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UBH 3: A Biologically Inspired Robotic Hand

F. Lotti, P. Tiezzi, G. Vassura L. Biagiotti, C. Melchiorri, G. Palli

DIEM, University of Bologna, DEIS, University of Bologna,
Via Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna, Italy Via Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna, Italy

Abstract nal articulated framework (the “skeleton”), moved by

This paper describes a work in progress at the Uni- transmission elements routed along its surface (the
versity of Bologna concerning the design of a new tendons) and surrounded by an external compliant
anthropomorphic robot hand. The overall hand is cover (the “soft tissues”) that hosts the sensory equip-
based on an innovative mechanical architecture, which ment and plays a crucial role in the interaction with
adopts deformable elements as joint hinges. This de- the manipulated objects. This design concept is quite
sign leads to an endo-skeletal structure particularly different from the exoskeletal approach, because ten-
suitable to host a distributed sensory equipment and dons, sensors and wiring must not be placed inside a
a continuous compliant cover, allowing a high level of hollow structure, but around a slender articulated in-
anthropomorphism together with great structural sim- ner frame.
plification, reliability enhancement and cost reduction. Different kinds of articulations may be considered for
Furthermore, the proposed solution is very flexible, as the design of an endoskeleton, and simplified struc-
it can be adapted to many different end-effector con- tures based on compliant hinges seem a worthy way
figurations and is not dependent on a particular type to be investigated. Previous work in this direction has
of actuation, being compatible with future availability been described by the authors in [6, 7]. By a proper
of any kind of artificial muscles. choice of materials and processes (see e.g. Hatanaka
and Cutkosky [8]) compliant hinges may be integrated
1 Introduction into the rigid links, thus obtaining one-piece articu-
In the last years the development of humanoid lated structures that are compact, light, easy to be
robots has received a great impulse due to the per- manufactured, simple to be integrated with external
spective of new application fields and tasks to be sensors and compliant covers. In this paper a fur-
performed, such as servicing, assistance, entertain-
ment, space exploration and so on. In the field of
robotic hands, anthropomorphism has been explicitly
addressed by a number of recent research projects,
namely the NASA Robonaut hand [1], the DLR hands
[2], the Karlsruhe University Ultra-light hand [3], the
GIFU hand [4], the UB hand II [5] and others.
Despite the hands proposed so far exhibit a wide range
of acceptable solutions as far as their functionality
is considered, most of them are too complex, bulky,
expensive and unreliable for practical use outside a
research laboratory. In the authors’ opinion design
simplification and achievement of high dexterity lev-
els must not be considered conflicting goals, provided
that traditional approaches to hand design are over-
come and new concepts must be explored. This is par-
ticularly true for what concerns the mechanical archi-
tecture of the hands, usually inspired to very classical Figure 1: Last prototype of UBH 3.
solutions, but can be extended to many other aspects,
like sensory equipment, actuators design and control.
A promising way, inspired to the human hand model, ther step in the application of the compliance-based
is to abandon design concepts based on exoskeletal endoskeletal model is reported, and a considerable
structures, previously adopted by most of the existing amount of innovation both in the finger and hand con-
robot hands, in favor of the adoption of the endoskele- figuration and in their technological implementation is
tal model. This goal requires the design of an inter- shown.
The distal hinge is not crossed by any tendon, while
the hinges placed up-stream progressively see an in-
creasing number of crossing tendons. The result of
such a design provides a reduced cross section, very
suitable to be covered with a thick external compliant
layer to reproduce the soft tissue of the human hand.
See Fig. 4, where the actual size of the robotic finger
is compared with that of a human one. Furthermore,
this real endo-skeletal structure leaves room to sen-
sor housing and signal cable routing with continuity
all along the finger. The use of soft pads is helpful
because it allows to enlarge the contact area, thus ob-
taining enhanced robustness against disturbances, to
better adapt on objects with edges and others surface
Figure 2: Endoskeleton structure of UBH 3. irregularities and to better sustain and damp dynamic
effects like shocks and vibrations. In general the use of
soft robotic finger increases the grasp robustness and
stability [9].
The main goals of the UBH 3 (University of Bologna
A relevant feature of the proposed solution is that
Hand, version 3) project are a high level of anthropo-
the joints are, approximately, kinematically indepen-
morphism together with a very simple and lightweight
dent and each tendon causes the deflection of only one
structure. Due to its simplicity this robotic hand
joint at a time. This is due to the fact that the ten-
achieves improved reliability and low cost. The UBH 3
don paths are very close to the neutral bending line
is a multi-fingered hand with an opposable thumb; the
of each joint. Furthermore a tension load applied to a
fingers are linked to a palm structure and each of them
tendon does not cause appreciable bending effects on
has four joints that can be individually actuated or
the joints that are crossed by it. The joint bending
coupled to other joints. As a consequence, each finger
stiffness greatly depends on the hinge design (shape,
can have up to four degrees of freedom. In Fig. 1 and
size, material) and it can be exploited in order to actu-
Fig. 2 the last prototype is shown; in the first picture
ate joint reverse motion, using the tendons in order to
the hand is covered by soft pads while in the second
actuate only the finger inwards bending. The choice
one the endoskeletal structure is illustrated.
of the proper hinge bending stiffness is a very critical
2 The articulated finger structure matter. On one side, a high stiffness may have posi-
tive effects on the final robustness of the whole finger
The finger is made of rigid elements (the phalanges)
structure and on the finger dynamical response, on
connected through elastic hinges that allow relative
the other it will cause unacceptable growth of the re-
motion due to self bending. This structure presents
quired tendon loads and the consequent increase of the
four joints: the proximal allows adduction-abduction
power required to the actuators. A trade-off must be
(yaw) motion, while the intermediate and the distal
founded. To this aim, the experimental set-up, shown
ones allow finger bending. Each joint is actuated by
in Fig. 6, has been implemented. In this testbed linear
forces exerted on the phalanges by remotely actuated
motors are used to actuate the finger, while the forces
tendons, that slide inside routing paths along the fin-
provided to the tendons and the actual positions of
ger structure and pass through the hinges along their
bending axis. After early attempts (see Lotti and Vas-
sura [6]) to develop monolithic fingers with hinges and
tendons integrated into a single item, this new version
Yaw motion
adopts different materials for the hinges, the phalanges Bending
structure and the tendons. The way to route the ten-
don paths inside the finger has been considerably im-
proved. This novel design (patent pending) is sketched
in Fig. 3. The inner structure of each finger is a con-
tinuous framework obtained by plastic moulding with Elastic hinge Tendon
inclusion of the elastic elements that form the hinges Tendon sheaths
and work, at the same time, as routing paths of the Proximal tendon
tendons. In the present implementation hinges are Medial tendon
Distal tendon
made of steel spiral coils that are used also as sheath
for tendon routing. This solution allows to avoid as-
sembly operations and obtains a simplified structure
with a reduced number of parts, easy to be manufac- Figure 3: Scheme of the tendons path in the finger
tured, cheap, yet fully efficient and compatible with structure.
the required functions.
tion. For example, a three fingered device could
be enough for easy grasping tasks, while in tele-
operated space applications the use of five fingers
could allow a good reproduction of the human
hand dexterity.

