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Weiss: Israel’s Future and Iran’s Nuclear Program

Israel’s Future and Iran’s Nuclear Program

Leonard Weiss

Dr. Weiss is an affiliate of the Center for International Security and

Cooperation, Stanford University, and a consultant to the Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory.

srael has had an arsenal of nuclear destroy it they would launch a nuclear at-
weapons since the late 1960s, and tack that would kill not only Jews but also
its current inventory is estimated up to 1.5 million Muslims living in Israel,
at between 100 and 200 warheads.1 as well as triggering an Israeli nuclear
Some of these weapons will eventually be, counterattack. An Israeli nuclear counterat-
or have already been, placed on Israel’s tack, which Iran could not prevent, would
missile-carrying submarines,2 making them turn back the clock on Iran’s development
virtually impervious to preemptive military for many decades and reduce its leaders
attack. They are or soon will be Israel’s to radioactive dust. There is no evidence
invulnerable nuclear deterrent. to suggest that the ruling clerics are so
Yet, hardly a day goes by without disposed.4 Some have speculated that Iran
some Israeli official, journalist or lob- might make nuclear weapons and transfer
byist expressing apocalyptic warnings some of them to third parties, e.g. terrorist
about Iran’s nuclear program.3 Iran, a organizations, for use against Israel.4 But
state party to the Nuclear Nonprolifera- no country that provides nuclear weapons
tion Treaty (NPT), is in technical viola- to a third party can be sure that the transfer
tion of some of its treaty obligations, but will be perfectly secure from discovery or
its program is still under international that the weapons will be used as intended.
inspection by the International Atomic A nuclear attack on Israel using a weapon
Energy Agency (IAEA). Israel never originating in Iran would undoubtedly be
signed the NPT and thus is not under any treated as if it came from Tehran, again
international inspection regime. resulting in Iran’s utter destruction.
The tacit assumption behind the apoca- This is not to say that Iran’s nuclear
lyptic pronouncements is that Iran will program is benign. It is clear that Iran’s
not only make nuclear weapons, but will near-term intention is to move as close
use them to destroy Israel shortly thereaf- to a nuclear-weapons capability as the
ter. This amounts to assuming that Iran’s nonproliferation regime allows, which is
leaders are insane. That is, Israel’s deter- considerable. It is stockpiling enriched
rent notwithstanding, the Iranian clerics’ uranium, using centrifuge technology that
hatred of Israel is so intense that in order to may have come from the notorious A.Q.
© 2009, The Author Journal Compilation © 2009, Middle East Policy Council


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Khan network6, and constructing a heavy- action that would inevitably lead to war.
water reactor that could be used for the The report calls for full-scale assaults not
production of plutonium. Iran’s recent test only on Iran’s known nuclear facilities,
of a missile with a range of 1,200 miles but also on its infrastructure, including its
showed that it is pursuing space technology electrical grid, water supplies and facto-
that could also be the basis for a nuclear- ries.8 Under this scenario, further attacks
weapons delivery system. The CIA’s 2007 would occur if Iran were to try to recon-
National Intelligence Estimate said that Iran stitute its nuclear program.
had been engaged in activities involved in
the development of nuclear weapons, but Iran’s Nuclear History
had apparently stopped them in 2003. It is It should be noted that the U.S.
reasonable to suppose that Iran may reinsti- attitude toward Iranian civil nuclear
tute those activities in the future, especially ambitions has not always been nega-
if it feels vulnerable to military attack.7 tive because of fear of a piggy-back
Moreover, concerns about Iran are not weapons program. Iran had an interest
confined to its nuclear activities. Iran has in nuclear-weapons technology going
been accused of supporting groups work- back to the days of the shah, and the
ing to destabilize governments in various United States was an unintended enabler
countries in the region. Those governments, at the time. Under a nuclear-research
including Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United cooperation agreement signed in 1957,
Arab Emirates (UAE) and Egypt, all of the United States supplied Iran with its
which, like Iran, have abominable records first research reactor in addition to sup-
on human rights, are friendly toward the plies of enriched uranium, plutonium
United States and supply it with a consider- and fissile isotopes. The shah expressed
able amount of oil. They are also regional plans in the 1970s to build more than 20
rivals of Iran. Accordingly, they and the power reactors, and the Ford administra-
United States view any increase in Iran’s in- tion, particularly at the urging of Henry
fluence or prestige with great concern. Since Kissinger, agreed to sell Iran the first
Iran’s nuclear program is likely to help its eight reactors along with nuclear fuel.9
quest for such influence, some of Iran’s There was even some support within
regional competitors are seeking to coun- the administration for the shah to obtain
ter it through the establishment of nuclear reprocessing technology for the purpose
programs of their own, possibly creating a of separating plutonium from the spent
further threat of proliferation in the region. fuel of those reactors,10 which would
The result in the United States has have given Iran nuclear weapons mate-
been to create common cause between rial.11 This was the administration whose
those who view Iran’s nuclear program as White House chief of staff was Dick
an existential threat to Israel and con- Cheney, whose secretary of defense was
servative foreign-policy hardliners who Donald Rumsfeld, and whose head of
are ready to advocate military action to the nonproliferation office at the Arms
reverse Iran’s surging ambitions. An ex- Control and Disarmament Agency was
ample of such advocacy is offered by an Paul Wolfowitz. But Ford lost the 1976
organization called the Bipartisan Policy presidential election before signing a
Center in a report supporting a course of new nuclear agreement with Iran, so it


