Topic 1 Đ

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Topic 1:

- What was your interesting experience?

Last summer, I was an interesting experience in the game Tau Luon Sieu Toc. I
experience a scary feeling there.
- Where is it happening?
I experienced it in Suoi Tien in Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh.
-When does it happen?
It happened when I was 15 years old.
- Who was with you there?
I played it with my family. Everyone has to scream “OMG”.
- Why is it found interesting?
Despite it is scary but it is very interesting. It is interesting because it makes me
strong feel, and helps me overcome my fear.
Topic 2:

- What was the title of the movie?

I watched the movie the last night. It’s Nha Ba Nu, a movie that has touched
viewers' hearts. there were a lot of viewers who cried.
-Who was the director or producer of the movie?
The movie is produced by Tran Thanh. He is one person famous for the movie Bo
Gia in 2022.
-What was the movie?
The film revolves around a woman's family life with noisy stories, and messages
about love when a couple is in their twenties.
-Who was the main character?
The film with the main character is a young girl named Huynh Uyen An, the
younger sister of Tran Thanh. This is her theatrical debut.
-Whether you would recommend it to your friends. why or why not?
I want to recommend it to everyone because it has a lot of meaningful messages
in life.
Topic 3:
-What services haveexperiencedenced a hotel room?
I have experienced many services at the hotel but the housekeeping service
impressed me the most.
-When thosexperienceerence services
I use them when my room is messy and I don't have time to clean it.
-In which hotel did you experience those services?
I experienced that service at Muong Thanh Can Tho Hotel, and I feel very satisfied
with that service.
-Where is located the hotel?
The hotel is located near the center of Ninh Kieu, with many Vietnamese and
foreign guests.
-What made you feel special about those services?
The special thing about the housekeeping service is that the cleaning staff are
very clean and very friendly to us, they are always happy and appear as soon as
we need them.

TOPIC 4: Make a conversation about a car/motorbike problem that you have had.
-What the car/motorbike problem was?
The problem is that the car lights are not on and the horn is not sounding.
-When and where it happened?
It happened when I was driving on the road at night.
-How it happened?
I don’t know when it happened but when I turned it on it didn't work.
-Whether there was someone to help you?
I think this is not a big problem when I don’t need to happen.
-What did you do t that time to solve the problem?
At that moment I tried to run to the nearest auto repair shop to fix the problem.

TOPIC 5:Make a conversation about your favorite spa

-What the name of a spa is?
The name spa I sometimes visit is Ga Con.
-Where it is?
The spa is located in alley 51.
-How often do you visit there?
I often go to the spa about once a month, sometimes more than once.
-Who do you usually go there with?
I usually go only but I go with my friend.
-What services it offers?
There are a lot of services such as face care and body care, white bath, and hair
-Why it is your favorite one?
Because it's a prestigious spa, with good service, enthusiastic staff, and
reasonable prices suitable for everyone.
TOPIC 6:Make a conversation about your favorite dish
-What ingredients do you need to make the dish?
Ingredients to make "bread" include flour, pork, vegetables, and indispensable
-How do you make or cook the dish?
First, you need to knead the dough to make the bread, then it will be baked, and
finally, add food to the cake and pour the sauce on to enjoy.
-How did you enjoy the dish?
There are many ways to eat banh mi you can eat it with meat or with milk is also
very delicious.
-When and where do you enjoy it?
In VIETNAM, people often consider bread the most popular breakfast dish that
every Vietnamese has ever eaten.
-Whom do you enjoy it with?
I sometimes eat with my family in the morning.
-Why do you like that dish?
Banh Mi is a famous dish that has made Vietnam's name with international
friends, in addition, banh mi is also very delicious and cheap, so it is loved by

Topic 7:
- What personalities make a good employee?
I think a good employee should have honesty, loyalty, self-discipline,
responsibility, dynamism, creativity
- How do you behave toward your boss and your co-worker?
You should have proper manners with your colleagues and boss and should
be sociable and respectful of everyone.
- What personalities you have had?
I thought I was honest and got along with people.
- What personalities you should improve?
The traits that I feel I should improve on are listening to others more and
being assertive in my decisions.
- How do you improve your weaknesses?
I will try to learn from the people around me and those who already have a
lot of experience in their workplace, and learn to be calmer.
Topic 8:
- What it is?
I have seen a Bat Trang ceramic vase, it is very impressive and delicate.
- What it looks like?
Its appearance is quite large, heavy, and very beautiful
- Where it is?
It was completed in Bat Trang pottery village and is displayed separately in
a glass case in a large museum.
- When and where you saw it?
In the summer of a few years ago, I visited a museum in Hanoi with my
- What makes it beautiful and special?
It is finished by a famous craftsman, the carvings are very delicate and their
colors are very harmonious.
- Why do you like it?
I like it because it is the most beautiful vase I have ever seen and has left a
very deep impression on me.
Topic 9:
- What it is?
It is a refrigerator.
- What it looks like?
It is a refrigerator about 1.5m high and quite ordinary in appearance.
- How it is used?
When we first bought it, we should not ban the refrigerator for immediate
use, but let it rest for 24 hours, and then turn off the electricity and leave it
for a few hours before storing the items.
- What it can be used for?
It is used to preserve food and form ice.
- Who can use it?
All ages can use it and there are more conveniences than inconveniences.
- Why do you think it is useful for your home?
I find it difficult not to have it in my house because I usually stock up on
food and I like ice for all my drinks.
Topic 10:
- What happened?
I helped a stranger when he was in a pretty bad traffic accident.
- What you did do?
I called the hospital and quickly contacted the victim's family.
- When and where you did do it?
A few months ago and when I was driving to shop.
- Who was there with you?
At that time, everyone also stopped to watch, but no one called for an
ambulance, so I called and supported my best.
- How did you feel when you did that?
I feel pretty proud of myself and feel like I've done something meaningful.
- Whether most people act like you in this situation?
When people see the ambulance coming, everyone also supports bringing
the patient to the hospital as quickly as possible and also finds a way to
contact the patient's family.

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