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Pro: Assalmualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

NKRI harga mati that is a slogan that means Negara Kesatuan

Republic Indonesia or The unitary State of Republic Indonesia that
is the pride of the public that we have to protect and NKRI’s culture
must be preserved, so as not to be influenced by other cultures with
a slogan NKRI Harga Mati this slogan appeals to the residents of the
unitary state of republic Indonesia with the the slogan NKRI harga
mati, The unitary state republic of Indonesia is a fixed price that we
have to defend, protect and protect their independence and
sovereignty. Nkri Harga mati there is no more bargaining like I said
before NKRI’s culture must be preserved In order not to have other
cultural influences that result in the split of the unity of the Republic
of Indonesia for the residents of the Indonesian state in order to
unite this nation, the Indonesian nation. NKRI HARGA MATI! CANT
ESCAPE! We must cultivate a sense of nationalism that 'I am proud
to be part of the Indonesian nation! "In order to create unity, it
really needs a struggle, don't think that creating unity can be in a
natural and practical way or automatically, therefore you must unite
to build the Indonesian state in order to maintain the Republic of
Indonesia and the creation of unity in order to build the Indonesian
nation so that we can realize.
Personally I don’t agree with the pro part about NKRI harga mati.
NKRI should be end to end harga mati. the plurality of the
Indonesian nation must be used as the potential and strength of the
nation, the slogan of the Republic of Indonesia harga mati and
pluralism is just talk. how can people unite if there is still inequality
and development between Java and outside Java?
The facts show that inequality in the implementation of
development and lately is increasingly visible with the increasing
poverty and destitution experienced by almost some of the people in
this country.
The development projections carried out by the government are still
focused on a number of areas on the island of Java, which may have
created social ugliness between residents which seems to be a
source of division of the nation itself. the formation of new
autonomous regions is based on excessive primordial.
This is what disturbs the spirit of diversity and diversity of the
Indonesian people
How it should be with a very diverse cultural wealth, it must
continue to be displayed in the form of differences, so that it can add
references to the nation's cultural wealth as a positive thing. with a
primordial spirit, this is what has disturbed the spirit and diversity
of the Indonesian people.
Pro: I agree with the meaning of the slogan that the pros say that the
Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia has a fixed price, namely
the unity of the Republic of Indonesia, which must be further
strengthened as citizens of the Republic of Indonesia, in order to
uphold our unity, we must have a sense of nationalism.
strengthen the brotherhood of fellow residents
Pros: The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is fixed, I agree
with the meaning of the slogan that the Pros say that the Unitary
State of the Republic of Indonesia is fixed, namely the unity of the
population of the Republic of Indonesia must be further
strengthened as citizens of the Republic of Indonesia, in order to
uphold this unity, we must have a sense of nationalism. To
strengthen the brotherhood of fellow citizens of the Republic of
Indonesia with the slogan of the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia at a fixed price, we must also defend the Unitary State of
the Republic of Indonesia from the influence of other countries so
that the unity of the Indonesian state is maintained and not divided
by the influence of other cultures. As previously stated, many
foreign cultures have entered Indonesia, the original culture of
Indonesia with the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, I hope
that the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia can reunite
Indonesia. So I agree with the slogan of the Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia at a fixed price.
Cons: I don't agree with the statement from the Pros, I think it's true
what my friend said that the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia is a fixed price that is only spoken on the lips easily but
cannot be implemented. As we will see there are still many noisy
and chaotic local elections . Is this called the NKRI at a fixed price, in
my opinion, the NKRI at a fixed price is a democratic, fair, firm, and
authoritative country. Can the statement that I said earlier be called
the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia at a fixed price? not
only that, have we heard that East Timor separated from Indonesia,
of course, can it still be called the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia with a fixed price? In my opinion, the Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke should be fixed
because with such a slogan there is not a single region in it that
separates itself from Indonesia. As I said earlier, one of the regions
in Indonesia broke away because of the government's inattention to
that area, therefore their people were nervous if they eventually
separated themselves. So I still don't agree with the statement that
the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia has a fixed price,
which should be a fixed price for the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke. I will return to the beginning
when I said that there are still many noisy and chaotic local
government elections due to the government's lack of firmness with
the people, resulting in commotion and chaos. So I hope the
government can be firm and more authoritative.

