After The Quarantine I Felt Relieved Because I Could Now Play Sports

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After the quarantine I felt relieved because I could now play sports, go out with my friends and

most importantly leave the house, for example, to do the shopping or breathe fresh air. I have
also felt lazier because during the quarantine we have not moved much, we only had to do
class homework, eat and sleep.

At first the mask was very uncomfortable, but in the end you get used to it and you think you
are not wearing it.

Also, I really wanted to go on a trip because I hadn't traveled for a long time and I wanted to
go to the beach with my family, to play volleyball because we always carry the net with us and
a soccer goal for my brother to play. When classes started I felt a bit stressed because I had
lost the habit of studying and needed to get good grades. I have been very happy to see my
grandparents again because they are very old and I was afraid that they would get sick. During
the quarantine we only saw each other by video call, now I can finally go to visit them at their
house because we are all vaccinated, but also we always wear the mask. During this time of
confinement my uncles have had a baby and I am very happy that I am not the youngest of the
family. Although the quarantine has taken many things from us and has had many negative
things, such as I have not been able to train or see my volleyball teammates, it has also had
some good things such as the birth of my cousin and that we have made more life in family.

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