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was left as an issue for the incoming in Natanz. Because these activities were
Carter administration. Carter administra- not initially declared to the IAEA, Iran,
tion officials were initially favorable and which is still a party to the NPT, is in
drafted a new agreement that was tighter violation of its safeguards obligations but
in its nonproliferation provisions due to has promised to produce a documented
the recent passage of the Nuclear Non- history of its enrichment activities. Iran
proliferation Act of 1978. But the agree- claims its program is purely for peaceful
ment was shelved when it was discov- purposes and that it has no intention of
ered that Iran was engaged in clandestine enriching uranium to levels that would
nuclear-weapons research. make possible the production of nuclear
Following the 1979 revolution, the Ira- weapons, but now that it has the ability to
nian weapons program was mothballed at make low-enriched uranium, its ability to
the order of the Ayatollah Khomeini, who produce high-enriched fuel is assured.16
reportedly viewed nuclear weapons as “un- Many observers both inside and
Islamic.”12 The program, however, was outside of Israel do not believe the Iranian
restarted in 1984 during the Iran-Iraq War, claim. Iran currently has no operating
in which the United States assisted Sadd- nuclear-power reactors and therefore has
am Hussein with equipment and materials no current need for its own indigenous
that Saddam found useful for his chemical nuclear fuel. The one reactor soon to oper-
arsenal.13 The Iranians undoubtedly also ate at Bushehr is subject to a contract under
understood that Saddam’s own appetite for which its fuel will be supplied by Russia,
nuclear weapons continued despite Israel’s which will take back the spent fuel, making
1981 destruction of Iraq’s Osirak reactor. the plutonium contained in it unavailable to
The Iranian program remained hidden Iran. But the possibility of an Iranian bomb
for approximately 18 years, until an Iranian based on high-enriched uranium has gener-
exile group14 publicly revealed in 2002 ated plans in Israel for a military attack on
that Iran had been working all along on a the Iranian nuclear enrichment facilities.17
nuclear-enrichment program and a heavy-
water reactor that Iran could claim were Existential Threat or Threat to Zionism?
for peaceful purposes, but could lead to the As previously stated, the public justi-
production of nuclear-weapons materials. fication by Israel and many of its support-
The discovery of a clandestine Ira- ers for such an attack is that the Iranian
nian program sent political shock waves theocratic government is committed to
around the world, particularly in Israel. the destruction of Israel, so that an Iranian
Several rounds of negotiations with Iran, bomb would represent a threat to Israel’s
encouraged by the United States and led existence. But one must distinguish be-
by three European countries over the tween the existence of Israel as a function-
past few years, have failed to stop Iran’s ing sovereign state, and the Zionist project,
nuclear activities despite a background of which is to create and sustain a democratic
implied threats and an occasional prom- Jewish state by calling on Jews all over the
ise of blandishments by the Bush admin- world to settle in Israel. Arguments that
istration.15 Low-enriched uranium, suit- Iran’s nuclear program is not an existen-
able for use as fuel in a power reactor, is tial threat to Israel usually ignore that Iran
being produced by Iran’s centrifuge plant does not have to resort to nuclear weap-


