Ideals and Values - Manifesto & What Men Live by 2017

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Human Ideal(s)

 What are the common human qualities and ideals we hold?

 Are there universal ideals for which we all strive?
 What is right? What is admirable? What is not-so-
Does everyone agree?
 Why do our actions sometimes fall short of our ideals?
 What is the darker side to human nature?
What are Values?
Values are ideals that guide or qualify your personal conduct, interaction with others, and
involvement in your career. Like morals, they help you to distinguish what is right from
what is wrong and inform you on how you can conduct your life in a meaningful way.

CCB30.1: Create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore
identity, social responsibility, and social action.
CCB30.2: Create a visual representation that suits the topic, purpose, and audience.
Direction(s): Write and then creatively depict, your own MANIFESTO (a list of at least 10 of the
statements and ideals that you live by).

Not Yet Meeting Mostly Meeting Fully Meeting Enriched

(2-1) (3) (4) Understanding
Visual Manifesto is simply Manifesto is limited Manifesto is  Manifesto is
Originality a list of beliefs. in creative elements. completed in a represented in a
and Very little use of any You have basic format but creative and unique
Inventivenes elements and attempted to demonstrates form that demonstrates
s principles of design. incorporate some effective and intentionality and
elements and creative details. originality.
principles of design, You have Thoughtful, insightful
but your manifesto effectively use of the elements
would benefit from incorporated and principles of
more consideration colour, shape, design.
of detail. arrangement, and
other elements and
principles of design.
Written Ideas are unclear, Ideas are not Ideas are clearly Ideas are explained
Message wordy, and awkwardly always clear with communicated with clearly and effectively
communicated. some wordiness, an effective, with a vivid and
You have included repetition, or appropriate purposeful vocabulary.
fewer than half of the vagueness. vocabulary.
required statements. You have included
fewer than the 10
required statements.
Mechanics Several spelling, Some distracting 1-2 minor problems Work is error free!
grammar, and problems with with grammar and
coherence errors that spelling, grammar, mechanics that do
interfere with the and coherence that not impede
understanding and reduce the understanding.
effectiveness of the effectiveness of the
manifesto. manifesto.
Human Ideals

There are universal ideals for which everyone strives.  In the next two selections, you
will begin to compare cultural differences regarding admirable human traits and
determine what can influence people to go against their values and their expectations
for themselves.

Brainstorm – What are qualities that we, as a society, admire?

Deeper Thought - Class Discussion

 If a person has a few admirable qualities, does that make the person
admirable? If not, what does it take to be admirable?
 Do all people have the potential to be admirable? Explain why or why not.

"What Men Live By" (L. Tolstoy, Russia)

Before Reading
I. Expand Your Knowledge & Folk Tale

During Reading
II. Theme Connection
Character # 1 Character # 2
Admirable Actions


After Reading
III. Comprehension & Critical Thinking
1. Briefly describe what happened in the story.
2. What type of internal struggle did each of these main characters face?
3. Did each character ultimately make the honorable choice?
4. Using the chart you filled in while reading, explain how a person's actions reflect
his/her values. 

“Shooting an Elephant” (G. Orwell, British)

Before Reading
I. Author Information & Story Setting
George Orwell is a pen name of Eric Blair. He went to Bermuda as a young man from
1922-1927, as a member of the British Imperial Police.

The setting is Burma (present-day Myanmar) in the 1920s, when the country was a
province of India. The action takes place in the town of Moulmein in the southern part
of the province, called Lower Burma, a rice-growing region on the Bay of Bengal and the
Andaman Sea. 

George Orwell has a reputation for honesty = for telling the truth as he experienced it.
At some time or other people find themselves in embarrassing situations from which
there is no easy or honourable escape. Orwell writes in this short story of a young man
– himself – in just such an impossible position

II. Pre-Reading Vocabulary

 Bazaar: Marketplace on a street with walk-in shops and outdoor stalls. 
 Coolie: Unskilled laborer. 
 Coringhee: From or having to do with the town of Coringa, India. It is in the state
of Andhra Pradesh in the southeastern part of the country. 
 Dravidian: Lower-caste Indian who speaks his own language, Dravidian. 
imperialism: Policy of controlling weak or underdeveloped countries for
economic, political, and military purposes.
 in saecula saeculorum: Latin for in this age and for all ages; forever; for
eternity; until the end of the world. 
 Mahout: Skilled elephant trainer and handler. 
 Raj, British: British government rule in India, of which Burma was a part; the
period when the British government ruled India. 
 sahib: Master, sir. Indians and Burman’s used the word when addressing an

During Reading
As you read the short story note how Orwell describes the pressures he is under and
how he honestly shows the reader his own mistakes.
 What is admirable in what he does? What is not?

After Reading
III. Comprehension & Critical Thinking
1. How did Orwell go against the dictates of his conscience (aka ideals)? Was he a
hero? Why or why not?
2. What are some situations in which contemporary individuals must go against the
dictates of their conscience? Are these individuals considered admirable? Why
or why not?

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