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Peer Reviewed Symptomatic Management of Primary Acute Gastroenteritis

Symptomatic Management of
Primary Acute Gastroenteritis
Yuri Lawrence, DVM, MA, MS, Diplomate ACVIM (Small Animal Internal Medicine), and
Jonathan Lidbury, BVMS, MRCVS, Diplomate ACVIM (Small Animal Internal Medicine) &
ECVIM (Companion Animal)
Texas A&M University

Acute gastroenteritis is a term used to describe a

Table 1.
syndrome characterized by the sudden onset of
Selected Causes of Secondary Acute
vomiting and/or diarrhea caused by gastrointestinal
mucosal inflammation.
Algal • Prototheca species
This diagnosis is seldom confirmed by
Bacterial • Campylobacter species histopathologic evaluation; instead, it is based on
• Clostridia species a consistent clinical presentation and exclusion of
• Escherichia coli
• Neorickettsia helminthoeca other potential causes for the patient’s clinical signs.
• Salmonella species Mucosal inflammation is assumed, but not proven
Drugs • Antibiotics to be present. Therefore, acute gastroenteropathy is
• Cyclosporine perhaps a more appropriate name.
• Glucocorticoids
• Mycophenolate
• Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION
Acute gastroenteritis is among many potential
Parasitic • Ancylostoma caninum
• Ollulanus tricuspis causes of acute vomiting and diarrhea (Table 1).
• Physaloptera species However, in many cases, the cause of primary acute
• Strongyloides species gastroenteritis is not determined. Rapid resolution
• Toxoascaris leonina of clinical signs often means that extensive diagnostic
• Toxocara canis
evaluation is unnecessary.
Protozoal • Cryptosporidium parvum
• Giardia species
• Isospora canis Physical Examination
Systemic • Bacterial cholecystitis No specific physical examination findings are
disease • Gallbladder mucocele pathognomonic for acute gastroenteritis, and some
• Gastric dilatation and volvulus dogs do not have any significant abnormalities.
• Hepatic disease
Findings consistent with acute gastroenteritis include
• Hypoadrenocorticism
• Pancreatitis lethargy, pytalism, and abdominal discomfort.
• Pyometra It is particularly important to assess the patient’s
• Renal disease hydration status and palpate the abdomen carefully,
• Sepsis
checking for physical examination findings that
• Septic peritonitis
• Splenic torsion would warrant further diagnostic evaluation (ie,
• Chocolate abnormalities that suggest the problem is more
• Lead significant than straightforward acute gastroenteritis)
• Mushrooms (Table 2). Findings that indicate dehydration
• Organophosphates include dry oral mucous membranes, prolonged
• Xylitol
• Zinc capillary refill time, and prolonged skin tent.
Tachycardia, weak pulses, and cool extremities are
Viral • Canine coronavirus
• Canine parvovirus consistent with hypovolemia.
• Feline immunodeficiency virus
• Feline leukemia virus Laboratory Analysis
• Feline parvovirus (panleucopenia virus) Patients with a normal physical examination and

46 Today’s Veterinary Practice | November/December 2015 |


mild clinical signs may not require laboratory testing

on initial presentation. However, laboratory testing
may be indicated to rule out extra-gastrointestinal
causes of acute gastrointestinal signs, such as acute
kidney injury, acute hepatitis, and pancreatitis, and
metabolic complications of acute gastroenteritis, such
as electrolyte and acid base abnormalities.
When performed, laboratory testing should
include a complete blood count, serum biochemical
profi le, and urinalysis. Measurement of serum canine
pancreas-specifi c lipase concentration may also be
indicated to diagnose pancreatitis, and baseline serum
cortisol concentration may be measured in order to
exclude hypoadrenocorticism.
Additional laboratory testing for infectious disease
should be considered based on geographic location and FIGURE 1. Gastric nematode presumed to be
signalment. For example, serology assists in diagnosis Physaloptera rara visualized during gastroscopy.
of Salmon poisoning disease in the Pacifi c Northwest. The hemorrhage observed is associated with
In dogs with diarrhea, fecal fl otation and direct smear gastric biopsy.
examination should be performed to screen for primary
or concurrent parasitism (Figure 1).
In patients with clinical fi ndings (Table 2) or
laboratory results that suggest a serious underlying
cause, or those that do not respond to therapy,
further diagnostic evaluation is indicated. Early
identifi cation is especially important in patients
requiring surgical intervention, such as those with an
obstructive intestinal foreign body (Figure 2).