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ons or an overt military attack in order to to work to convince the Iranians that their
threaten the Zionist project. That is, Iran’s better course is to forgo the bomb.
nuclear program could help undermine the (2) The likelihood of a completely suc-
character of Israel as a democratic Jewish cessful attack by Israel that destroys all of
state by contributing to a decline in Jewish Iran’s nuclear fuel-making facilities is low.
immigration to Israel and an increase in Their facilities are dispersed and some are
Jewish emigration from Israel. That could deeply underground. This is in contrast to
threaten the continuation of a Jewish ma- the state of the nuclear facilities in Iraq and
jority. From a Zionist point of view, there
Syria when Israel attacked them in 1981
may be no dif- and 2007, respec-
ference between The ruling clerics did not seek tively. In addition,
Israel’s physical Iran has beefed
destruction and power in order to see Iran up its antiair-
the failure of the destroyed; they see themselves as craft capability
Zionist project stewards of a revolution that they and is seeking to
by other means. purchase Russian
believe will bring Shia Islam to its
Thus, most Israe- S-300 surface-
lis support mili- rightful place of world leadership. to-air missiles,
tary action against which would be
Iran.19 However, the opposing arguments to effective against Israel’s current air force.21
a military attack at this time are powerful A reasonably successful attack would delay
and have so far stayed Israel’s hand. but not destroy Iran’s ability to make nucle-
ar weapons, would cause Iran to redouble
Arguments Against an Attack on Iran its efforts in that direction, and would
These arguments have three major likely produce a degree of public anger that
components: would translate into stronger support for its
(1) The construction of an Iranian clerical government. Any military attack
bomb that can be reliably delivered is would produce Iranian retaliation, not only
still years away. Despite the fact that a against Israel but also against American
gun-type uranium-fission weapon is the soldiers in Iraq if American support for the
easiest to construct, current estimates are attack is given or suspected. It could un-
that an immediate Iranian breakout from leash worldwide terror attacks against U.S.
the nonproliferation regime would still facilities and citizens.
put Iran two years away from a bomb (3) There is no evidence that the clerics
that could be delivered by truck and more ruling Iran, including the Ayatollah Khame-
years away for delivery by missile. Such nei, would launch a first-strike nuclear
a breakout, which means leaving the NPT attack on Israel. Iran is aware of the Israeli
and throwing out the IAEA inspectors, capabilities for nuclear counterattack that
could, by virtue of Iran’s nuclear history, would destroy Iran as a functioning en-
result in the invocation of Chapter VII of tity for an indefinite period and wipe out
the UN Charter,20 making Iran a pariah significant parts of its national patrimony.
state subject to worldwide economic sanc- Reports of the existence of a “martyrdom
tions and possible UN-sanctioned military movement” among Iranian women have
action. There is time for diplomatic efforts been used to fan Israeli fears of unprovoked


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Weiss: Israel’s Future and Iran’s Nuclear Program