Cons: The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is fixed, I do not

agree with the Pros, because the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia is not stated on the lips, but there is evidence that it is not
easy to do so, as my friend said, in order to build the Unitary State of
the Republic of Indonesia, it is necessary to have a sense of
nationalism, a sense of creating prosperity and helping one another.
each other, we as Indonesians and as young people must create a
prosperous Indonesia, we must not be influenced or provoked by
issues that cause national divisions. We do not want this
independent nation to be divided, because the basic spirit of
Indonesia is mutual cooperation, with mutual cooperation we can
work hand in hand to create an Indonesia that is intact and not
divided. Indonesia is one nation even though the majority are
Muslims. Since ancient times the people have been able to live side
by side in peace, comfort and security. The fixed price for the
Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is from Sabang to
Merauke because the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is
the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Cons: The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the Unitary

State of the Republic of Indonesia, I do not agree, for example, the
Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, which means that the
State of Indonesia must be united from Sabang to Merauke but why
are there still areas that are separated from Indonesia and liberate
the region itself as said by Suci East Timor at that time? but now it
has become its own State, namely the State of Timor Leste. Is it
called the unity of the Indonesian state, but there are still regions
that separate themselves from Indonesia and there are
organizations that want to break up the Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia, namely the OPM (Free Papua Organization),
which is an organization that wants to destroy the Unitary State of
the Republic of Indonesia. making their own country even Papua has
made a flag, namely a flag and carried out a ceremony to raise the
Morning Star flag and whether it is called the Unitary State of the
republic of Indonesia, there are still many problems that must be
solved, it's easy to talk about the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia but can't do it and everyone just can't talk conduct and
establish the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia itself.
Indonesia has many and diverse religions and we still can't show
solidarity with our fellow citizens of the Unitary State, we must
respect each religion.

Pro Conclusion
Pro : The conclusion of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
is that the dignity of the people must be protected , so as not to be
influenced by other cultures , the Republic of Indonesia is a fixed
price that we must defend , protect and protect its independence .
Our country must be developed, our country must be better and
develop than other countries, we must cultivate a sense of
nationalism with equal degrees of dignity and worth, in order to
create this unity, we really need to fight together to advance and
develop our country, namely Indonesia. . So we as the Indonesian
nation and as the younger generation must be able to create a
prosperous Indonesia and we must not be influenced by issues that
can cause Indonesia to be divided because the basic spirit of
Indonesia is gotong royong. create an Indonesia that is unified , not
divided and creates a prosperous Indonesia . we must be able to
define the meaning of the word “NKRI is fixed! and and realize what
we have to do as a society that is also part of a nation called
Indonesia. Greetings accompanied by hope for the sake of
maintaining the unity of the Indonesian nation, the Unitary State of
the Republic of Indonesia, at a fixed price!
Contra conclusion
Cons: The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia has a fixed
price that can only be discussed but cannot be done what is the
Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
The government is still negligent in not paying attention to the areas
that caused the region to separate from Indonesia, there are many
remote areas that the government does not pay attention to, it could
be that these regions provide their own independence because they
are not satisfied with the work of the government. The government
can only speak and promise but it cannot be implemented. The
government cannot protect this country if the government must be
able to protect each region in order to maintain the unity of the
Republic of Indonesia so that it divides and separates regions that
want to liberate themselves, the government still cannot overcome
the existence of an independent Papuan organization. Therefore ,
the government must maintain the unity of the Republic of
Indonesia for the better , the government must be more assertive
than before .

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