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Odoo Technologies S.A. de C.V.

Blvd. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 57

11520 Colonia Granada DIF


RFC: SCC130318DY9

Presupuesto # SO2023/2846571
Su Referencia: Recurrence: Fecha de Vencimiento: Comercial:
M23010566393233 1 Year presupuesto: 25/01/2023 Caroline Mary
05/01/2023 Ponce Staf (cmps)

Descripción Cantidad Precio unitario Impuestos Importe

Custom Plan 8,00 Usuario/Año 4.080,00 16.00% Mex$ 32.640,00

Custom Plan First Year Discount 8,00 Usuario/Año -​792,00 16.00% Mex$ -​6.336,00

Base imponible Mex$ 26.304,00

IVA Mex$ 4.208,64

Total Mex$ 30.512,64

This official proposal from Odoo is linked to the Odoo Enterprise contract called "ODOO ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT" to be found
here: When accepting this proposal the contract is considered as read and agreed upon.
There is no refund or credit for Odoo Subscriptions, Success Packs or any other fees. All sales are final.
Any Country specific Tax, Surcharge or any other deduction in the name of Withholding Tax has to be borne by Client.

Custom Code Maintenance:

If you add custom code to your database at any time, an extra recurring fee will be charged per 100 lines for the maintenance of your specific code.
Maintenance includes bug fixes, technical support, and upgrades.
Custom code can come from the installation of third party modules (from the Odoo Apps Store or any other source), or from the import of Studio
modules (or any other data module), or from the creation of technical elements (like server actions, automated actions, or calculated fields).

Payment upon receipt

Banco: Banco Santander - Dirección del banco: Paseo de la Reforma No. 213, Mexico City, DF 06500
Número de cuenta bancaria: 65508064499 - CLABE: 014180655080644996 - SWIFT: BMSXMXMM
Términos generales de venta:

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