Iranian suicide attacks. But even within In addition, just the thought of Iran’s
some of these stories, it becomes apparent having nuclear weapons works to further the
that Iranian clerics regard suicide attacks goals of the Iranian leaders toward Israel. As
as justified only in the context of defense indicated earlier, by raising the specter of a
against attacks by a stronger foe.22 The rul- first-strike nuclear attack by Iran, the Israelis
ing clerics did not seek power in order to have generated a public debate that obscures
see Iran destroyed; they see themselves as and exacerbates the demographic threat facing
stewards of a revolution that they believe Israel as a democratic Jewish state. That threat
will bring Shia Islam to its rightful place of to the Zionist project has no effective military
world leadership. They are not about to lose countermeasure. Arguments in favor of an
it in a nuclear holocaust. In the absence of Israeli attack on Iran based on realpolitik con-
military aggression against Iran threatening siderations25 also do not take this into account.
the power of the clerics, they have no theo-
logical or other motivation to start a war The Psychological Burden on Israelis
that could trigger Iran’s nuclear destruc- Consider the events of the past three
tion. Thus, even if Iran were to possess the years. In response to the kidnapping of two
bomb, the Iranians would be deterred from soldiers, Israel invaded Lebanon in 2006 for
using it on another nuclear-weapons state. the second time in the past quarter century
and engaged in a war with Hezbollah. The
Israel’s Reactions Are Counterproductive war did not weaken Hezbollah’s political
None of the counterindications to a position in Lebanon, nor did it prevent the
nuclear attack by Iran suggest that Iran’s launch of thousands of rockets into Northern
attitude toward the Jewish state is destined Israel. Hezbollah’s ability to launch such
to be friendly. Pragmatism, however, may rockets was degraded but not destroyed, and
return, as was the case during the Iran-Iraq has apparently been rebuilt. A recent report
War, when Israel sold weapons to Iran.23 in the Times of London claims that Hezbol-
Iran remains the chief supporter of Hamas lah has stockpiled up to 40,000 rockets and
and Hezbollah, and the desire to see an end is training its forces to use rockets capable
to the Jewish state, articulated originally of hitting Tel Aviv.26 More recently, in
by Ayatollah Khomeini and reiterated by response to rockets launched by Hamas into
Iran’s current president, is clear.24 Southern Israel, particularly on the town
But rather than the use of weapons of of Sderot, Israel invaded Gaza. The intent
mass destruction, Iranian leaders are more was not only to shut down these launches,
likely to see patience and the continu- but also to cut off the smuggling into Gaza
ance of current trends as the best route to of contraband used for rocket construction
their desired goal for Israel. Indeed, Israeli and explosives. Like the war with Hezbol-
policies have played into the hands of the lah, the war with Hamas has resulted in a
Iranian leaders. The West Bank occupation, public-relations disaster for Israel. Exploit-
counterproductive military operations in ing that public-relations advantage may be
response to continual harassment, and in- the reason for Hamas’s recent decision to
transigence on the freezing and removal of suspend rocket firing,27 which had continued
settlements have drained much of the reser- at low levels along with Israeli air raids, in
voir of sympathy and support for Israel that spite of the separately declared cease-fire
existed at the time of the Six-Day War. agreements.28 There is no indication that the


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suspension will be permanent, and a senior however, adds greatly to the already heavy
Hamas police commander has been quoted burden produced by the prospect of further
as saying Hamas is working on extending rocket harassment in the future.
the range of its rockets.29
Both wars have been, arguably, a The Real Threat Is to Zionism
political necessity for Israel. No sovereign Under these conditions, the Zionist
state could tolerate its neighbors continu- project could stall and even reverse. If
ally firing rockets into its territory, re- Israelis begin to believe that their govern-
gardless of the military ineffectiveness of ment cannot protect them from nuclear
those attacks. The failure to permanently attack or random rocket attacks, some per-
stop the attacks, however, cannot help but centage of those who can do so will leave
raise further the psychological burden on for safer countries, and some Diaspora
Israelis who live within range of the current Jews considering immigration to Israel may
generation of rockets, as well as those who rethink their plans. Perhaps more impor-
will inevitably be within range of the more tant, those who leave are more likely to be
advanced rockets being developed. The secular Jews, not committed by religious or
rockets’ randomness, along with the uncer- messianic fervor to remain, while the op-
tainty as to their targets, is unnerving, as posite would be true of most of those who
British citizens who were alive at the time immigrate. This would move the country
of the German V-1 and V-2 attacks during further away from the secular ideals of
the waning days of World War II can testify. its founders and give its religious zealots
The burden on Israelis of the Iranian more power over policy. Recent data show
nuclear program should be seen through that more people are leaving Israel than
this same lens. Even if Iran does nothing are immigrating to it.31 This trend could be
more for the next few years than continue exacerbated by a possible economic decline
its development of advanced nuclear tech- if foreign investment and tourism decrease
nology under international safeguards, its as a result of the fear of nuclear war.
nuclear-weapons latency will advance con- The Israeli political establishment
comitantly. This will lead to the inevitable is adding to these concerns by fanning
conclusion that Iran will be able to quickly hysteria over the Iranian nuclear program.
break out and construct a nuclear arsenal If they convince Israelis that the Ira-
whenever it decides to do so. Despite the ar- nian leaders are insane enough to start a
guments advanced earlier as to why Iran is nuclear war and produce another holo-
unlikely to make that decision soon — and, caust, then it would be equally insane for
having made it, would be unlikely to wage Jews to immigrate to Israel or to remain
nuclear war — the Israelis’ discomfort over there in the face of such a threat. This
the Iran program has risen significantly. It logic makes it easy for Zionists to join
includes the fear of an Iranian nuclear “um- forces with American hardliners on Iran
brella” over Hezbollah and Hamas, ostensi- and advocate military action. The latter
bly protecting them from Israeli retaliation may not care about Zionism but desire
for rocket attacks.30 But such an umbrella to maintain and extend U.S. geopolitical
would not work, for the same reasons given influence in the region, which they fear
earlier as to why Iran would not launch would be threatened by Iran’s emergence
a nuclear attack against Israel. The fear, as a nuclear-weapons state.