Abdominal ultrasonography and/or abdominal learn More
radiography are strongly advised in patients Turn to page 77 to
presenting with abdominal pain to screen for diseases read the article,
Endoscopic Foreign
requiring surgical intervention. It is important to Body Retrieval.
FIGURE 2. Fabric gastric foreign body visualized
Table 2. during gastroscopy.
Selected Clinical Findings That Indicate
Further Diagnostic Evaluation in Dogs &
remember that pancreas-specifi c lipase concentrations
Cats with Acute Vomiting and/or Diarrhea
can be increased in dogs and cats with gastrointestinal
• Abdominal pain
foreign bodies. Therefore, it is essential to rule out
• Anorexia
• Bradycardia gastrointestinal foreign bodies with abdominal
• Chronic vomiting or diarrhea radiographs and, possibly, abdominal ultrasound
• Hematemesis before pancreatitis is diagnosed. If there is high
• Hyperthermia or fever
• Jaundice suspicion for a gastrointestinal foreign body that
• Lack of current vaccinations may have been obscured by fl uid or gas, diagnostic
• Lymphadenopathy imaging should be repeated.
• Masses or organomegaly on abdominal palpation
• Melena
• Polyuria/polydipsia THERAPEUTIC APPROACH
• Tachycardia When acute gastroenteritis is the primary cause
• Tachypnea, cough, or abnormal lung sounds
• Weak pulses of vomiting and/or diarrhea, the symptomatic
• Weakness treatments discussed in this article are appropriate
• Weight loss for therapy. However, if gastroenteritis occurs | November/December 2015 | TODAy’S VETERINARy PRACTICE 47

Peer Reviewed Symptomatic Management of Primary Acute Gastroenteritis

secondary to an underlying disease, such as Ondansetron & Dolasetron

hypoadrenocorticism, it is essential to treat the Ondansetron and dolasetron are serotonin (5-HT3)
primary condition in addition to providing antagonists with potent antiemetic activity that are
symptomatic and supportive therapy. commonly used off-label to control nausea in dogs
This article emphasizes symptomatic treatment of and cats. This class of drug blocks the chemoreceptor
primary acute gastroenteritis rather than detailing trigger zone and vagal afferent pathways involved
specific treatment of serious underlying diseases that in emesis. In our experience, these drugs are very
may cause similar clinical signs. effective for control of vomiting in dogs and cats.


For acute gastroenteritis, antiemetic therapy is often Substance P is a neurotransmitter that binds to
used for the initial 24 to 48 hours when vomiting is a neurokinin-1 (NK-1) receptors and can result in
prominent clinical sign (Table 3). Benefits include: vomiting. Therefore, NK-1 receptor antagonists
• Improved patient comfort are powerful antiemetics effective at treating both
• Decreased ongoing fluid and electrolyte losses peripheral and central causes of vomiting.
• Earlier reintroduction of enteral nutrition Maropitant, a NK-1 receptor antagonist, is
• Reduced risk of esophagitis and esophageal currently the only licensed antiemetic for use in dogs
stricture formation. and cats and, in our opinion, is very effective. This
Take care not to mask ongoing disease with drug may also have an analgesic effect and, thus, is
prolonged (ie, greater than 3 days) antiemetic widely used in patients with vomiting and abdominal
therapy. In addition, to reduce the risk of pain, such as those with pancreatitis.1 The efficacy
gastrointestinal perforation and avoid delay of of maropitant for the control of presumed nausea is
surgical intervention by masking clinical signs of controversial as some studies have shown a benefit
intestinal obstruction, do not administer antiemetic while others have not documented a benefit.2-6
or prokinetic drug therapy when a foreign body is While maropitant is not licensed for IV use, we
suspected or confirmed. and other clinicians have administered it by this
Several classes of antiemetic drugs are used in small route—at a dose of 1 mg/kg Q 24 H—without
animal medicine. Occasionally, refractory cases require the apparent adverse effects. The manufacturer
use of more than one of these drugs at the same time. recommends that after 5 days of continuous

Table 3.
Medical Therapy for Vomiting Due to Acute Gastroenteritis

Ondansetron 0.1–1 mg/kg PO Q 12–24 H 0.1–1 mg/kg PO or IV Q 12–24 H
Dolasetron 0.5–1 mg/kg IV Q 12 H 0.6 mg/kg IV Q 12 H
Maropitant 1 mg/kg SC Q 24 H 1 mg/kg SC Q 24 H
2 mg/kg PO Q 24 H 2 mg/kg PO Q 24 H
1 mg/kg IV Q 24 Ha 1 mg/kg IV Q 24 Ha
Metoclopramide 0.2 mg/kg SC or PO Q 8 H 0.2–0.4 mg/kg PO or SC Q 6–8 H
1–2 mg/kg/H IV CRI 1–2 mg/kg/H IV CRI

