Essay 1 Prompt

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CLA 20 - Word Power: Prompt for Word Analysis 1

Select a Greek-based, scientific word in English vocabulary and write a 1-page, double-spaced
report on it.

In your report, you should . . .

- Analyze and give the literal definition of your word
- Give the actual, scientific or medical definition of the word from Taber’s or some other
- Where appropriate, explain briefly how the literal meaning has been adapted to the
word’s scientific use: has the word taken on a very specific meaning? (e.g. erythrocytosis
“a condition of red blood cells” means more specifically “an increase in red blood cells”)
Was it transferred metaphorically from one domain to another? (e.g. carcinoma “a tumor
of cancer” draws metaphorically on the idea of a slowly moving crab to describe a
cancerous growth). The sources listed below may help with this, and I’m happy to
discuss as well.
- Look up the word in the Oxford English Dictionary, examine the entry and examples
given there, and indicate
- the earliest occurrence of the word in English
- whether the word has changed in meaning or developed a variety of uses through
its history
- whether the word is ever used in non-scientific or medical contexts.

Sources to Use (all are accessible online):

Oxford English Dictionary (access through Scotty, “connect from off-campus”)
Online Etymology Dictionary
American Heritage Dictionary

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