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You have to be helpful the world needs you

Help collectors need rising money, medical attention, resources to counter

poverty, education, food and water, mortality, secure life etc

Charity direct
Do a stream with a famous streamer because there are a lot of persons
who watch this streamers and donate in his stream, you negociate with
him. The money raised is going to use for building schools and food. The
streamer has to do some challenges to encourage people to donate like
eating spicy food
Make t-shirts with the logo to promote the solidarity. The t-shirts is going
to be in different colours for the tastes of each person and in different
sizes. The t-shirts will cost 10€. This money raised is for hospitals and food
por person who need it

Some volunteers are going to schools for talk about solidarity and from
participate in a NGO, also they will talk about the 800 millions persons
who died by hungry in the world and the few persons that help the others
persons they also talk about the events in wich they can participate like
cleaning the streets, donating money, food or clothes for persons who
need it, then they would talk about the experience of contribuying the
world and it’s not necessary to help other person you can help against the
climate change they will put a video of how persons in africa, america,Asia
lives for example that people have to walk 5 km to go to school o they
don’t have money top ay university or more important electricity

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