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Get Ghoice !

Cadson Suruey works on:

r AutoCAD' versions 2000 to current
r lntelliCAD'' (built in)
. Windov/s 7
& choose Carls0n Survey AutoCAD Embedded
v/iih the AutoCAD 0El\4 engine built in

Get the Power ol Carlson Field-To-Finish

Use Carlson 5urveytogetherwith Carlson's popLrlardata
collection software, Carlson SurvcE, and you'llget
poweful, effective, and accurate"Field to Finish."
Thanks to the ability to code allentries ln Carlson SurvCE,
rymbols, points, and linework are drawn automatically in
Carlson Suruey

ln fact, SurvCE serves asan efficient preview screen for the 'Carlson SuNeydoes t.l for!s it! a b q time savet
6naldrawing ifit looks good on the data.ollector, it will on al d fierent levels.Carleon's Feld ro Finth is
proce55 pedectly in Ca rlson Survey. bette', too, be.ause n.onnecis all the llne work fot
you.lrllsrmakBthewholepro(essa oteasier"

rr-rl D re.tor of Land S!tueying


htelliCAD Te.hnoloqy

rffi ;i;.i;.i;**; ; !,;;ili;liil W

Top l{ew Featules S.ttirgs fllaEag.llrnt Ger everyone working til tim/C!fls Add€d ab iry !o add o,
on the 5rme prgew th th s ability to enablish remove po nttfrom pro.essiog and then
Sllart tull{blior nuh.: tully adjustable for company-w de setringssnd sty e5
cleaner designs with no overlapping lab€ls
CAo SEd.d5 oft lool Easy-ro-u5e table oI D&G $ ., Cofir-d. l.Ehd!d: The menut
oocllElt XriaglrErt Herel
sman frling a cunom item5 yo! .an dGw .omplete wft ior each sueey solution r!n side by iide
system - the Carlson Data Depot - for sharing (andardized properiie! yo! get two of th€ narion\ most popuia,
fi,es and archivingormaking back ups rutoey programs in one.

Survey Commaods Points

. Iltt C.ll.ctoi l llfoc6 Uplord.nddownlBdto r lnloilt4ttU*, n.6ned impodind expo of pn nr

.T B ldlBt6t tpreadrh€r ed ro, io' i d a I lt PoitrB rlaw rc nc !v rh seirrg5 r!, \y.,hol5.

*ir,g,.phtr5r dpro.e*nqro,rD!r&.dlunn. (
r sslEl Advan.edoerwtrklean sqr e5r.r r Pnint 06l{. P. c,.ur iDnaq., rodefi.aea.r -a
r Fidd.lcfi.irlr: D,.! poiiaunh lry e! ain i p.iir . Coodinah Fih fli.rory li:.k! a .h,igps ro pin. i;l 1+ r+
tr {
t fir P.irtt tll OIEhr riidspoinrrabe overapr -
. l-I..l.. xoed in Fe .lr..rin nl
r !! rh ( e opr!n!rohxauio'n ciy ! ,i r -1
erem.i6 e d.(,iDiioi rd (. ana ,. d,.wbrr.d . Poh l.oE ur ns! ld' od ry ,o:d rab"r! n,.r,
nule{ 1r lrdq rw n i
*r +.l t-" . i'
r dlco nr.a Rd ' ior!
eeo.n' de@oLJno rrrnnJr.,iode,ni e Area/Layort
. Llt llra .a ,nli I

