Review of Verb Tenses (2 Bach)

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PRESENT SIMPLE acciones habituales frequency adverbs I often play football
(“-s” en tercera persona expressions (once a week/ he goes to the cinema once a week
singular) hechos on Sundays, every day) Water boils at 100ºC
(auxiliary do/ does) stative verbs feelings, likes, dislikes I don’t remember his name

PRESENT CONTINUOUS acción ocurriendo ahora now, at the moment He is writing some e-mails now
(“to be” en presente + V- acción en progreso this week, this year We are studying Bachillerato this year
ing) planes en el futuro next Monday, tonight, They aren’t coming to my birthday party
tomorrow next weekend

PAST SIMPLE acción acabada en el yesterday Yesterday we went to the cinema

(“-ed” or irregular verbs) pasado last week We didn’t come to class last Friday
(auxiliary “did”) two days ago; when They arrived 20 minutes ago

PAST CONTINUOUS acción inacabada en at eight o’clock yesterday We were watching TV at 8 yesterday
(“to be” en pasado + V-ing) pasado while While/As I was having a shower, the
interrumpida por otra as phone rang
acción While I was reading a book my sister
paralela a otra acción was talking on the phone

PRESENT PERFECT acción que empezó en how long How long have you waited for me?
(have/has + participle) pasado y continúa ever Has he ever been to the USA?
acción que terminó en just We have just finished homework
en español muchas veces algún momento del pasado already/ yet My brother hasn’t arrived yet
se traduce como presente pero está conectada con el for/ since I have learnt English for 7 years
o con la expresión “llevar + presente recently, lately I haven’t seen him recently

PAST PERFECT acción anterior a otra after, before After we had had lunch we washed up
(had + participle) acción en pasado by the time By the time he arrived, I had already left
pretérito pluscuamperfecto already
en español (había +

PRESENT PERFECT como “present perfect” pero how long How long have you been waiting for
CONTINUOUS con idea de continuidad, for/ since me?
(have been / has been + V- progreso recently, lately She has been learning English for 7
ing) all day long/ all night long years
I’ve been studying all night long

PAST PERFECT como “past perfect” pero for hours When you arrived, I had been studying
CONTINUOUS con idea de contiuidad, all morning for 2 hours
(had been + V-ing) progreso when, before By the time she stopped for lunch, she
had been working all morning

FUTURE SIMPLE horarios tomorrow/ in an hour The exam will start at 10 tomorrow
(will + infinitive) predicciones I think/ I’m sure I’m sure that you will pass your exams
decisiones espontáneas this evening/ later I’m very tired. I’ll go to bed

BE GOING TO intención, planes en el tomorrow/ in an hour We are going to have a party tomorrow
(be going to + infinitive) futuro this evening/ later Look at those black clouds. It’s going to
(conjugar verbo “to be”) evidencia clara de algo next weekend rain

FUTURE PERFECT acción acabada en el futuro by the end of… By the end of November we will have
(will have + participle) by this time next… taken lots of exams
in four months In four months we will have finished the
second term

FUTURE CONTINUOUS acción en progreso en at this time tomorrow At this time next month we will be
(will be + V-ing) futuro at this time next… celebrating Christmas
on Friday... In June we will be doing Selectividad

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