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My parents visit me every month and . . .

go out for lunch : WE

Do you want . . . sugar in your coffee : A SPOONFUL OF
There’s . . . carrots . What can we cook : A BAG OF
My three favorite . . . are cucumber , peas , and carrots : VEGETABLES
I play volleyball for . . . hours every week : A FEW
You can make French fries or . . . from potatoes : CHIPS
I’d like . . . students to help me with this , please : SOME
I’m really thirsty ! I want . . . water : A GLASS OF
I have . . . nieces and nephews : A LOT OF
Would you like to have some . . . after dinner : ICE CREAM
Can your sister cook tonight ? . . . cooking is great : HER
Would you like some . . . in your coffee : MILK
Can you buy six . . . cola , please : CANS OF
. . . homework do you usually have : HOW MUCH
We can go to the library and have . . . lunch in the café there : OUR
We always keep . . . chocolate in the fridge : A BAR OF
. . . bathrooms do you have in your house : HOW MANY
I need . . . strawberries to put on top of this cake : A FEW
The new supermarket is open . . . . prices are pretty cheap : ITS
I don’t want lemonade . . . . orange juice : IS THERE ANY
I . . . her some flowers for her birthday : GAVE
Our apartment was very cheap when we bought it . . . : IN THE 1980S
Do you want to play volleyball before or . . . we go swimming : AFTER
I went to Paris five . . . : YEARS AGO
I want a new computer – my . . . is very old : LAPTOP
They met at a restaurant for lunch and . . . they went bowling : LATER
My . . . takes fantastic photos : DIGITAL CAMERA
Where did you play tennis . . . afternoon : YESTERDAY
I . . . a lot of books when I was on vacation this year : READ
We have a . . . . I’m so happy I can relax after dinner now :
I . . . in London , but I live and work in Italy now : WAS BORN
We have a . . . in the garage . There isn’t enough space for it in the house :
Alexey . . . the laptop because it was very expensive : DIDN’T BUY
I . . . to the company and asked for a job : WROTE
We . . . our visit very carefully . We saw everything : PLANNED
What did you do . . . summer : LAST
In Europe , most people . . . in their twenties or thirties : GET MARRIED
My brother has a very expensive . . . . I hope he doesn’t lose it :
I . . . to finish my book last night : TRIED
I went to college and . . . I got a good job in the U.S : THEN
I’m really bad with numbers , so I don’t like . . . at all : MATH
I studied art in college . . . I love drawing : BECAUSE
I’m going running because I want to . . . : GET IN SHAPE
. . . music at school : DID YOU STUDY
I’d like . . . some new clothes for my vacation : TO BUY
In . . . you learn about people and places : GEOGRAPHY
I hope . . . some new friends when I start my new job : TO MAKE
Join a club ! It’s a great way to . . . : MEET SOMEONE NEW
. . . interested in science at all in school : WERE YOU
Children between the ages of 14 and 16 usually go to . . . : HIGH
My sister wants . . . a marathon – she runs ten kilometers every day : TO
I stopped buying books because I wanted to . . . : SAVE MONEY
Where . . . to college : DID YOU GO
It can be difficult to . . . college : GET INTO
Do you intend . . . French in college : TO STUDY
Marco is wearing a suit because he . . . today : IS GOING ON AN
I stopped eating potato chips and chocolate , . . . I lost weight very
quickly : SO
Did you find chemistry difficult in school ? No , . . . : I DIDN’T
I . . . last year because I played tennis every day : LOST WEIGHT
I enjoyed studying . . . because I like sports : PE ( Physical Education )
I like . . . running in the evening :
You need to talk to him more often . Then you can . . . : IMPROVE
How far . . . : DID YOU TRAVEL
I don’t like science because we . . . a lot of homework : DO
Josh doesn’t enjoy meeting new people . . . he’s really quiet : BECAUSE
I need to . . . . Then I can earn more money : GET A NEW JOB
How . . . the interview : WAS
I’m getting up earlier every day because I want to . . . : BE MORE
. . . is interesting because you learn how to make things : TECHNOLOGY
We decided . . . to Jamaica for our vacation : TO GO
Why . . . a gym : DID YOU JOIN
My son is three . He goes to a . . . : NURSERY SCHOOL
My brother exercises every day now because he wants to . . . : RUN A
Ulrike saved a lot of money , . . . she can buy a new car now : SO
Would you like to go shopping with me ? . . . : YES , I’D LOVE TO
I . . . the exam . Don’t worry . You can take it again : FAILED
I agreed . . . Alexa with her math homework : TO HELP
Was your girlfriend happy to get her new job ? Yes , . . . : SHE WAS
It’s easy to . . . at college : MAKE NEW FRIENDS
I think it’s important for all children to study . . . or another arts subject :
My brother is very . . . . He always goes on adventure vacations : BRAVE
My dad is . . . . He doesn’t have a good diet and he never gets any exercise
My mom is . . . my dad : OLDER THAN
The college is very . . . so it’s easy to meet new people : FRIENDLY
. . . I was 18 , I decided to study chemistry : WHEN
Karen was . . . in our family last year , but now my brother is : THE
My grandmother is great . Things can be difficult , but she’s always . . . :
I think math is . . . English : EASIER THAN
My mom is middle – aged and she’s . . . . She goes to a gym and gets a lot
of exercise : SLIM
The band was great . It was . . . concert this year . I really enjoyed it :
The new apartment is really . . . . We always need to turn the lights on ,
even on a sunny day : DARK
Let’s go to this restaurant . It looks . . . the restaurants downtown :
Look , there’s my brother . He can’t see us . He isn’t wearing his . . . :
I was shy when I was a child , but now I’m more . . . : TALKATIVE
He cooked a meal . . . he arrived home : WHEN
We have . . . neighbors in our apartment building . They have parties every