• Possibility to change the actual number of d.o.f.

without changing the finger structure. The
adopted kinematical configuration is suitable for
a reduction of the number of d.o.f. by coupling
(a) (b) some of the joints. This strategy, for example,
may be applied to connect the distal and medial
Figure 4: The soft finger module. bending motion to mimic the human finger be-
havior. Furthermore, by adopting elastic coupling
devices between the linked joints it is possible to
phalanges are measured by means of load cells and a obtain self-adapting grasping procedures. This
high-resolution video camera. Through this setup it configuration could be very interesting for pros-
is possible to investigate some fundamental aspects of thetic applications, that are strictly conditioned
the finger, in particular the kinematical and mechani- by low bulk and weight requirements and do not
cal models, which are fundamental in the optimization admit a large number of d.o.f..
Furthermore, the elastic hinge concept and its techno- • Compatibility with any kind of linear actuation.
logical implementation can be extended to joints with The adopted finger design is not dependent on
an increased number of d.o.f.. As a matter of fact, in a particular kind of actuation and it is compati-
the finger structure, schematically reported in Fig. 3, ble with future availability of new actuators, e.g.
joints with non parallel bending axis need separate artificial muscles.
hinges. Two degrees of freedom can however be in-
tegrated into a single joint (see Fig. 5.(b)). The two 4 Beyond the mechanical structure
d.o.f. motion can be controlled by means of three ten- The dexterity and, on the other hand, the com-
dons disposed at 120 degrees. This architecture shows plexity of a robotic device are the result of the me-
interesting properties because it is more compact and chanical design as well as of the sensor choice, the
more similar to the kinematical behavior of some bio- actuation system and so on. Therefore, in order to
logical articulations. Moreover, due to the use of three achieve the main goals underlying the overall project,
antagonist tendons, the control of the joint stiffness is a deep integration between all the constitutive parts is
greatly improved. This configuration is already imple- needed. Furthermore, the mechanical structure of the
mented in the thumb of the hand skeleton, shown in hand, quite different from the traditional technology,
Fig. 2, and it will be probability adopted in the wrist requires new sorts of sensors and new control algo-
of the hand/arm system. rithms.
4.1 Sensory apparatus
3 A family of hands The research activities is currently focused on the
The proposed design shows great versatility and al- selection of a proper sensor apparatus, able to com-
lows the development of many alternative hand con- pensate for the side effects of the mechanical arrange-
figurations with the the following important features: ment (e.g. backlash of the tendons in the sheaths, un-
• Modularity. The hand is obtained repeating a
modular finger built by low cost moulding pro-
cess. The complexity of the system can be cus- Video camera

