Report Tunnel Stability - Final

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United Utilities North West

Prenton Service Reservoir

Tunnel Stability

Date June 2009


Document control sheet BPP 04 F8

Client: United Utilities North West

Project: Prenton Service Reservoir Job No: B08000AE
Document Title: Tunnel Stability

Originator Checked by Reviewed by Approved by

COMMENT R Leon T Morrow T Morrow P Smith

22 June 2009

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Jacobs Engineering U.K. Limited

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1 Introduction 1

2 Background Information 2
2.1 Location 2
2.2 Site Layout 2
2.3 The Tunnel 2
2.4 Pumping Station Access 3
2.5 Security of Supply 3

3 Tunnel Condition 4
3.1 Inspection 4
3.2 General Geological Condition 4
3.3 Collapsed Zone 4
3.4 Tunnel Stability Assessment 4

4 Remedial Works 6
4.1 Options 6
4.2 Selected Option 6

5 Conclusions 8

6 References 9

Appendix 1 Extract from Map of Public Water Mains showing Prenton SR

Appendix 2 Diagrammatic Layout of Mains at Prenton SR
Appendix 3 Photographs of Tunnel Inspection
Appendix 4 Tunnel Logging Sheets
Appendix 5 Tunnel Rock Mass Classification
Appendix 6 Stereographic Plots
Appendix 7 Remedial Works Proposal for Collapse Zone
1 Introduction

The Prenton Service Tunnel is approximately 35m long and runs between a
pumping station adjacent to the Prospect Road/Tower Road reservoir site entrance
and the underground reservoir itself.

The tunnel was constructed in rock strata, is approximately 2.0m high and 1.5m
wide and carries 3 nr CI mains, 12”, 13” and 14”, as well as a 12” reservoir scour

A collapse of rock has recently occurred over a short length of the tunnel and United
Utilities (UU) have appointed Jacobs to carry out an urgent investigation of the
tunnel to determine the cause of collapse, the extent of the problem, the risk to the
mains and to propose options for remedial work.

The main issues to be addressed are:

• the stability of the strata and the likelihood of further collapse

• the current condition of the mains and their vulnerability
• remedial works solutions would need to take into account the long term
access and maintenance requirements for the tunnel and the mains.

This report covers the initial investigation stage i.e.

• the inspection of the tunnel and the collapse zone

• the mains operational/replacement requirements
• selection of a preferred remedial work solution

Once a preferred solution has been selected then subsequent work would involve
the development of the design of the remedial works, engaging a contractor to carry
out the work and implementing the solution.

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2 Background Information

2.1 Location

Prenton Service Reservoir (SR) is located in a residential area at the junction of

Tower Road and Reservoir Road in Prenton which lies to the south of Birkenhead
on the Wirrall Peninsula. An extract from a map of public water mains showing
Prenton SR is attached in Appendix 1.

2.2 Site Layout

The Prenton SR site consists of a Water Tower, an underground Service Reservoir

and an underground Pumping Station (PS). An unlined rock tunnel runs between
the SR and PS which carries three cast iron mains (two draw-off and one scour). It
is understood that the reservoir was constructed in 1860.

Water from the SR gravitates to the PS which then pumps the draw-off water up to
the Tower. The rising mains from the PS to the Tower are not located in the tunnel.

One of the cast irons mains in the tunnel has been duplicated with a fourth main in
the tunnel over the majority of the tunnel length. The mains in the tunnel have been
laid in a sand bed.

A diagrammatic layout of the mains at Prenton is shown in Appendix 2.

2.3 The Tunnel

The tunnel is accessed from ground level via a stone, spiral staircase (29 no steps x
250mm) located in a small tower adjacent to the upper reservoir. UU have
designated the staircase/tower as a gas check zone and the staircase has
permanent electric lighting installed.

The depth from ground level to tunnel soffit at the spiral staircase is approximately

The base of the staircase accesses the tunnel at approximately one third of its 35m
length from the SR to the PS. The tunnel is curved in plan with an approximate 35°
change of direction as shown on the sketch in Appendix 2.

The tunnel collapse zone is located approximately 7m towards the PS from the
spiral staircase and the access road to the site passes over the tunnel at this point.
No noticeable signs of tunnel collapse have been recorded at surface.

The access road is currently only used by light UU maintenance vehicles.

The tunnel itself is approximately 1.5m wide and 2.0m high. It is unlined and has
been constructed using an arch shaped profile. The tunnel is terminated at the SR
end with a brick headwall.

