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NSN\Services\MS\NPO Service Delivery Centre

PAF: Project Application Form Error: Reference source not found 24/02/2010

Copyright 2007 Nokia Siemens Networks. All rights reserved.

Project Application Form

Country Customer/Operator name Local Project title Date of PAF submitted to Remote SDC Centre PAF number

India Internal Model Project Datafill 24/02/2010 (to be allocated by Remote SDC Centre)


NSN\Services\MS\NPO Service Delivery Centre

PAF: Project Application Form Error: Reference source not found 24/02/2010

Copyright 2007 Nokia Siemens Networks. All rights reserved.

Table of contents
1. Introduction...................................................................................................3 2. Local NPO Project PAF Input........................................................................4 3. Project Overview...........................................................................................4
3.1.1 Responsibility Domain......................................................................................................................4 3.1.2 Current local Project Background.....................................................................................................4 3.1.3 Technical Scope of current local NPO Project...................................................................................5 3.1.4 Target/KPI/Commitment/SLAs..........................................................................................................6 3.1.5 Network Elements with Scope of current local NPO project..............................................................6 3.1.6 Phases/ Milestones of local NPO project..........................................................................................6 3.1.7 Constraints, Risk and Dependencies................................................................................................7

4. Local NPO team Expectations of SDC ........................................................8 5. Financial Domain........................................................................................10 6. Resource Domain.......................................................................................10 7. Addition comments from local NPO............................................................11 8. SDC NPO PAF Assessment.......................................................................12 9. Operational feasibility..................................................................................12 10. Risk Assessment.......................................................................................12 11. Resource effort assessment.....................................................................13 12. Tools assessment.....................................................................................13 13. Go/No Decision.........................................................................................13 14. Additional comments from SDC team.......................................................13


NSN\Services\MS\NPO Service Delivery Centre

PAF: Project Application Form Error: Reference source not found 24/02/2010

Copyright 2007 Nokia Siemens Networks. All rights reserved.


Project Application Form (PAF) for NPO SDC Remote centre work is the starting point for all SDC service deliveries. Before any remote service can be considered by the SDC the PAF must be filled-in by the local NPO project. On review of the PAF, the SDC will assess if the remote service is possible, in terms of SDC Resources availability SDC engineering processes availability Timescales

The Local NPO PAF inputs, once completed in this form, must be sent to SDC for PAF assessment. A SDC Go/No Go decision will be made to proceed to the next stage: Delivery Plan. In this Form Local NPO, refers to the local project team, and not SDC. The grey boxes are the required input fields.


NSN\Services\MS\NPO Service Delivery Centre

PAF: Project Application Form Error: Reference source not found 24/02/2010

Copyright 2007 Nokia Siemens Networks. All rights reserved.


Local NPO Project PAF Input

The local NPO project input is split into 2 areas: Project Overview o General overview of the local NPO project o Used for insight into local project scope, environment and deliverables. Expectations of SDC o Local NPO expectations if SDC remote services are delivered.


Project Overview
Responsibility Domain
Item MGW Datafill Internal CS Core MWG Datafill 0.1 Local NPO comment

Customer/Operator name local Project title revision number of this PAF Date submitted requestor (include title) CBT/CAT signatory local pm local solutions consultant local operations manager other relevant org notes



Current local Project Background

Item Description Duration of current NPO local project 1 year? 6 months? 3 months? 1 month? Local NPO comment

Current local project duration


NSN\Services\MS\NPO Service Delivery Centre

PAF: Project Application Form Error: Reference source not found 24/02/2010

Copyright 2007 Nokia Siemens Networks. All rights reserved.

Start date of current local project End date of current local project Number of NPO local engineers allocated to current project

Date the current NPO project started I.e. 01/01/2009 Expected date the current NPO project will end I.e. 05/05/2009 Current approx number of engineers allocated already to NPO local project - 50? - 20? - 10? - 2? Is the project: Pre design Rollout-deployment PreLaunch tuning SWAP Modensation Consultancy assignement Network Performance Assessment Assurance (no MS) Managed Services wth NPO scope

Current local project scope



Technical Scope of current local NPO Project

Item Description Current technology GSM 900 DCS1800 GPRS EDGE UMTS WiMax DVB-H LTE CS core Local NPO comment GSM & UMTS



Current skills involved Radio Transmission


NSN\Services\MS\NPO Service Delivery Centre

PAF: Project Application Form Error: Reference source not found 24/02/2010

Copyright 2007 Nokia Siemens Networks. All rights reserved.

Geographics part 1 Geographics part 2

CS Core PS Core IP core Convergence N/A N/A

BTSs per SqKM SqKM area of project scope

# 1 2

Item Target N/A N/A None None Local NPO comment

KPI Commitment - Target SLA

# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Network Elements with Scope of current local NPO project

Element Vendor Number of elements Software Level



Phases/ Milestones of local NPO project


NSN\Services\MS\NPO Service Delivery Centre

PAF: Project Application Form Error: Reference source not found 24/02/2010

Copyright 2007 Nokia Siemens Networks. All rights reserved.

