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What do you prefer to live, in the city or in the country?


Following the global trend of living, personally I love living in the

city more than in the country because of several reasons. In my opinion,
the advantages of living in the urban area has overwhelmed the living in
the rural one.

Firstly, thanks to the increasing of economy, the local authority has

invested in infrastructure like: the public transportation, highways,
hospitals, schools, ect. By comparision, we can not deny that the
structures in the city are better than in the countryside. For instance, it is
really convenient for students and workers to travel due to the
transportation system which allows people to reach them safely,
affordably and efficiently If you live in the urban area, you can have
diversity of suitable selection for schools or universities which have good
conditions to develop all skills comprehensively. Without a doubt, the
latest news and information will be approached earlier and more exactly;
it can help people avoid being in some dangerous situations or achieve
useful targets. As I have mentioned above, they have completely met the
demand of living .

Another one I want to give you is living in the city is an

opportunity. I mean that cities provide so many chances for the youths,
such as career growth and progression. The young are full of energy and
ambition to accomplish things, this is the main factor to suceed in career.
In fact, cities is promising with people to afford the money for a better
life. Normally, people think that it is easily to find a good paid job when
they leave their hometown and move to the city. This is one of the main
reasons why the population in the city is more than in the countryside.

The last one is you can find something to release stress. It is stress
management. By the development of entertainment facilities, cities have
many options like cinemas, parks, museums, restaurants, and stadiums for
people to enjoy the life after a hard-working day. It is will help they
recreate the power of spirit and strength. For example, at weekend,
citizens in the urban areas usually go out and paticipate in several
activities like going to the cinema or having an offline party with their
club or their group to interact with other members in a coffee shop. It also
helps your children to improve constitution by the outdoor activities.

Due to all that things, It is true that a city offers so many

opportunities and advantages those are absent in a countryside. Therefore,
I totally choose a city to enjoy my life.
If you could change something where you live, it would be?

In the main, now I am living in a city and everything is fantastic

and I am really contented with my life; however, if I have a chance to
change something, it will be the position. There are two essential reasons
why I want to alter it.
Firstly, my house is near the industial area. Although the distance
is approximately 3 km, the industial air emission affect the atmosphere
which is what my family breathe deeply. It may give many diseases, such
as, lung cancer, respiratory infection, and so on.
Another reason is my unit is a long way from my house.
Occasionally, it is inconvenient for me to go to my unit. I have to get up
early any finish everything as fast as possible I can.
So, if I change this factor, I can save time and protect my family’s

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