Ventilation of the tunnel relies on natural air circulation from an access chamber at
the PS end to the spiral staircase access. There is no natural ventilation in the
tunnel dead end section towards the SR.

Tunnel Stability 24.06.09.doc 2

2.4 Pumping Station Access

At the PS end of the tunnel there is a square access chamber to the tunnel
approximately 1.2m x 1.2m in size. The cover from ground level to the crown of the
tunnel at the PS is approximately 3m.

Vibration from the submersible pumps is noticeable at ground level on the line of the

2.5 Security of Supply

It is understood from UU that Prenton SR supplies approximately 10,000 customers

in the local area and any interruptions to supply could be difficult as no alternative
supply route is readily available.

UU have no current plans to replace or uprate any of the mains in the tunnel or
elsewhere on the Prenton site. Any remedial works solutions for the tunnel would
thus need to developed for the medium to long term. Any remedial works options
involving interruption to supply through the CI mains in the tunnel would not be a
preferred solution.

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3 Tunnel Condition

3.1 Inspection

A detailed geotechnical inspection of the tunnel was undertaken on 11 June 2009 to

ascertain the nature of the strata within the tunnel, its current condition and its
stability. Rock mass characteristics were obtained and stability assessments
undertaken by use of stereographic plots.

This inspection was undertaken by a Jacobs Tunnel Engineer with support from UU
personnel. Record photographs of the inspection are shown in Appendix 3.

3.2 General Geological Condition

The tunnel has been constructed through the Triassic Lower Keuper
Sandstone/Bunter Sandstone series – reddish in colour, mainly fine grained and
often current bedded. The Keuper and Bunter Sandstones are generally good,
stable tunnelling mediums and have yielded good stone for building. Recently, the
Keuper and Bunter Sandstones has been re-named by the British Geological Survey
as the “Sherwood Sandstone Group”.

Appendix 4 contains the geotechnical logging sheets that were used during the
inspection to record the rock mass characteristics.

The general rock mass along the tunnel comprised slightly weathered sandstone
with widely spaced joints. The sandstone was dry at the time of the inspection.

3.3 Collapsed Zone

At around 7m from the bottom of the spiral staircase towards the PS a 4m long
section of the tunnel has collapsed with debris lying on top of the 14” main. The
collapse has resulted in a “cavern” approximately 1.8 – 2.0m wide and 2.0m high
above the 14” main. The collapse does not extend to ground level.

The cavern walls and roof consist of loose, unstable blocks of weathered sandstone
and extensive tree roots are evident. No groundwater was present during the
inspection but there was clear evidence that rainwater percolates into the tunnel
from the surface.

UU have confirmed that the rockfall was first noted some 6 months ago and that the
rock condition in the collapse zone appeared somewhat worse on the 11th June
inspection. This is a clear indication that the rock mass in the collapse zone is in a
highly unstable state.

3.4 Tunnel Stability Assessment

From the data obtained during the inspection the tunnel stability of various locations
along the tunnel was assessed using the CSIR Rock Mass Classification1 and the
NGI Q System2. The results are given in Appendix 5.

The general tunnel rock mass was assessed as “poor” or “very poor” consistent with
a weathered rock mass near surface. However the limited span of the excavation

Tunnel Stability 24.06.09.doc 4

(1.5m) indicates that no permanent support is likely to be required – consistent with
the tunnel being in use for 140 years.

In the area of the collapse, it was difficult to obtain any meaningful data on the rock
mass condition because of the unstable and highly weathered condition of the
strata. However the collapse zone is evidently “very poor” or worse in nature and
permanent support is demanded in this area to prevent further collapse.

In tunnels excavated in jointed rock masses at relatively shallow depth, the most
common mode of failure are these involving wedges falling from the roof or sliding
from the sidewalls. Any wedge that is allowed to fall or slide will cause a reduction
in the restraint and the interlocking of the rock mass then this in turn will allow other
wedges to fall. This failure process will continue until natural arching in the rock
mass prevents further unravelling or until the tunnel is full of fallen material.

The methodology for checking on this wedge failure in tunnels is to prepare

stereographic plots based on field observations of joint strike and drip directions.
For the Prenton Tunnel, stereographic plots were prepared for 5 sections along the
tunnel away from the collapse zone (Appendix 6) and these plots have shown that
wedge failure of the tunnel is unlikely.

It was thus concluded that, with the exception of the collapse zone, the tunnel is in a
relatively stable condition and is likely to remain so.