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Weiss: Israel’s Future and Iran’s Nuclear Program

Whether such a preventive war with pessimistic about reaching an accommoda-

Iran would result in enhanced U.S. influ- tion with the Palestinians. Nothing shows
ence in the region is unclear, considering this better than the wide support in Israel
the degree of outrage it would likely en- for the recent war in Gaza, a war that has
gender in every country in the region, in- resulted in virtually worldwide condemna-
cluding those whose leaders might secretly tion of Israel’s tactics. The election of a
welcome it. But the war’s power to stanch new government, whose minister of for-
the current population drain from Israel eign affairs, Avigdor Lieberman, is viewed
would be doubtful. War would certainly by many as a racist demagogue, is another
result in a worldwide hardening of Muslim indicator that the ranks of the accommoda-
attitudes toward Israel, organized boycotts tionists within Israel are shrinking.
of Israeli goods, divestment and sanctions It is astonishing in retrospect that
directed against some Israeli institutions events and the passage of time since the
if not the government itself. There would Six-Day War and the Iranian revolution
likely be an increase in terrorist attacks have resulted in young Iranians becoming
against Jews, possibly making it difficult more demanding of relief from the stric-
for Israelis to travel abroad in safety. This tures of Sharia law and the mullahs, while
puts Israel and the Zionist project between young people in Israel, based on straw polls
a rock and a hard place. Attacking Iran is taken in high schools during the recent
unlikely to make Israel’s Jewish popula- Israel election, are moving toward embrac-
tion feel safer in the long term and might ing the radical, racist politics of Avigdor
even accelerate emigration in the short Lieberman.32 Lieberman’s once-expressed
term. But the fear of war, nuclear or oth- support for the expulsion of Israeli Arabs
erwise, is not the only thing disturbing the might, if carried out, provide some tempo-
psychological comfort of Israelis. rary relief from the fear of losing the Jewish
Even without a nuclear threat or rocket majority in Israel, but it could be done only
attacks, if a “two state solution” with the at the expense of virtually universal con-
Palestinians continues to be elusive, and demnation of Israel and significant erosion
the birthrate of Palestinians both within of support from the secular Jewish Diaspo-
and outside Israel remains at or near cur- ra. It would likely give Iran a get-out-of-
rent levels, the fear of Israel becoming a jail-free card regarding its past and present
binational state in the future will add to the nuclear activities and tamp down outside
current concerns of the Jewish majority, criticism of Hamas and Hezbollah.
especially if emigration and immigration To add to the political difficulties
levels continue on their current path. The faced by Israel, an accommodation with
combination of a perceived future threat to the Palestinians cannot be done without
Israel’s Jewish character plus the increas- substantive engagement with (Iran-sup-
ing political power of the extremist reli- ported) Hamas and the dismantling of most
gious Jews who view the settlements in the settlements in the West Bank. Having had
West Bank as God’s plan, sets up a danger- a settlement program in place for decades
ous internecine political fight with unpre- that now includes over 250,000 settlers
dictable consequences. Israelis, usually on with growing political power and support
the left, who have supported some kind of from some elements in the army, it is hard
peace process in the past are increasingly to see how Israel can dismantle major