. cr.nftrir lahmtl.r
Cunomzedarea ab," sryre5:nd Fvecl iedlf' .
TrannDm .o!rd rar.r nien,ods ro 5ere.1 a/ea! to lalre
. Sitln- 5 dn!ndedrcJ hiordJr..,dcrnid,a
p,.r€dio6IN. rie. roLo.. by re n.n nrv. an.l h.ariq.Fa.noli
t LrIcMo* aomnind!iorn,b
. 0..i. ln!e, dced by d6( proi, ,etrd d{cd d J JidkowJrt',\ triri,.J yupdires.rearlo,rny Sud{el lraveE. Ehfoil uitit .nor ellhsrs
tomdeed 6e.deed rcp.ntdeed.oreraiioi an. n.udesib, ty io rbe
geie,.re egrde(.pr oiro d6si19
r Cul SL.b (redc !un.drurrlEr!v{h t L.l htSa Loid.hi ions by poDinun,b.trwir[
d.,.i.. qrd.! iin ndioo ofl *B nm,!. \ 1.(n,r. 06,!o ird tri,p(r(rk(n t ov..
Surface Commands . td t r.ui 5 7e r.$ a .iq ,i9 r ne
. 8dH$rla.B 3yn.iqlhioi.',,Ac.n9!at9 s ra0er/er,setba.kaidno a9e
r CiitlliDD: ooDnepn8rcu Jr.i . olt b, l 4cn.i rld ClldlS.B iiyod ro'
r Suf.4 IrE d:ah:nJesn{P
rid adjunn,da.e{uioon!roand i Annotation
.nrLl Lrdu ne5 Jnd r(ap!d!15 . a.!k e oiirm. L.l.b rier bre ror Mri 10 .b.r
rv.{GEdlvlllrcUDe!beh!e.|tJ]gLlJ.i newo'k n r poa ble ay.!r.Dtribiiarionrp!!
rvJ ibrp i frroiu(omar.irly6x ibe overrp3Jnd
r Pi 0aigi rr.urlr rsroF5l,o,, pid pe, niele, ro
eu r.. buldpidsud,rc,c.urrle:idbtrJn.e . cd. bt b Lill| ( v. di[ 0 *,( r.., ConlouriibolhC. enSu oyand SUtoCE
vcumes andenilFdFamele6
. Sr.r I.n: noL r ies eryp.alral abpl!
. D6tn ad Ean C.dali6 D.ier or op . Lall ElarlioB L,b.r +o1 3 .vJr o n I .nc rr
r rri.l $ari.B dl (lt t t! Ani.Gre n oi ,,d . LiDt 6 r,&,io{,Ikr}rr!
offrEaoi9.ente,r reand dFe(ed p. its
. cd.d.t oi..Li feoonr Qri!6 rrd o.fylt ror GIS Commands
*ed.npo,naaonq.e ? De . GIS Oara: dour,edir,ouea, Eoorl Jbe J d fled
. c6rt olttrl Poid r:re ep.nG sps.'hed d.rbr*d.b Jtr.hcd ro drwi9.iites
r llfrl SflA mpoa/trpo(ro nindrrcwoad :
r arr.B:rlrxib t rErdlnc orn{ !n r G.o-nda.i.rd l.rae P &. seo rcreref..d i Jqej
uv!\ rl,lrq:pi, ony eP nedsqoi,q.(
!p,a .,d. rp cl neandlir.tpr ne r Pl.6 cffi sFtolhlcq on* a .a.,en sy nri.

. Pr.ff b.toma,di..i<,c.^.nrr.s. General
r Srtl{ F ei,b . ddh noBqe ,rsrhonr
. Qtid{ Prfil. One nepfle p,or e r ltrir{ lplmr r,la rage i^n {.e$ p,.jed d:ri h e5
uunde{h re adruni.g.e e,li'e ! It darr: I ! roinnoi drari i! etro6
. lll{t Edn Pr fk Eder proiie .1.r. o d€ r qprnll{ E lnf.cE rd y roo ! n, wo,ritrq i,

t DIr fn fl6 onsprohes.nqturorplrn p.ofre

$e.tswirhiuro updir nq biPd on eri r
t Pr.llk LrD(r€.reDo a..diopoly e!
Aure,id !u.t'r\ rdi,5r'ink*,trpE.iries,
po y iie u r{iet
hrDeturind lwmt!@i
i Ort Cr'n.dlilitf
LandxML and
D,awirq .tpedo,, Lay.l

suppotu ndun,yniMad
{ores orspe.6. dab..nvs!ioN
...Wolts Slimpt!' ...Samply WodG

=*- ffiil
.r.r10nlr66i3ee,'far:1oxl6!! mio@d* (p!o ei{Nwdds(pqn
*LI.# ll\l .M€dan{061)1575031,lsr46}.Paranb'!1076rl364s0r.3601rr.Padaqt0751)737o64e,737053e.PaLembaBlo711)nr6ee
. B.nduryl0rr)4rrrrer,4rrrrsr.surbryr 10Irs66*5. e ikpapai 14s42)1023s11 1241143
. Ma[6sl04rr)37s]rr, 375rr5, M.oado lerll 34!63e


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