Tunnel Stability 24.06.09.doc 5

4 Remedial Works

4.1 Options

Following the investigation and analysis work on tunnel stability, it is evident that
remedial works need only be targeted at the collapse zone in the tunnel. Such
remedial works need to be implemented rapidly as further collapse could occur at
any time with resulting damage to the mains. Asset recovery would be difficult
should a complete tunnel collapse occur.

A number of options have been considered including relining of the tunnel with insitu
or sprayed concrete. These options would take some time to implement, would
probably involve letting of a contract and could cost substantial amounts.

Cheaper options such as completely filling of the collapsed zone using sand or
foamed concrete have also been considered. These options are less expensive but
have the disadvantage that the tunnel asset is effectively “lost” should the mains
ever need replacing.

Table 4.1 shows the full range of remedial works options considered with their
relative merits and costs.

4.2 Selected Option

On balance and in view of the urgent need to stabilise the collapse zone in the
tunnel, a solution involving filling of the “cavern” using foamed concrete is
considered the fastest and most cost-effective solution. This is shown on the sketch
in Appendix 7.

Brickwork bulkheads would need to be constructed either side of the collapse zone
prior to filling with low strength (5N/mm2) foamed concrete. Filling could be carried
out via a surface borehole but care would need to be taken when drilling this hole to
avoid further collapse. A 300mm layer of sand could be hydraulically placed in
advance of foam concrete filling. This sand layer would provide protection to the
upper 14” main.

To provide permanent thorough ventilation in the tunnel across the collapse zone it
is recommended that 3 nr 400mm dia uPVC ducts are placed across the collapse
zone as shown. These ducts could be used for future mains replacement.
Personnel access would be retained to either side of the collapse zone. However,
access via the spiral staircase would be difficult for plant and materials

To progress the remedial works it is suggested that UU approach their term

contractors with a view to implementing a rapid solution.

Tunnel Stability 24.06.09.doc 6

Table 4.1 – Remedial Works Options Considered


1 Crash Deck Can be installed relatively quickly Contractor exposed to tunnel unstable conditions Inexpensive
Structure Tailor made to fit particular conditions. Does not prevent surface collapse
(metal, timber, etc) Flexible – can include more than one type of construction Does not prevent the rising main at surface being damaged by
material. subsidence
Not a long term solution
Very limited access to mains for inspection/ maintenance
2 Concrete In-situ Permanent solution to recover tunnel Temporary diversion of mains needed for construction Expensive
Lining Lining shutter will protect contactor’ workforce in collapsed Implementation time would be significant
zone Likely contractor procurement process could be extended
Will secure ground surface against collapse
Potential subsidence damage to near surface rising main
Allows complete backfilling of tunnel overbreak at collapse
Gives continued long term access to the mains and would
allow mains replacement in the future
3 Sprayed Concrete Permanent solution to recover tunnel Difficulties in spraying concrete in a confined space Expensive
Lining Faster to install than in-situ lining. Implementation time relatively quick
Will follow the current tunnel profile without need for Risk of further collapse whilst spraying
additional filling Tree roots would need special treatment to prevent long term
Gives continued access to the mains and would allow mains bursting of the sprayed concrete lining
replacement in the future Likely extended procurement process of a specialist contractor
4 Backfill of the The fastest option to be implemented Full maintenance access to tunnel lost Inexpensive
Tunnel with foamed Secures safety of water mains in tunnel and surface stability Prevents complete inspection of mains
Concrete or Other Can be a long term solution Mains replacement could necessitate intervention by open cut
Inert Filling Material Limits contractor’s workforce to dangers of working in from surface
collapse zone Bulkhead walls required to contain backfill material to tunnel
Various types of filling material available – sand, grout, collapse zone
foamed concrete
Relatively short contractor procurement process
5 Tunnel Permanent solution Stability of Upper Reservoir needs to be considered at design Expensive
Replacement with Tunnel mains secure and running at all times. stage
Cut and Cover Completely new structure with design life of 100 years+ Diversion and reinstatement of all mains at surface needs to be
Structure Increases ease of mains inspection / maintenance. carried out
Likely impacts on other facilities at surface level within SR site
Likely contractor procurement process could be extended

Tunnel Stability 24.06.09.doc 7

5 Conclusions

• Based on our survey of 11 June 2009 the general rock mass condition along
the tunnel has been classified using rock mass rating techniques and the
tunnel rock is generally “poor” in nature. However, with a tunnel of this size
and in this rock, permanent support of the excavation would generally not be

• The area of the collapse exhibits a different rock mass condition – “very
poor”. If the tunnel had been constructed nowadays, this section would
almost certainly demand a permanent lining.

