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Academic skills and studying with confidence

Assessment 1

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Portfolio Contribution One
I've gained significantly over the last few weeks at GBS from the academic skills and studying

with confidence courses. I learnt how to increase my academic performance and study more

effectively in this course. One of the most valuable skills I acquired was the ability to efficiently

utilize library and electronic resources. To get the most out of library and internet resources as a

student, you must understand how to utilize them efficiently. After learning how to correctly use

the library's electronic resources, I was able to better arrange my study materials and make more

efficient use of them. Additionally, I discovered how critical it is for students to be able to

prepare ahead and take notes in order to do better in class and retain more course content.

Following that, I learnt how to create a suitable bibliography and the processes required.

Bibliography was crucial for me to understand because it is needed for all examinations and

assists me in locating relevant research and study resources. For example, the Harvard reference

style is distinct from other referring styles such as APA and MLA. There are several techniques

of referring, and each is distinct. At GBS, I was able to develop this expertise, which enables me

to swiftly find pertinent data and resources.

Additionally, I've learnt about plagiarism and its bad consequences. When someone plagiarizes

and publishes another's literary or research work as their own, they are committing a serious

violation called plagiarism. Plagiarism is detrimental to students because it discourages them

from working freely and creatively. As a result, plagiarized work will not be accepted, and the

student may face expulsion and a monetary penalty for violating the institution's plagiarism

regulations. I've spent the last few weeks at GBS studying how to identify and assess information

sources. Validating the correctness of each piece of information requires a combination of data

sources. As a result of this knowledge and aptitude, I can track down trustworthy material and
the sources which helped me during my studies. The qualities I've developed at GBS will benefit

me in the long term in both academic and personal efforts.

Portfolio Contribution Two

Each individual need a unique collection of talents in order to accomplish their objectives. As I

seek to hone certain talents, I'll require the following skills:

Reflection: Self-reflection is vital for anyone's personal development. Reflective practice

necessitates the development of self-awareness, the capacity to critically analyze one's own

actions, and the capacity to synthesize and evaluate one's own past, present, and future

experiences (Knapp et al., 2017).

Communication skills: Effective communication is critical in our everyday lives and in the job.

It is critical that I focus on my approach, body language, and demonstrative approaches in order

to strengthen my communication talents (van der Vleuten et al., 2019).

Essay and report writing: As a student, I am required to write essays and reports. I need to

strengthen my report and essay writing abilities, particularly my ability to brainstorm, organize

my thoughts, effectively utilize resources, properly reference sources, and write more fluently in

English. I will be able to generate high-quality work in the shape of essays and reports as a

consequence of this training.

Debating: For many students, discussing online or in class has developed into a hobby. It is

critical for me to develop my debating style and etiquette, as well as my ability to talk swiftly

and effectively, in order to better rebut and defend my opponents' ideas. Additionally, fluency in
speaking, acceptable humor, suitable gesture, cooperation, and effective note-taking are

necessary qualities for online and classroom discussion.

Presentation skills: Presentation abilities are critical for academic and personal growth.

Effective verbal communication, leadership and speech delivery, persuasion and humor, visual

communication, emotion and self-awareness management, adaptability and networking skills,

problem solving and stress management, and showmanship are all required skills for a skilled

presenter (Çetin and Eymur, 2017). Academic ability and self-confidence might both be

improved through presentation skills.

Time management: To improve my time management, I need to organize my work, prioritize

my obligations, set clear goals, improve communication, and delegate more efficiently. By

acquiring these abilities, I can enhance my time management.

Revision strategies: If you want to improve your academic abilities and study more efficiently,

you must employ revision tactics. To enhance my revision techniques, I'll need to learn how to

employ mind mapping, mnemonics, introspection, and my own note-taking and active

memorization strategy.

All of these qualities are necessary for improving academic performance and cultivating a sense

of security when studying.

Portfolio Contribution Three

Numerous barriers must be overcome before students may study properly and confidently. Two

major impediments to good study time are distractions and a lack of drive. Rather than allowing

low motivation and interruptions to drag me down, I will implement a strategy that ensures a
conducive learning environment with the least amount of distraction possible. By breaking large

amounts of information down into manageable chunks, students can overcome the difficulties

associated with memorizing a large number of terms and facts and balancing their schedules. As

a consequence, it becomes easier to practice superior memory and time management.

Students like me have unique challenges managing their finances owing to a scarcity of financial

resources. As a result, I want to utilize available financial help, free online study resources, and

public libraries to complete my degree. International students may struggle to study effectively

and confidently as a result of cultural and linguistic barriers. Students can overcome these

obstacles by immersing themselves in the culture and language. Additionally, cultural and

language barriers may be overcome by making new acquaintances and bonding with them (Ali

and Watson, 2018).

I'm going to focus on developing a personal development plan that takes into account my

strengths and weaknesses, as well as the academic skills I'll need to succeed in school, in order to

better manage my time and stay on track with my goals. I can better manage my time and stay on

schedule if I adhere to my growth plan and make necessary modifications depending on my

progress (Shan).

ALI, P. A. & WATSON, R. 2018. Language barriers and their impact on provision of care to

patients with limited English proficiency: Nurses' perspectives. Journal of clinical

nursing, 27, e1152-e1160.

ÇETIN, P. S. & EYMUR, G. L. Z. 2017. Developing students’ scientific writing and

presentation skills through argument driven inquiry: an exploratory study. Journal of

Chemical Education, 94, 837-843.

KNAPP, S., GOTTLIEB, M. C. & HANDELSMAN, M. M. 2017. Enhancing professionalism

through self-reflection. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 48, 167.

SHAN, D. Essentials of Management Book Content Pre ie.


communication skills. Patient Education and Counseling, 102, 2110-2113.

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