tomized according to the needs of the applica-

(a) (b) Finger Tendons Load cells Linear motors

Figure 5: One-dof hinge (a) and two-dof hinge (b) Figure 6: Setup for finger structure characterization
based on compliant mechanism. and position sensors calibration.
desired deformations of hinges, friction inside the ten- the curvature of the hinge (because of reflections), and
dons’ sheaths, etc.) and enhance the capability of the the sensor output is “proportional” to the bending an-
anthropomorphic hand. A set of position sensors lo- gle. The signal coming from the sensor is reported in
cated into the joints must be add to the systems, even Fig. 8, where it is compared with the one produced by
if, in principle, the motors’ sensors could be enough to the Hall-effect sensor. The characteristic of the sensor
perform some kind of control (e.g. impedance control) is again strongly non-linear, but in this case the max-
and some operations (grasping). Moreover, to perform imal sensitivity is achieved for small angle values (the
fine manipulation tasks, which need to exactly know light comes directly from the emitter to the receiver),
the magnitude of the exchanged forces and the exact where most part of the manipulation operations hap-
position of contact points, force and tactile sensors pens. By properly adjusting some parameters of the
must be inserted. sensor (this activity is currently ongoing), i.e. by given
an initial bending which prevent a direct view of the
4.1.1 Position sensors two elements of the sensor or by changing the distance
between them, it is possible to change such a char-
In order to estimate the relative positions between the acteristic and enhance the sensitivity for bigger angle
links of the finger, a measure based only on tendon values. It is worth to notice that the physical principle
lengths is not sufficient. On the other hand, the pe- adopted makes this sensor insensitive to external ele-
culiar structure of the joints (without a fixed rotation ment (the soft-cover can easily shield the sensor from
center) makes it difficult to find a suitable position the light of the environment).
sensor. In fact, the standard robotic technologies (e.g. If an high resolution, in the overall range of variation
potentiometers) require well-defined paths. In order to of the joint angle, is required, the two last sensors can
obtain a sensor, reliable (without sliding parts) and be used together: as shown in Fig. 8 their outputs are
enough repeatable, different physical principia have perfectly complementary and if properly fused they
been considered. lead to a high precision estimation in every configura-
A simple solution, reported in Fig. 7.(a), is based on tions.
the Hall effect: a linear Hall-effect sensor is located In the 2 d.o.f. joint shown in Fig. 5.(b), since the elas-
in one side of the joint and a magnet is faced in the tic hinge can move in the 3D space and not only in a
other side. While the joint is closing the distance be- plane, the sensing principles above mentioned can not
tween these elements decreases and accordingly the be exploited, and at least two information are neces-
magnitude of the magnetic field, detected by the sen- sary in order to estimate the relative position between
sor, increases. The response of the sensor, shown in the two links. In this case, the obvious solution consist
Fig. 8, is strongly non-linear, and, in particular, its of the measure of the tendon displacements. Such a
sensitivity is quite reduced when the joint is “opened” measure has to be performed as close as possible to the
(0o ). Moreover, in this configuration the effect of ex- joint, therefore a miniaturized position sensors (which
ternal magnetic or ferromagnetic elements can be very must be located into the finger base) has been devised,
relevant. In order to achieve the advantage of the hall- see Fig. 9. It is composed by a magnet (or a number
effect sensor (non-contact sensing) without the same of magnets, according to the desired resolution) fixed
drawbacks (in particular, the dependance of the out- to the tendon. When it moves the magnetic field, de-
put on an external magnetic field), an optical sensor tected by a Hall-effect sensor, changes and a position
has been developed. This device, shown in Fig. 7.(a), measure is therefore achieved.
exploits one of the elastic sheaths of the finger: a pho- A common drawback of the sensing technologies
todiode, emitting red light, is located in one end of the above introduced is the difficult procedure of calibra-
sheath while the other one hosts a photo-transistor,
which detects the amount of light received. When the
joint closes, the intensity of the light is modulated by light based sensor
hall−effect based sensor