Sucralfate 0.5–1 g PO Q 8–12 H (tablet or slurry)b 0.5 g PO Q 8–12 H (tablet or slurry)b
Famotidine 1 mg/kg PO or IV Q 12 H 1 mg/kg PO or IV Q 12 H
Omeprazole 1 mg/kg PO Q 12 H 1 mg/kg PO Q 12 H
Pantoprazole 1 mg/kg IV Q 24 H 1 mg/kg IV Q 24 H
Misoprostol 2–5 mcg/kg PO Q 8–12 H Not applicable
a. Not a manufacturer recommended route of administration
b. Potential reduced risk of emesis if administered as a slurry

48 Today’s Veterinary Practice | November/December 2015 |

Symptomatic Management of Primary Acute Gastroenteritis Peer Reviewed

administration the drug should be discontinued for Famotidine & Ranitidine

24 hours to avoid drug accumulation; then treatment Famotidine and ranitidine are histamine-2 (H2)-
can be restarted, if necessary. receptor antagonists that competitively inhibit
histamine-induced acid secretion by the gastric
Metoclopramide parietal cells.
Antidopaminergic agents, such as metoclopramide, Famotidine is more effective at increasing
have both central and peripheral antiemetic canine gastric pH compared with ranitidine, but
effects and are used off-label in dogs and cats. ranitidine also has anticholinesterase activity. This
Metoclopramide also stimulates the release of activity may result in some prokinetic action but in
acetylcholine from postganglionic nerves in the studies was only as effective as a saline placebo at
peripheral nervous system, which leads to increased increasing gastric pH in dogs and cats; thus, it is not
gastric contractions and increased gastroesophageal recommended for its acid-suppressing effects.9,10
sphincter tone. This promotility effect may also H2-receptor antagonists are less efficacious than
contribute to its antiemetic properties. proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) in vivo, but the degree
Metoclopramide can cause neurologic side effects, of gastric acid inhibition necessary for therapeutic
including excitement and restlessness. The short effect is unknown. H2-receptor antagonists may also
half-life of this drug necessitates frequent dosing. In have cytoprotective properties.11,12
our experience, it is most effective when delivered
Omeprazole & Pantoprazole
via an IV constant rate infusion but is not as
Omeprazole and pantoprazole are PPIs that
effective as maropitant, ondansetron, or dolasetron.
irreversibly inhibit acid production by gastric parietal
Metoclopramide may not have a direct central
cells. This class of drug is more efficacious and
antiemetic effect and is a less effective antiemetic
has a longer duration of activity than H2-receptor
agent in cats than in dogs.7 For this reason, we
antagonists; it may also exert a cytoprotective effect
seldom use it for this purpose in the former unless a
by enhancing prostaglandin synthesis.9-11,13
prokinetic agent is also indicated.
In dogs and cats, twice-daily dosing of
omeprazole is more effective at reducing gastric
acid secretion than once-daily administration.9,10
Phenothiazines, such as chlorpromazine and
Coadministration of famotidine and pantoprazole
prochlorperazine, are potent centrally acting
does not seem to be any more effective than therapy
antidopaminergics that inhibit the vomiting center and
with pantoprazole alone and, thus, there is no
chemoreceptor trigger zone. This class of drug also has
benefit in using a H2-receptor antagonist for the first
antihistaminergic and anticholinergic properties.8
24 hours of therapy.14
They are not recommended in hypovolemic Because of this, PPIs are the preferred treatment
patients due to potential for hypotension, and these for dogs and cats known or suspected to have
drugs are not licensed for use in dogs and cats. esophageal or gastroduodenal ulceration.11,14
Phenothiazines can cause mild sedation and are no Anecdotally, some dogs and cats with acute
longer commonly used due to the availability of other gastroenteritis, but no other findings that indicate
effective antiemetic drugs. gastroduodenal ulceration, such as hematemesis
or melena, appear to respond favorably to acid-
GASTROPROTECTANTS suppressing drugs. However, use of these drugs has
Sucralfate not proven beneficial in any studies in dogs and cats
Sucralfate is a sulfated disaccharide that binds to with uncomplicated gastroenteritis; thus, they are not
the acidic moieties of exposed collagen in damaged routinely recommended for brief episodes.
mucosa, creating a protective barrier against further In humans, long-term use of PPIs has been
acid damage. It also stimulates prostaglandin release associated with such side effects as cobalamin
and cellular proliferation at sites of ulceration and deficiency, iron deficiency, hypomagnesemia,
increases mucus production and bicarbonate secretion. increased susceptibility to pneumonia, enteric
Sucralfate is recommended only in cases of suspected infections, fractures, hypergastrinemia, and
gastrointestinal erosion or ulceration, such as those that cancer.15 To our knowledge, other than
present with hematemesis or melena. It can interfere hypergastrinemia, the side effects described above
with absorption of other drugs, and is typically given at have not been reported in dogs and cats receiving
least 2 hours before or after other medications. long-term treatment with PPIs. | November/December 2015 | Today’s Veterinary Practice 49