• The tunnel collapse has been prompted by the low rock cover, the presence
of tree roots within the rock mass and the infiltration of groundwater.

• It is possible that further collapses of rock could occur in the near future.

• Various remedial work options have been investigated including relining

using insitu concrete, sprayed concrete and proprietary tunnel lining

• The preferred (and simplest option) is to infill the collapse zone with
lightweight foamed concrete of 5N/mm2 strength. This will prevent further
collapse of strata in the “very poor” rock section.

• The disadvantage to doing this is that access to the mains in the invert is lost
in the event of a failure. As this is an unlikely event, the preferred solution is
to insert 3 x 400mm dia plastic ducts through the foamed concrete collapse
section, laid on top of the existing pipes prior to concrete placing.

• In the event of mains failure/mains replacement a new pipe can be inserted

through one of the empty ducts.

• Personnel access would be retained to either side of the of the collapse

zone. However, access via the spiral staircase would be difficult for plant and

• The presence of the ducts through the foamed concrete infilled section also
allows airflow through the tunnel from the access chamber at the pumping
station end of the tunnel to the spiral staircase access.

Tunnel Stability 24.06.09.doc 8

6 References

1. Bieniawski, Z.T. Rock Mass Classification in Rock Engineering. Proc.

Symposium on Exploration for Rock Engineering, Johannesburg, Volume 1,
1976, pages 97 – 106

2. Barton N. Recent Experience with the Q-System of Tunnel Support Design.

Proc. Symposium on Exploration for Rock Engineering, Johannesburg,
Volume 1, 1976, pages 107 – 117

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Appendix 1 Extract from Map of Public Water Mains showing
Prenton SR

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Appendix 2 Diagrammatic Layout of Mains at Prenton SR

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TUNNEL death end
TUNNEL access
Stone staircase
Area of
Vertical access
Hinged cover
Appendix 3 Photographs of Tunnel Inspection

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Appendix 4 Tunnel Logging Sheets

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Appendix 5 Tunnel Rock Mass Classification

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Rock Mass Classification for the area around discontinuities 1 to 5.
(1+2+3+4+5)-6 (1/2)*(3/4)*(5/6)
1 Rock Soft to hammer / 2 1 RQD 10 – 15 15
Strength hand breakable

2 RQD 10 – 15 3 2 Number of joint sets 3+1 12

3 Spacing 100mm – 6 3 Roughness of joint Irregular 1.5
between 150mm set
4 Condition of Irregular 15 4 Wall alteration of Clay free 2
wall discontinuities. disintegrated
5 Groundwater Dry 15 5 Groundwater Dry 1
6 Adjustment Very -12 6 Stress Reduction Multiple 7.5
for Main unfavourable Factor shear zones
Total 29 Total 0.125
Classification: Poor rock Classification: Very Poor

Rock Mass Classification for the area around discontinuities 13 to 17.

(1+2+3+4+5)-6 (1/2)*(3/4)*(5/6)
1 Rock Soft to hammer / 2 1 RQD 15 – 20 20
Strength hand breakable

2 RQD 15 – 20 3 2 Number of joint sets 4; >4 15

3 Spacing 100mm – 7 3 Roughness of joint Planar 1
between 200mm set
4 Condition of Planar 10 4 Wall alteration of Clay free 2
wall discontinuities. disintegrated
5 Groundwater Dry 15 5 Groundwater Dry 1
6 Adjustment Very -12 6 Stress Reduction Multiple 7.5
for Main unfavourable Factor shear zones
Total 25 Total 0.089
Classification: Poor rock Classification: Extremely

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Appendix 6 Stereographic Plots

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No.1 (180/48)
No.2 (300/20)
No.4 (250/78)
No.5 (150/90)
Tunnel alignment: N15W

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No.6 (162/74)
No.7 (240/72)
No.8 (154/89)
No.9 (90/82)
No.10 (45/86).
Tunnel alignment: N15W

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No.11 (228/45) and
No.12 (245/15).
Tunnel alignment: N50W

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No.13 (60/76)
No.14 (292/85)
No.15 (0/ 4)
No.16 (100/80) and
No.17 (250/84).
Tunnel alignment: N50W

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No.18 (230/78)
No.19 (180/84)
No.20 (230/89).
Tunnel alignment: N15W

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Appendix 7 Remedial Works Proposal for Collapse Zone

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