Item Phases

Description Describe the phase of the local NPO project

Local NPO comment


Describe the key milestones within the local NPO project


Constraints, Risk and Dependencies

It may be already known certain risks are possible during the delivery of SDC remote services to the local project. These are normally local environment project specific. Please indicate here any known risks, dependences or constraints. # 1 2 3 4 Item Multi-vendor migration (Ericsson, Unisys, PBX vendors) Migration MSP1+1 redundancy on A-interface Local NPO comment


NSN\Services\MS\NPO Service Delivery Centre

PAF: Project Application Form 24/02/2010

Copyright 2007 Nokia Siemens Networks. All rights reserved.


Local NPO team Expectations of SDC

Item description Expected start date of NPO SDC remote support work I.e. 24/02/2010 Local NPO comment

Start date of Remote service support

End date of Remote service support

Expected End date of NPO SDC remote support work I.e. 04/03/2010

SDC request type

Request is for: Managed Service with NPO scope - Remote 1 off Service item - Remote x number servce items - Remote project/Service Described the scope of SDC work

SDC scope expected

Prepare MGW Datafill, according to the network diagram and inputs provided by local NPO

SDC Phase

Describe the phase/milestone expected that SDC will be involved Pre design Rollout-deployment PreLaunch tuning SWAP Modensation Consultancy assignement Network Performance Assessment Assurance (no MS) Managed Services wth NPO scope



NSN\Services\MS\NPO Service Delivery Centre

PAF: Project Application Form 24/02/2010

Copyright 2007 Nokia Siemens Networks. All rights reserved.

SDC technology

Define the technology to be worked on by SDC GSM GPRS EDGE UMTS WiMax DVB-H LTE


SDC Skill

Define the skill to be worked on by the SDC Radio Transmission PS Core CS Core Convergence Fixed net

CS core

Expectations of SDC

Described the expectations from SDC support

Planning for rollout


Describe the expected output deliverables

MGW Datafill, according to the network diagram and inputs provided by local NPO


NSN\Services\MS\NPO Service Delivery Centre

PAF: Project Application Form 24/02/2010

Copyright 2007 Nokia Siemens Networks. All rights reserved.


Financial Domain
Description What is the External Sales Value for NPO (GIC 7347) if applicable What is the WBS/CC code to which the planning/optimization work can be booked? Is the cost of the requested planning work included in the LE? What is the estimated effort required by the SDC Centre? Describe the nature of the business: (Good-Margin, Break-even, FOC to Customer) local NPO comment

Sales Value WBS/Cost Centre

Costs Estimate Sales Health Check

Financial authority

Who will accept and or authorize the planning-Optimization work?


Resource Domain
Description Have you requested support from your local OSP Operations Manager? What local related support and planning functions are being provided? local NPO comment

Operational Support



NSN\Services\MS\NPO Service Delivery Centre

PAF: Project Application Form 24/02/2010

Copyright 2007 Nokia Siemens Networks. All rights reserved.


Addition comments from local NPO

Local NPO comment

Additional comments from local NPO project team

End of PAF for local NPO Team (Please send to SDC for Evaluaton wth CMPro cost calculaton using Local costs for your area)


NSN\Services\MS\NPO Service Delivery Centre

PAF: Project Application Form Error: Reference source not found 03/03/2008

Resources available?

SDC NPO PAF Assessment

NPO SDC assessment of PAF. To be filled in by NPO SDC Team.

Operational feasibility
Title Yes/No Yes Yes SDC comment

Engineering processes available?

Able to meet KPI? No Able to meet SLA? No Able to deliver expectations of local NPO team? Able to deliver: Deliverables? SDC Project manager required? Yes

Yes No SPOC will co-ordinate project and Technical Aspects.


Risk Assessment
Description Probability (High, Medium, Low Low Low Impact (high, Medium, Low Medium High High Mitigation

1 2 3

Input data for delivering the service is not available on time Accuracy of Inputs Received Any change of the inputs in-between the project can represent rework and could cause delay in the delivery timelines. Changes in the original scope can delay the project.



NSN\Services\MS\NPO Service Delivery Centre

PAF: Project Application Form Error: Reference source not found 03/03/2008

Copyright 2007 Nokia Siemens Networks. All rights reserved.

Resources (name)

Resource effort assessment

Estimated MWDs SDC comment

Tools required

Tools assessment
Estimate duration SDC comment


Go/No Decision
SDC Decision

Go/No Decision? Reason for No Go? Comments to be considered for GO?


Additional comments from SDC team

SDC comment


NSN\Services\MS\NPO Service Delivery Centre

PAF: Project Application Form Error: Reference source not found 03/03/2008

Copyright 2007 Nokia Siemens Networks. All rights reserved.

End of Complete PAF

(Please arrange Meeting to discuss with Cost benefits applied to CMPro scenarios)

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