Light emitter
sensor output (V/Vmax)

Elastic hinge

Light receiver

Elastic hinge
Magnet 0.3

sensor 0.2


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
(a) (b) angle (deg.)

Figure 8: Static characteristics (bending an-

Figure 7: Joint position sensors: hall-effect based (a) gle/voltage) of the magnetic and optical joint position
and optical (b). sensors.
Hall-effect sensor

Magnetic field


Magnet Hall-effect sensor


(a) (b)
Magnetic field

Figure 10: Load cell prototype (a) and its placement

(b) in the hand structure(b).

Figure 9: Working principle of the tendon position location of the contact points. To this purpose, tac-
sensors based on a hall-effect sensor: one magnet (a) tile array sensors are profitably used [11].
and multiple magnets(b). To make the sensory equipment consistent with the
overall project (inspired by criteria of simplicity and
tion. In order to simplify this process, the setup of reliability) we have designed a sensor able to detect
Fig. 6, is used. It allows to compare the joint angle the force provide by the tendons to the joints.
values, estimated by means of the images coming from Fig. 10.(a) shows the load cell, composed by a
the video camera, with the sensors’ output. deformable structure monitored by classical strain
Alternatively, in order to keep the finger structure gauges. It has been integrated into the connection be-
(and hence the overall end-effector) as simple as pos- tween the tendon and the actuated phalange (see the
sible, a control based on visual servoing (and on the cad model in Fig. 10.(b)), allowing a direct measure
measures of tendons’ elongation given by sensors on of the forces exchanged with the environment, with-
the motors) can be implemented [10] (this possibility out the error due to the friction between the sheaths
is currently evaluated, by means of the same setup and the tendons. The output of the load cell is very
used to make the calibration). linear and does not dependent on the joint angle, as
reported in Fig. 11
Furthermore, the adoption of a soft layer of visco-
elastic gel is particularly suitable for an integration
4.1.2 Force sensors of distributed tactile sensing capabilities. Some ex-
The actuation chain based on tendons produces non- perimental activities have been performed in order to
negligible levels of static and viscous friction. In or- test the interactions between the gel and a tactile sen-
der to perform fine manipulation tasks and apply very sor (the use of a commercial single element pressure
small forces on the environment, force and tactile sen- sensors has been investigated [12]). The presence of
sors are, therefore, necessary. Such sensors can be
used for two different purposes, which require specific
characteristics: Load cell response

• force control;


• task planning. 5
Sensor output (V)


In particular force control, and more generally interac- 4

tion control, requires sensors with a very high band- 3

width but, in general, quite simple as regard struc- 2.5

ture and functional capabilities. Classical examples 2

are joint torque sensors or tendons strength sensor, 60 80

while more complicate sensors often adopted in dex- 40

terous manipulation are multi-axis force sensors and Tendon tension (N)
0 0
Joint angle (Degrees)

intrinsic tactile sensors [11].

