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MODEL TEST PAPER OR PRACTICE Time Allowed :3 Hours) “General Instructions : See CB ISE Sample Question Paper 2022-23. SECTION A (Multiple Choice Questions) Each question carries 1 mark Qa IA isany square matrix of order 33 such that |A] =—4, then the value of [4.364 (a) 16 () 64 Oe () ~64 Q.2. Solution of the differential equation 2x dy -y dx =0 represents : (a) A rectangular hyperbola (8) Parabola whose vertex is at origin (6) Straight line passing through origin (i) A circle whose centre is at origin Pand Qare two different matrices of order 3% 4 and 4x3 respectively, then th order 3. If matrix QP is () 3x3 () 4x (0 3x4 (@ 4x3 Qa. If A and B are two events such that, P(A) = 2 Pte) = 3 and PAU B Lita P(A/B) is equal to 1 4 a 6 Os Os OG @ 5 Q5. If @ and b are two unit vectors such that a + 6 is also a unit vector, then the ane between a and b is (a) os © F w % Q.6. Which ofthe term is not used in a linear programming problem ? (@) Optimum solution (0) Feasible solution (6 Concave region (€) Objective function = es a 2) +78).2i + pi + 3K) = onl! (- 9, then the value of pis ws o> @-3 “3 a 22 23 vt4_ 2-6 a he vector equation of a line given by *=5 7 USCCB) 251-4) sue o7} x24 ( PeSi-M+OR FUG ~7]42% Wy Page ~ 4]+ 68 + Wi +7} -2%y Sax xe1 oe ifthe matrix | 4 's singular, then the value of xis 3 OF 1 @o ~4)+9k and b = 2i — 8} + pk are parallel, then the value of pis, () 18 4 34 7 > cos 72) 7 In x a (by = es wo ws a7 @ 2-3sinx (QW. The value of fa ® is (a) Qtanx+3s0ex+C () 2tanx-3secx#C () Stanx+2secx+C (d) none of these 2 QU If fis) = 2x and g(x) = at then which of the following can be a discontinuous function ? © fod+9@) ——( A)-9) (© Aadgta) w <3 QUE Ifsin (x + y) = log (x + y), then # is equal to 2 1 @-1 -2 QS. The vertices of a closed convex polygon representing the feasible region of the objective function Z = 5x + 3y are (0, 0), (3, 1), (1, 3) and (0, 2). The maximum value of the objective function is 6 (b) 18 (14 @ 15 section € as, - - a (@) Both (A) anal (8) re ut (knot the core exp (©) Both (A) and (R) ate (©) A) is true, but (is ale (2) (A) ts false, but (R) tre O.19. Assertion (A) + fos Reason (R) + A function i) i decreasing orf) Riven by fo) =4x +3. Show thatf fs one-one and onto, 28, Find the particular solution of the differential equation (ady yds sin © = (yt +ady) x08 2, given that y=n when x=3 or Solve the following differential equation : eteyery sult 20, Find graphically, the maximum value of Z = 2x + Sy, subject to constraints given below dr dy <8 arty s6 xeysd 20,20 0.30. A speaks truth in 80% cases and B speaks truth in 90% cases. In what percentage of case are they likely to agree with each other in stating the same fact ? Or From a st of 100 cards numbered 1 to 100, one card is drawn at random. Find the probaly that the number on the card is divisible by 6 or 8, but not by 24. ve Falta (x40? 51. Evaluate: f SECTION D (This section comprises of long answer questions (LA) of 5 marks each) Q.32. Find the shortest distance between the lines : 1 = 6142] +2k +i -2) +2k) and r =-4i-k+p(3i -2) -2) 452.4 Q.33. IfA=|1 -1 0], find A~, Hence, solve the system of equations o 12 xo y=3)2e+3y 4 dz 17.y +22 Or rind the matrix P satisfying the matrix equation 2 1)p[-3 2]_f1 2 part 2h 2) sing integration find the area ofthe following region | gal fos Find the area of the following region using integration : (wey [x] +2,y2 2] ~5x7 + 24x + 12 is 4 (@) strictly increasing, (6) strictly decreasing, SECTION E 35 Find the intervals in which the function fs) = (This section comprises of with two sub-parts, First two case study questions have three sub of marks I, 1,2 respectively. The third ease study question has two sub marks each) (qas. Case Study ~ 1 Read the following passage and answer the questions given below: ‘A company makes water storage tanks. Water tanks are cylindrical in shape as shown in figure and of given surface area $ as shown below : cs “oS Based on the above information, answer the following questions : (i) Ifrand k represent radius of base and height of the open cylindrical tank respectively, then find the relation between 5, r and h. (i) Find the volume V of the open cylindrical tank in terms of $ and r- (Wi) Find the derivative of V with respect to r. Or Ifthe volume V is maximum, then find the relation between ft and r- ar 37. Case Study -2 d oe ive the following pastage and answer the questions given belo A shooting competition was hits a target 4 8 organised ina school to know concentration of ming nits. Student A jmes in 5 shots, B3 times in # shots and C2 hg On the basis of above information, answer the following questions : (i) Find the probabilities of hitting the target by 4, B and C individually, (ii) Find the probability when all the three hit the target. (iii) Find the probability that none of them hit the target. Or Find the probability that A and B hit the target but C did not hit, 38. Case Study -3 Read the following and answer the questions given below : If fx) is a continuous function defined on [- a, a] then J forde = a 0 if f(x) isan odd funetion 2] f(x) dy, if f(x) is an even function A function fix) is even, when f(-) = fix) and odd function when f(x) = = (x). On the basis of above information, answer the following question: (i If fx) is an even function, then find the value J for- pear 21 1a ‘1+cos 2x (ii) Evaluate: } [ALIKE Matematio- 1 a0) 4) 5 @ 7. (b) «0 - a 9 10. (ay 0 as 4. 5. (d) 7. @) 2 @ Be 16.) gre itdj-k+Mgi-s eA 2 sq units avid 8. units y Fees wy dy cost =3n Or log, tlt + fiey =c yy, x<0and y=2and maximum value of Zis10 30. 74% Or 4 ne(SH)ee 32. 9units ¥ 23 15 gre2y=-hz=4 Or [3 Ee 34, 2 sq units Or 2 sa. units 35, Strictly decreasing on (— :», ~ 3) U (2, 4) and strictly increasing on (~3, 2) U (4, -). —o ae Mh Ose tahs et Ver US = Or har m. 3,3 and 3.ti 2, iy 2 or 2 38. ()0,(i)1

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