MLP Assignment

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Assignment Questions

Module 2:
1. Describe the ID3 algorithm for the decision tree learning
2. Explain the concept of entropy and information gain
3. Explain the issues in decision tree learning.
4. Construct decision tree for the following data

5. Construct decision tree for the following data

Module 3:
1. Write gradient descent algorithm to train a linear unit along
with derivation.
2. Show the derivation of backpropagation training rule for i)
output unit weight ii) Hidden unit weight
3. Define perceptron and give its training rule
4. Explain appropriate problems for neural network learning.
5. Explain back propagation algorithm
6. Given w1=w2=0.5 show how a single layer perceptron can solve
the linearly separable problem.
A and B with bias=-0.75
A or B with bias=-0.25

Module 4:

2.Prove that minimizing the squared error between the output
hypothesis predictions and the training data will output a maximum
likelihood hypothesis
3. Prove that maximum likelihood hypotheses can be used to predict
the probabilities.
4. Explain EM algorithm and Bayesian belief networks
5. Explain minimum description length principle.
6. Describe MAP learning algorithm
Module 5
1. What is instance-based learning? Explain K-nearest neighbour
2. Explain locally weighted linear regression algorithm with
example plots. List its advantages and disadvantages.
3. Explain Q learning assuming deterministic reward and action
with example.
4. Write a note on reinforcement learning. And list the
reinforcement problem characteristics
5. Explain sample error, true error, confidence intervals and Q
learning function
6. Explain Radial Basis function

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