I prefer apartments because they are . . . houses : MORE MODERN
All my children have dark hair , but my husband’s hair is . . . : BLOND
Sunday is very busy in my city . It’s . . . day of the week : THE MOST
The beach is pretty , but the town is . . . . There are a lot of ugly buildings :
My neighbor was . . . car on our road : THE MOST EXPENSIVE
My aunt’s hair was . . . when she was 50 , but my mother’s hair is still
dark : GRAY
I think working in an office is . . . than studying : A LOT EASIER
I went to live in Canada . . . I was a child : WHEN
She wanted to get in shape and now she’s really . . . : THIN
My son is very . . . . He often buys me presents : GENEROUS
Wow ! My bag is . . . than mine : MUCH HEAVIER
I failed the test and I had . . . grade in the whole class : THE WORST
Be careful ! The castle is very old and dark . It’s a little . . . to walk around
Her hair is beautiful – it’s . . . , so you can see her easily in a crowd : RED
Carla is the . . . person in my office . She knows everything : SMARTEST
I really like . . . hair , so I’m growing mine now : LONG
The lecture today was . . . than studying in the library : MUCH MORE
I was really busy , but my colleague was very . . . and helped me with my
work : KIND
My grandfather is . . . and my baby daughter loves putting her hands on his
head : BALD
. . . we got to the beach , the sun disappeared : WHEN
I met my . . . friend at elementary school twenty years ago : OLDEST
My office is really . . . . People don’t talk to each other : UNFRIENDLY
This area of the city is . . . than where he lived before : LESS
Jemma doesn’t understand why her grandfather is unhappy with her
nose . . . : PIERCINGS
Mikel always goes to work by . . . because he likes the exercise : BIKE
I . . . at 7 a.m every day for college : HAVE TO GET UP
We like staying . . . on vacation . We enjoy being outside : AT A
. . . you can come with us on our vacation this year : MAYBE
I’m really excited because I . . . my friend in California this summer : ‘M
My sister prefers to . . . , but I’m interested in getting out and seeing the
Ricardo doesn’t like going across the ocean by . . . : FERRY
We . . . ties in my office : DON’T HAVE TO WEAR
. . . to France by train : ARE YOU GOING TO GO
We prefer . . . in the winter because cities aren’t crowded then : GOING
We had a fantastic trip by . . . over New York . You can see everything
from the sky : HELICOPTER
Cara doesn’t have a lot of money . She . . . to go on vacation this year :
I think going hiking . . . the best way to spend a vacation : IS POSSIBLY
Shona wants to . . . , but the children want to go to the beach : VISIT AN
I think . . . are a good idea in a city because they are cleaner and quieter
than buses : STREETCARS
At school , I . . . wear a uniform . It was great : DIDN’T HAVE TO
Are you going to go to college . . . : NEXT YEAR
Anna is going to Cancun for a week . I gave her the name of a hotel , but
she’s going to . . . : STAY WITH FRIENDS
. . . go to work on the weekend : DO YOU HAVE TO
James has a . . . . It’s better than a motorcycle because it’s smaller and
cheaper : SCOOTER
I enjoy . . . with my friends . We can get some exercise and see a lot of
different places : GOING HIKING
What are you going to do . . . : TONIGHT
We . . . to the park this afternoon . Do you want to come , too : ARE
We took a . . . around the islands for our vacation . It was nice to be
outside : BOAT
In the summer , I prefer . . . . I love the countryside and hiking : GOING
When Marcella was a child , she . . . with the housework every day :
Are they going to go shopping this afternoon ? Yes , . . . : THEY ARE
It’s pretty difficult to drive a . . . because it’s bigger than a normal car :
She . . . visit her grandparents every day , but she likes to see them :
Gina definitely wants to . . . so she doesn’t have to cook or clean : STAY
Greg doesn’t go to work . . . subway because it’s very expensive . He
walks : BY
We . . . at a campsite because it’s too cold : AREN’T GOING TO STAY
How old . . . be to start school in your country : DO CHILDREN HAVE
They’re going to take the children to the beach after they . . . : VISIT THE
I’m going to be 30 . . . : NEXT JANUARY
I don’t like the idea of traveling . . . when the weather isn’t good : BY
I . . . sightseeing and visit the museum : DEFINITELY WANT TO GO
Does Danillo have to work late ? No , . . . : HE DOESN’T
Clara is . . . tomorrow . It’s scary because the ocean is dangerous here :
Roberto prefers to go to work . . . . It takes longer , but he can think about
his day : ON FOOT

We can have SOME pasta for lunch

Can you make a A CUP OF tea , please ?
There’s A LITTLE cheese , but we need more the sandwiches
We DON’T HAVE ANY onions . Can you go to the store , please ?
We sometimes have A BIG BOWL OF pasta for dinner
Does she want to GO TO COLLEGE after she finishes high school ?
Come to my house AFTER work this evening and we can play my new
video game
We have a DRYER , but it’s expensive to use so we usually put our
clothes outside in the sun
People should be aware of the IMPORTANCE of protecting the
Will the last person living the office please remember to TURN OFF the
lights ?
I’m really bad with numbers , so I don’t like MATH at all
I LOST WEIGHT last year because I played tennis every day
So many WELL – QUALIFIED people applied for the position that we
won’t be able to make a decision for several weeks
There are some job VACANCIES in newspaper today
Despite her SHORTCOMINGS as an accountant , she was still the best
employee we could ever hope for
More than two hundred people WERE VISITING the tower when the
bomb exploded in one of the dustbins
All the preparations for the party will have been made BY THE TIME
My brother hope TO BE INVITED to the party , but he wasn’t

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