Peer Reviewed Symptomatic Management of Primary Acute Gastroenteritis

Table 4.
Misoprostol is a synthetic prostaglandin E1 that
Examples of Commercial Probiotics for
acts on parietal cells to inhibit secretion of gastric
Dogs & Cats
acid. Additionally, it has a cytoprotective effect by
increasing secretion of mucus by gastric goblet cells, • FortiFlora (
• Prostora (
increasing gastric mucosal blood flow and increasing • Proviable (
turnover of gastric mucosal cells. • Sivoy (
PPIs and H2-receptor antagonists are thought to
be more effective for treatment of gastrointestinal further study of these products is needed before
ulcers, and misoprostol may cause vomiting, diarrhea, definitive recommendations can be made.
and abdominal pain. Use of misoprostol is, therefore, The efficacy of some probiotics for treatment of
not advised in dogs with acute gastroenteritis chronic diarrhea in dogs and cats has been evaluated
unless gastroduodenal ulceration associated with but, to our knowledge, there have only been 2 studies
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use is evaluating the efficacy of probiotics in dogs with
thought to be the cause. acute diarrhea; both found that probiotics decreased
the duration of diarrhea in dogs with acute idiopathic
Most cases of uncomplicated acute gastroenteritis When selecting a probiotic, it is important to
that present with either small or large bowel diarrhea
choose a product that has been subjected to adequate
resolve without therapeutic intervention. Cases that
quality control during the manufacturing process,
present with diarrhea should have a fecal examination
such as the ones listed in Table 4.
and consider empirical deworming with a broad
spectrum anthelminthic. However, there are a few
Antimicrobial Therapy
options for symptomatic treatment of diarrhea.
Antimicrobial therapy with metronidazole or tylosin
is sometimes used empirically in dogs and cats with
idiopathic acute gastroenteritis that present with
Loperamide, an opioid antimotility drug, has been
either small or large bowel diarrhea. Both antibiotics
used off-label in dogs with diarrhea. It decreases
are used to potentially treat specific bacteria that
intestinal motility and reduces mucosal secretions.
may cause acute gastroenteritis (eg, Clostridium
Doses used to treat diarrhea can cause neurologic
toxicity in dogs with the ABCB1 (formerly MDR1)
However, a study evaluating the efficacy of
mutation; therefore, avoid this drug in all dogs
amoxicillin/clavulanic acid in dogs with acute
carrying this allele and at-risk dog breeds (ie,
Australian shepherd, Shetland sheepdog, long-haired hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome (formerly called
whippet, collie, English shepherd, German shepherd) hemorrhagic gastroenteritis) demonstrated no benefit
that have an unknown status. We do not recommend in treated dogs versus control dogs.24 Therefore,
use of this drug for treating dogs or cats with acute routine antibiotic therapy (including the use of
gastroenteritis due to this potential toxicity and metronidazole) is not recommended in dogs or cats
because the diarrhea associated with gastroenteritis is with acute gastroenteritis.
usually self-limiting. Antibiotic therapy may have a role in dogs and cats
suspected to have bacterial translocation through a
Probiotics damaged gastrointestinal mucosal barrier, and this
Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer a is potentially more likely in cases of gastrointestinal
health benefit on the host.16 These health effects bleeding. However, we reserve antimicrobial therapy
are exerted by direct inhibition of colonization for patients with:
by pathogenic microorganisms, or by immune- • More definitive evidence of translocation, such as
enhancing effects on gut-associated lymphoid leukocytosis, elevated immature white blood cell
tissue.17-19 count, and pyrexia
Probiotics (Table 4) are sometimes used to treat • Leukopenia or those that are immunosuppressed
dogs and cats with acute diarrhea. Each probiotic has • A specific bacterial enteropathogen (eg,
a different formulation of bacteria, and it is unknown campylobacteriosis)
which, if any, are most useful for treatment of acute • Chronic diarrhea (as a therapeutic trial to rule out
gastroenteritis with resultant diarrhea. Therefore, dysbiosis).

