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Definition of Distributed Systems: A distributed system is a collection of independent computers that appear to the
end-user as a single coherent system. These systems can be used to share resources such as storage and processing
power, and to coordinate the actions of multiple computers.

Overview of the History of Distributed Systems: The concept of distributed systems has been around for several
decades and has evolved over time. In this report, we will explore the key milestones and developments in the history
of distributed systems, from the early days of time-sharing systems to the modern era of cloud computing and the
Internet of Things.

Early Distributed Systems (1960s)

Compatible Time-Sharing System (CTSS): Developed at MIT in the 1960s, CTSS was one of the first distributed
systems. It allowed multiple users to share the resources of a single mainframe computer, by dividing the computer's
time among different users. This was a significant step forward in the development of distributed systems, as it
allowed for more efficient use of resources.

Multiplexed Information and Computing Service (Multics): Developed by Bell Labs in the same decade, Multics was
another early distributed system. Like CTSS, it was used to share resources such as storage and processing power
among multiple users. However, Multics was more advanced than CTSS, as it had a more sophisticated file system and
provided more advanced services such as security and multi-user support.

Distributed Systems in the 1970s and 1980s

X.25 packet switching network: In the 1970s, X.25 packet switching networks were developed as a way to connect
different computer networks. These networks used a technique called packet switching to divide data into small
packets, which could then be sent over different paths to their destination. This allowed for more efficient use of
network resources and improved reliability.

VMEbus industrial computer bus standard: Developed in the 1980s, VMEbus was a standard for connecting different
computer devices in industrial control systems. This standard allowed for the development of more complex
distributed systems, as it allowed different devices to communicate with each other.

The Rise of the Internet (1990s)

 World Wide Web and its impact on distributed systems: The World Wide Web (WWW) is a distributed system that
allows for the sharing of information and resources across the Internet. The Web became widely used in the 1990s,
and had a significant impact on the development of distributed systems. The Web made it easy for people to access
and share information, and it also made it possible for developers to create new applications that could run on the

Recent Developments (2000s - present)

Cloud computing and its impact on distributed systems: Cloud computing is a form of distributed computing that
allows for the sharing of resources over the Internet. This technology has become increasingly popular in recent years,
and has had a significant impact on the development of distributed systems. Cloud computing allows for the creation
of large-scale distributed systems that can be used to provide services such as storage and processing power to

Big data and the Internet of Things (IoT): The advent of big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) has also had a
significant impact on the development of distributed systems. Big data systems are used to store and process large
amounts of data, while IoT systems are used to connect and control physical devices. Both of these technologies rely
on distributed systems to function, as they require the coordination of multiple computers.

Distributed algorithms such as consensus algorithms and distributed algorithms: Distributed systems often rely on
distributed algorithms, such as consensus algorithms and distributed algorithms, to coordinate the actions of multiple
computers. These algorithms
 The Emergence of Client-Server Architecture: In the 1980s and 1990s, the client-server architecture
emerged as the dominant model for distributed systems. In this model, a central server provided
resources and services to client computers, which requested these resources as needed. This
architecture paved the way for the development of many of the applications and services we use
today, such as email, file sharing, and online transactions.
The Emergence of Client-Server Architecture: In the 1980s and 1990s, the client-server architecture
emerged as the dominant model for distributed systems. In this model, a central server provided
resources and services to client computers, which requested these resources as needed. This
architecture paved the way for the development of many of the applications and services we use
today, such as email, file sharing, and online transactions.

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