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settlements and return to its pre-1967 bor- izing Iran’s nuclear program as an “existen-
ders or something close to them, without tial threat” to Israel is an attempt to obtain
risking civil war. But, unless it dismantles support for sanctions and/or military action
the settlements and agrees to a real two- against Iran by conflating the physical
state solution with a viable and sovereign destruction of Israel by a surprise nuclear
Palestinian state, there will be no peace for attack, which Washington should actively
Israel. Without peace, Iran’s nuclear pro- work to prevent, with the demographic
gram, along with the threat of a resumption threats to the Zionist project, which the
of rocket fire, will continue to plague the United States is under no obligation to al-
collective psyche of Israelis. leviate. It is one thing to ask Americans to
Zionism’s original goal was to bring support Israeli military actions that would
all Jews in the Diaspora to a Jewish put them at risk from retaliation if Israel,
homeland in the Holy Land. It had its an ally, is threatened with imminent nuclear
best opportunity when Israel was cre- attack; it is quite another to ask them to
ated as a result of the collective world assume such risk simply on behalf of shor-
guilt generated by the Holocaust, and by ing up Zionism. Thus, President Obama’s
the enthusiasm of a generation of com- warning to Prime Minister Netanyahu not
mitted, idealistic, optimistic young Jews to launch a surprise attack on Iran, which
in league with cold-eyed political archi- he delivered during the Israeli leader’s
tects and operatives. But, as the original recent visit to Washington, is appropriate
promise of a democratic, Jewish “land of and implies that there will be no American
milk and honey” has given way to never- support for such a venture.33
ending conflict that could turn nuclear, the It is only by negotiated compromise
growth of religious extremism, the rise of and peace with the Palestinians, Iran and
a political class rife with corruption, and the Arab states that Israel can solidify its
a recognition of unfavorable population desired status as a prosperous, democratic
demographics have combined to replace Jewish state. The difficulties of reaching
optimism by a sense of despair among that goal are well recognized and daunting,
many Israelis. This contributes to the but there is no realistic alternative. Among
threat of failure for the Zionist project. other things, it is the only sure path toward
ultimately converting the Middle East into
U.S. and Israeli Policy Choices a nuclear-weapons-free zone in which no
While the success of the project is im- country feels the need to produce such
portant to Jewish nationalists, it should not weapons to protect its security or enlarge its
be considered a vital national-security in- international influence.
terest of the United States. Thus, character-

Former President Jimmy Carter is quoted in a BBC News article on May 26, 2008, as follows:
“The U.S. has more than 12,000 nuclear weapons; the Soviet Union [sic] has about the same;
Great Britain and France have several hundred, and Israel has 150 or more”; See also a report of the Federation of American Scientists,
See P. Beaumont and C. Urquhart, “Israel Deploys Nuclear Arms in Submarines,” The Observer,


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Weiss: Israel’s Future and Iran’s Nuclear Program

