachusetts (-_-)

Ranbir: Oh HO amreecan kya baat hai....jagah ki value badh gyi

Ranveer: Kisi ne sach hi kaha hai

Deepika : Irshaad Irshaad

Ranveer : kisi ka dil mat todo, dil sirf ek hota hai (x2)

Priyanka: Wah wah

Ranveer: kisi ka dil mat todo, dil sirf ek hota hai, uski haddiyaan todo who 206 hoti hai

Alia: Zyada hero mat bano tumlog

Ranbir: Hero banna bhi kon chahta hai, hum toh villain hai

[ RRPD laugh]

Alia: Katrina, lets go, its time for your audition

Ranbir: Arey kya karogi jaa ke jaanemann, jaate jaate ek hindi gaana toh sunate jaati

Alia: Ignore him Katrina, he is like that only

Katrina: No wait, this is too much now

Ranbir: Yeah baby too much for you to give an audition in an HINDI emcee event

Katrina: (sings)

[Everyone in shock]

Katrina: Videsh mei reh kar maine apni sanskriti ko nahi bhula, tum bhi na bhulo toh behtar rahega

Scenario 5

Location: New York

Cast: Ross, Rachel and a nanny

Scene: Ross acts awful towards Sandy, the male nanny.

Scenario 6

Location: Office Setup

Cast: Team of 6 employees

Scene: Newly joined employee feels unhappy with his working team, performance goes down, takes lot
of leaves and eventually quits in few months of joining.

Scenario 7

Location: Office Setup

Cast: Manager and Employee

Scene: Manager reviews the performance of the employee. Employee has not been able to meet the
newly allotted Insurance sales target in the KPI while everyone else in the team is performing well.
Employee raises concern and dissatisfaction on how the team is reaching target unethically and even the
management seems to be okay with it.

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