HW4 Math 601

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Math 601 Spring 2015

Homework 4

Due Thursday February 19 at 1pm in Chris Hays mailbox

Recall that a ∆ complex is simply a union of simplices of various dimensions where faces
are identified via linear homeomorphism (preserving the ordering of the vertices). This is
slightly more general than a simplicial complex, but easier to work with.

(1) Let p : E → B be continous. If p is a local homeomorphism and E is compact,

show that p is a covering (you will need some mild assumptions on E and B). Give
a counter example if E is not compact.
(2) Compute the homology of Sn by writing it as an appropriate ∆ complex.
(3) Compute the homology of an orientable compact surface of genus g by describing
it as a ∆ complex.
(4) Compute the simplicial homology of the ∆ complex obtained form one n-simplex
by identifying all faces of the same dimension. For n = 2 this is called the dunce
(5) (Extra Credit) Let p : E → B be a local homeomorphism which has the path
lifting property (and E and B are path connected, locally path connected and
locally simply connected). Show that p is a covering.
(6) (Extra Credit, if you did not do it last week) Show that SO(4) and S3 × SO(3) are
diffeomorphic as manifolds but not isomorphic as Lie groups (or even as groups).

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