50 Today’s Veterinary Practice | November/December 2015 |


NUTRITIONAL MANAGEMENT added dietary fi ber experienced signifi cant clinical

Fasting improvement compared with dogs fed diets without
The concept of complete fasting has been questioned added fi ber.25
in recent years for dogs with acute gastroenteritis.
Complete restriction of food may be reasonable for a FLUID THERAPY
short period, but an early return to appropriate oral Acute gastroenteritis can lead to fl uid losses and
intake is advised unless contraindicated, such as in electrolyte imbalances that necessitate fl uid therapy.
cases suspected to have foreign bodies.
Subcutaneous Therapy
Diet Considerations SC fl uid therapy may be appropriate for mild
A wide variety of commercially available diets is dehydration or when outpatient therapy is
marketed for dogs and cats with gastroenteritis. Each elected due to fi nancial concerns; however, it
is formulated with slightly different protein and would be considered inappropriate for signifi cant
carbohydrate sources and fat content; some contain
dehydration or hypovolemia. SC fl uids should not
other potentially benefi cial constituents, such as
be supplemented with dextrose because bacterial
fructooligosaccharides or omega-3 fatty acids.
contamination and cellulitis can develop. Where
Cats should receive enteral nutrition as soon as
supplementation with dextrose is needed IV
possible to avoid protein calorie malnutrition, which
administration is preferable.
can lead to feline hepatic lipidosis. A commercially
available, highly digestible diet is recommended. The
Oral Therapy
goal of feeding a highly digestible diet is to reduce
Oral electrolyte solutions can be used in cases of
the risk for malabsorption.
mild dehydration. In a recent study, this route of
administration was safe and effective in dogs with
Dietary Fiber
hemorrhagic diarrhea.26
For patients with large bowel diarrhea, dietary fi ber
is an important component of dietary management.
While the optimal amount and type of dietary Intravenous Therapy
fi ber for treatment of dogs and cats with acute Goal-directed, targeted IV fl uid therapy to correct
gastroenteritis are not known, there is general an estimated percent dehydration over a specifi c time
agreement that, in dogs and cats: frame and to achieve normovolemia is recommended
• Dietary fermentable fiber enhances normal colonic for moderate to severe dehydration or hypovolemia.
function by providing a fuel source for colonocytes Balanced replacement crystalloid solutions, such as
• Dietary nonfermentable fiber increases fecal bulk, lactated Ringer’s solution, are an appropriate choice
which promotes normalized colonic motor in most patients. Ongoing monitoring of serum
function and defecation. electrolyte concentrations is recommended because
Potential sources include canned pumpkin, brown supplementation is sometimes required.
rice, peas, and carrots. There are no established
guidelines for fi ber supplementation in cases of small H2 = histamine-2; NK-1 = neurokinin-1; NSAID =
bowel diarrhea. nonsteroidal anti-infl ammatory drug; PPI = proton
In one study, dogs with colitis that received pump inhibitor


Yuri Lawrence, DVM, MA, MS, Diplomate Jonathan Lidbury, BVMS, MRCVS,
ACVIM (Small Animal Internal Medicine), Diplomate ACVIM (Small Animal Inter-
is enrolled in the Texas A&M University nal Medicine) & ECVIM (Companion
Gastrointestinal PhD program and also serves Animal), is an assistant professor of vet-
as a senior clinician at the institution’s small erinary small animal internal medicine
animal hospital. Dr. Lawrence received his at Texas A&M University. Dr. Lidbury
DVM from Tufts University; then completed received his BVMS from University of
an MA in anatomy and neurobiology at Glasgow in Scotland and completed
Boston University, internship in small animal his small animal internal medicine res-
medicine and surgery at North Carolina State idency at Texas A&M University. His
University, and residency in small animal clinical and research interests include
internal medicine and MS in veterinary small animal hepatology and gastro-
science at Oregon State University. enterology. | November/December 2015 | TODAy’S VETERINARy PRACTICE 51

Peer Reviewed Primary Acute Gastroenteritis

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52 November/December 2015 |

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