HRM Term Paper

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At first all praise goes to almighty Allah, the creator of the universe for giving us enormous blessing and strength for successful completion of this term paper. We feel proud to express our deepest gratitude, profound appreciation and best regards to our honorable teacher Prof. Dr. Md.Mohsin-Ul Islam, Institute of Business Administration, Rajshahi University for his untiring inspiration, scholastic and systematic supervision, invaluable advice and generous help for the completion of report. Finally, Our special thanks to Md. Pearuzzaman, GM(Admin), Rajshahi Sugar Mills,Harayan for his great cooperation.

Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY01 SECTION-I 1 INTRODUCTION.. 1.1 Origin of the report.. 1.2 Objectives of the Study..... 1.3 Limitations of the study 1.4 Methodology of the report SECTION-II 2 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK...................................... 2.1 Organizational Structure. 2.2 The role of organizational structure.. 2.3 Building blocks of organizational structure.. 2.4 Differentiation.. 2.5 Vertical Differentiation 2.6 Horizontal Differentiation. 2.7 Integration & Integrating mechanisms.. SECTION-III 3. ORGANIZATIONAL ORIENTATION. SECTION-IV 4. ANALYSIS. SECTION-V 5. CONCLUSION... SECTION-VI 6. REFERENCES ..


Bangladesh Bank came into existence in December 1971. Bangladesh Bank is the central bank of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Bank performs all the functions, which a central bank of any country is expected to perform. . These functions include maintaining the price stability, supporting the economic and monetary policies of the central government, managing the country's foreign exchange and the gold reserve. It exercises monopoly over the issue of currency and the banknotes. The general superintendence and direction of affairs and business of the Bank are entrusted to a nine number Board of Directors which consists of the governor as chairman, a deputy governor, three senior government officials and four persons having experience and proven capacity in the fields of banking , trade, commerce, industry or agriculture- all nominated by the government. The Board which is the highest policy making body, meets at least six times a year and at least once every quarter under the chairmanship of the governor. The Governor appointed by the government as the chief executive officer, directs and controls all the affairs of the Bank on behalf of the Board

INTRODUCTION Employee relations activities are those which seek greater organizational effectiveness through the enhancement of human dignity and growth. They seek to establish direct, two way communication between managers and employees to provide mutual assistance and involvement in decision making. About organization: We have conducted our study on Rajshahi Sugar Mills. It was installed up by the goverment in 1962-1965 at a cost of tk 23.35 million with an initial can crushing capacity of 1016 mt per day. The sugar mills started trial production in 1965-66. Name Year of foundation Year of installation Year of first production Annual production capacity Rajshahi Sugar Mills 1963 1965,November 1965-66 20,000 M.T

1.1ORIGIN OF THE REPORT We are lucky to say that our honorable course instructor Prof. Dr. Md. Mohsin-UL Islam, IBA, University of Rajshahi gives us the opportunity to make this report. He assigned us the report on the basis of employee relationships of Rajshahi Sugar Mills,Harayan.. 1.2 OBECTIVE OF THE REPORT

To acquire the practical knowledge about employee relations. To gather information about how the organization maintain employee relations. To identify the problems regarding employee relationships. To analyze the impact of employee relationships on organization.

1.3 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY Though we have tried our level best to prepare this report but we have some limitations in preparing this report such as1. This report is based on information that is given by administrative body.

02. We have not get enough time to justify the information. 03.In many cases, the organization is not interested to provide their information for maintaining the organizational secrecy. 04. Previous research papers related to this report is not available.

1.4 METHODOLOGY Methodology is the important stapes for application of the research. The success of an appropriate research fully depends on appropriate and exact methodology. Methodology is the

way of conducting a study. It is the process of collecting data, interpreting the data, analyzing the data and doing other relevant activities. It is the combination of rules and techniques which are used in a study. The information used to prepare this report has been collected from primary as well as secondary source. We have collected primary data from interview with GM(Admin). The secondary data was the official record of the organization. source of

Theoritical study of Employee Realations:


Discipline programs ensure adherence to generally accepted work rules. When rules are not adhered to, the organization must resolve the resulting employee management conflict. Discipline system: 1) Discipline system is the establishment of work and behavior rules. 2) The communication of the rules to all employees. 3) This element is an assessment mechanism. Performance evaluation typically assesses deficiencies in work behavior at scheduled intervals.

Establish rules

communicate rules

assess behavior

modify behavior


4) Assistance in changing behavior and administrating punishment. Disciplinary process: Discipline usually follows a progressive system in the companies deal with second later functions more hardly then the direst offences. There are mainly four disciplinary processes: these are Warning: first technique that manager use is giving warning to the employee. In this stage manager just counseling with employee.

Advising In this process if more serious violation takes place the supervisor again advise the employee. These time supervisors report the incident on the employees personal file. Transferring: If council ling and warnings do not result in changed behavior. In that case transfer is the appropriate disciplinary process through which employee can be shaped Firing: The next most severe from of punishment is getting an employee to quit. Getting the unsatisfactory employee to quit has many advantages over termination

Conflict resolution Employers must handle conflict in a way that protects employees rights. Conflict on the job may arise for a host of reasons: sexual harassment; equal opportunity complaints; or disputes over promotions pay so on. Resolution systems: the system an organization uses depends on the problems it deals with as well as organizational structure. Procedures can vary on two dimensions: 1. Degree of formality 2. Degree of independence from management. i) Hierarchical systems

In hierarchical system the supervisor commands order to solve the problem. When an employee is found to be ineffective, the supervisor decides what needs to be done. ii) Peer system

Peer systems rely on independent or related peers to asses the situation and commend action. It is an easy system for solving conflict. iii) Ombudsmen: another approach to resolving conflicts is the use of an ombudsman who investigates complaints, hears all sides and tries to help parties arrive at a solution.

Analysis of employee relations on Rajshahi Sugar Mills:

We have analysed employee relations of Rajshahi Sugar Mills on the basis of five decisions of employee relations that managers face in designing employee relations programs. Communication : Managers of RSM convey all kinds of information through written forms. They have written rules and regulations regarding policies,wages,training,promotion opportunities and so on. Protection : They provide primary treatment for injured employees. They have reactive programs for compensating employees who are victims. They dont have job redesigning facility that diminish hazardous conditions. They dont have any safety training programs. We have asked about AIDS,sexual harassment and substance abuse. But they dont have any information regarding these. There is no separate place for smoking. That affect non smokers.

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