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Chapter 10: Electrolysis

Conducting electricity

1. Use the words in the box to complete the gaps below. Use each word only once.

Missing words: conductors, covalent, electricity, electrons, freely, ions, ionic, molten, move,
negative, solid, structure

To conduct electricity a substance must heave electrons or _________ that are able to
move. In metals, there is a sea of delocalised _____________ which can move freely from
one metal ion to the next. Metals are very good ________________ for this reason. In
__________ compounds there are positive and ______________ ions. When in a solid state
these ions are organised into a lattice _______________ and so cannot ____________.
____________ ionic compounds do not conduct electricity for this reason. When
______________ or in solution the ions can move ____________ and therefore electricity is
conducted. ______________ compounds have no electrons or ions that are free to move
when solid or molten and so generally do not conduct _______________.


2. Write definitions for the following words:

a. Anode

b. Cathode

c. Electrolyte

d. Inert

e. Anion

f. Cation

g. Oxidation

h. Reduction

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3. Look at the diagram below.

a. What product would be formed at electrode A during electrolysis?

b. What product would be formed at electrode B during electrolysis?

c. Write the half-equation for the reaction taking place at electrode A.

d. Write the half-equation for the reaction taking place at electrode B.


4. Use your knowledge of half equations to complete the table below. All compounds are
molten or in solution with inert electrodes.

Cathode (-) Anode (+)

Compoun Product Half-equation Product Half-equation

ZnSO4 (aq)

KOH (aq)

CaCl2 (aq)

NaNO3 (l)

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AlBr3 (l)

Uses of electrolysis

5. Research an industrial use of electrolysis and summarise the process in the space below.
Include details of the electrolyte and electrodes along with details of the reactions at the
cathode and anode.









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