October 12, 2003,

See P. Hirschberg, “Netanyahu: It’s 1938 and Iran Is Germany; Ahmadinejad Is Preparing
Another Holocaust,” Ha’aretz, November 14, 2006,
See C. Freilich, “The United States, Israel, and Iran: Defusing an ‘Existential’ Threat,” Arms
Control Today, November, 2008.
Suicide bombings were carried out by Iranians against the invading Iraqi army during the period
of the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88) that was begun by Saddam Hussein. Iran has not attacked another
country since its war with Russia in the early part of the 19th century. See also T. Lippman and
J. Cole, “What Threat Does Iran Really Pose to Israel?” The Newark Star-Ledger, May 19, 2006,
See report by the International Institute of Strategic Studies, Nuclear Black Markets: Pakistan,
A. Q. Khan, and the Rise of Proliferation Networks, Chapter 3, May 2, 2007,
Iran may want nuclear weapons as a matter of its desire for recognition as a regional power,
but in an interview in the Guardian on May 14, 2009, International Atomic Energy Agency
Director Mohamed El Baradei gave an additional reason: “We still live in a world where if you
have nuclear weapons, you are buying power; you are buying insurance against attack. That is
not lost on those who do not have nuclear weapons, particularly in [conflict] regions….This is
the phenomenon we see now and what people worry about in Iran,”
See “Meeting the Challenge,” Task Force Report for the Bipartisan Policy Center, Washington,
DC, September, 2008, See also
R. Dreyfuss, “Dennis Ross’s Iran Plan,” The Nation, April 27, 2009, pp. 6-7. http://www.thenation.
See W. Burr, “A Brief History of U.S.-Iranian Nuclear Negotiations,” Bulletin of Atomic
Scientists, Jan.-Feb. 2009. See also M. Sahimi, “Iran’s Nuclear Energy Program. Part V,” Payvand
News Service, Dec. 22, 2004,
See D. Linzer, “Past Arguments Don’t Square with Current Iran Policy,” The Washington
Post, March 27, 2005, p. A15,
The draft agreement, however, contained no such provision. See National Security Archive
Electronic Briefing Book Number 268,
See Nuclear Threat Initiative Country Profile of Iran,
See W. Blum, “Anthrax for Export,” The Progressive Magazine, April 1998, http://www.
Information about the Iranian program was leaked to the National Council of Resistance of Iran
(NCRI). NCRI is viewed by the FBI as a front organization for the Mojahiden-e-Khalk (MEK),
which the U.S. State Department has listed as a terrorist organization. The U.S. government had
informed the IAEA of the Iranian enrichment activities about a year earlier than the NCRI public
See D. Blair, “George W. Bush in Last Push to Halt Iran Nuclear Program,” The Telegraph,
June 10, 2008,
Once sufficient LEU has been produced and stockpiled (which could take Iran about two years


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to accomplish), a plant with 6,000 advanced centrifuges in operation could take as little as 18 days
for 25 kilograms of HEU (one bomb’s worth) to be produced.
See S. Frenkel, “Israel ‘Prepared to Attack’ Iran Nuclear Plants,” Times Online, Dec. 4, 2008,
See O. Ilani, “1 in 4 Israelis Would Consider Leaving Country If Iran Gets Nukes,” Ha’aretz,
May 22, 2009,
See A. Benn, “Poll: 66% of Israeli Jews back attack on Iran,” Ha’aretz, May 4, 2009. http://
Chapter VII is entitled “Action with Respect to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace, and Acts of
See “Iran: S-300 Missile Deal on Track,” PressTV Report, April 15, 2009, http://www.presstv.
M. Nissimov, Y. Mansharof, and A. Savyon, “Iranian Women’s Magazine Shut Down for
Publishing Investigative Article on Martyrdom Movement,” Middle East Media Research Institute
(MEMRI), May 22, 2008,
See T. Parsi, Treacherous Alliance — The Secret Dealings of Iran, Israel, and the United States
(Yale University Press, 2007), pp.107-108.
In a speech given at an anti-Zionist meeting in Asia, Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad,
was quoted in an official translation as having said, “(Israel) should be wiped off the map,” The
original phrase in Farsi had been uttered by the Ayatollah Khomeini years before. Some have
translated the phrase as “…eliminated from the pages of history.” In a subsequent interview,
Ahmedinejad denied that he was making a military threat, using as an analogy the nonviolent
collapse of the Soviet Union resulting in its being “wiped off the map,” His intent is still a matter
of debate, but in any case, it is the ruling council headed by the Ayatollah Khamenei, rather than
the Iranian president, that has the power to engage in war.
See D. Samuels, “Why Israel Will Bomb Iran,” Slate Magazine, April 9, 2009. http://www.slate.
See R. Beeston and N. Blanford, “Hezbollah stockpiles 40,000 rockets near Israel’s border,”
TimesOnline, August 5, 2009.
See E. Bronner, “Hamas Shifts From Rockets to Culture War,” The New York Times, July 23,
See “Hamas Criticizes Gaza Rocket Fire,” Al Jazeera News, March 13, 2009, http://english.
See E. Bronner, op. cit.
See C. Freilich, op. cit.
See Deutsche-Presse Agentur, “Emigration from Israel Exceeds Immigration, Report,” April 20,
See M.J. Rosenberg, “The Rise of Avigdor Lieberman,” Los Angeles Times, Feb. 11, 2009,,0,5037251.story.
A. Benn and H. Mozgovaya, “Obama Warns Netanyahu: Don’t Surprise Me with Iran Strike,”
Ha’aretz, May 14, 2009,


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