Conversely the planning of the operations to be per- Figure 11: Static characteristic of the load cell (with
formed requires not only a precise estimation of ex- respect to different joint configuration).
changed forces but also the knowledge of the exact
the gel layer (3 mm thick) reduces the sensitivity of Diameter 16 mm
Motor DC
the sensor, and above all makes the dynamic of the Continuous torque 4.4 Nmm
sensor very slow. The reason of this behavior is due Power 15 W
to the gel which, after the initial application of the Diameter 16 mm
Reduction 1/19
external force, changes its configuration, distributing
Pitch 1.5 mm
the external pressure on the overall underlying surface Worm gear
Shaft diameter 5 mm
(also outside the sensitive area of the sensor). This fil- Max. fingertip force 6.8 N
tering effect of the pulp makes the use of this sensor Tendon load 213 N
for control purposes very difficult, but the use of a Joint closure time (90o ) 0.85 s
similar sensor (with a finer resolution) is not excluded
in order to known the contact location and properly Table 1: Main features of the artificial muscle based
plan the tasks to be performed. on DC brushless motor.
4.2 Actuation subsystem
The structure of the hand is compatible with any the overall project (that is simplified structure, high-
kind of “artificial muscles” (to be hosted in the fore- reliability, low-cost). On the other hand, such a kind
arm of the arm/hand system), able to apply linear of actuation is only suitable for grasp procedures while
forces on the tendons. The strongest constraint con- a precise control of actuators’ elongation (and there-
cerns the value of strength required to achieve the de- fore of the joints’ position) and of the force exerted on
sired performances (i.e. the application of a force of 10 the environment/object is quite prohibitive. In order
N with the fingertip). The relation between the joint to carry out fine manipulation tasks, the latter so-
torques (τ ) and the applied by motors to the tendons lution seems more appropriate. Nevertheless, in this
(F ) can be roughly described by: case, because of the high reduction ratio necessary to
gain the required forces with small-size motors, the ar-
rd sin(θ0 − θ) tificial “muscles” result non-back-drivable, and there-
τ= F
r2 + d2 − 2rd cos(θ0 − θ) fore not suitable for some control approaches, such as
impedance control [14]. Therefore, in order to com-
where d, r, θ0 are geometric parameters of the me- pensate such drawback, a load cell has been integrated
chanical design, which in the current implementation in the sliding part of the actuator (where the tendon
are equal to d = 20mm, r = 9mm, θ0 = 150o , while θ is fixed), see Fig. 12. In such a way, by means of a
is the joint angle. In the worst case α = 0.0032, that suitable control strategy, it is possible to recover the
is a force of about 300N is necessary to achieve 10N back-drivability of the actuator and obtain an almost
on the fingertip. “ideal” force generator (see Tab. 1).
In order to obtain such performances, two different
architectures, with different characteristics and aims, 5 Conclusions
are under evaluation: In this paper the design of an innovative robotic
hand (UBH3) has been reported. The project ad-
a) An actuation system based on McKibben artifi-
dresses the development of a family of robotic hands,
cial muscles [13];
rather than a specific device, based on the key-idea
b) An actuation system based on rotative brushless of “compliant mechanisms”. In particular, the adop-
motors and ball-screw (to obtain a linear motion). tion of an original structure made with rigid links con-
nected by elastic hinges that are coaxially crossed by
The former solution leads to a light and very low- flexible tendons, allows a noticeable simplification of
cost structure, consistent with main guidelines of the mechanical architecture as well as an improve-
ment of the versatility in kinematic definition with
respect to early attempts, also based on compliant
mechanisms. The development of an articulated fin-
ger according to this new proposal is presented. This
innovative design approach allows a high level of an-
Load cell
thropomorphism together with great structural sim-
plification, reliability enhancement and cost reduction.
Moreover this endo-skeletal structure is particularly
suitable to host distributed sensory equipment and
Worm gear
continuous compliant cover. The development of a
sensory apparatus aiming to enhance the overall dex-
terity of the robotic hand is presented, and two alter-
native actuation systems are also taken into account,
Figure 12: Sketch of an artificial muscle based on in order to show the flexibility of the proposed solu-
brushless motor and ball-screw. tion with respect to the adoption of different types of
actuation. In Fig. 13 the CAD model of the new UBH
3 prototype (with the sensory equipment) is depicted. [8] M. Hatanaka and M.R. Cutkosky, “Process Plan-
ning for Embedding Flexible Materials in Multi-
material Prototypes”, in DETC ASME, Chicago,
Illinois, USA, September 2003.

[9] F. Lotti, P. Tiezzi, G. Vassura, “Poliurethane Gel

Pulps for Robotic Fingers”, in Proc. Int. Conf.
on Advanced Robotics ’03, ICAR 03, Coimbra,
Portugal, June 2003.

[10] I. Infantino, A. Chella, H. Dzindo, I. Macalusi,

“Visual Control of a Robotic Hand”, in Proc.
IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and
Systems ’03, IROS 03, Las Vegas, USA, 2003.

[11] C. Melchiorri, “Tactile Sensing for Robotic Ma-

nipulation”, in Articulated and Mobile Robotics
for Services and Technologies”, A. Bicchi, S.
Figure 13: CAD model of the new UBH 3. Nicosia, B. Siciliano, Valigi (Eds.), Springer Ver-
lag, 2001.

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