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Version/February 2022/EN

Directorate F – Finance, Legal & Partnerships
HR.F.5 – Ethical conduct

Please fill electronically or

in capitals, sign and return
to HR.F.5 via email ONLY

Declaration of the intention to engage in an occupational activity

after leaving the service of the Commission
Article 16 of the Staff Regulations/Articles 11 and 81 of the Conditions of
Employment of Other Agents

Version/February 2022/EN


There is no need to inform the Appointing Authority in the following situations:

1. Taking up employment at a European Union institution or body in the meaning of the Treaty on European
Union and/or the Staff Regulations (i.e. including Agencies).

2. Engaging in the following activities provided that :

o they do not give rise to lobbying or advocacy vis à vis staff of your former Institution
o are not remunerated
o are carried out in your personal capacity

- any unpaid activity that has no link with the activities of the European Union, is carried out in
a purely private capacity, and is undertaken from time to time only, upon need, in particular:
(i) charitable and humanitarian activities;
(ii) activities relating to sport or wellbeing;
(iii) activities deriving from political, religious, trade unionist and/or philosophical
(iv) craftwork, artistic or cultural activities;
- unpaid teaching activities, unless they are performed for a commercial entity;

- the mere ownership of assets or holdings, or the management of the personal or family
fortune, whether in a private capacity or as a shareholder of a company, but not running a business;
- the mere membership of a professional order or association, unless the code of conduct of
the order or association conflicts with the staff member’s obligations under the Staff Regulations.

Activities giving rise to lobbying or advocacy are defined in the Transparency Register established pursuant to the
Inter-institutional agreement on this matter between the European Parliament and the Commission of 16 April 2014
(see Title III "Scope of the register"). For the purpose of this form, lobbying and advocacy activities vis-a-vis the
Commission includes all activities carried out with the objective of directly or indirectly influencing the formulation
or implementation of policy and the decision-making processes of the Commission, irrespective of where they are
undertaken and of the channel or medium of communication used.

Version/February 2022/EN

The former official or other servant

Name and first name: LE BERRE STEPHANIE.....................................................

Personnel No 90214101 Function Group/grade/step: GFIV-17-3
Position : Legal & policy officer
Date of leaving the Commission: 02/01/2022
Address: Rue d’Oisquercq, 119, 1480-OISQUERCQ- Belgium
Telephone: 0499819737
Email :

Are you receiving or will you receive any pecuniary benefit from the Commission after leaving? If
so, of what sort? 1
Describe your work during the last three years of service? State the DG(s)

To contribute to the establishment, functioning and supervision of the Research and Innovation
Framework Programme implementing bodies, namely Executive Agencies and Art. 187 Joint
Undertakings. To execute assigned ad-hoc tasks at the request of the Head of Unit or team leader
in the Common Implementation Centre-CIC- DG RTD- Unit H4- Common service for Executive
Agencies & Funding Bodies

New activity

Name of the body: The European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU)
Address: Future Connectivity Systems- Directorate-General for Communications Networks,
Content and Technology- Rue de la Loi 200- 1040 Brussels, Belgium

Telephone: +32 229-21097 Website:


Nature of its activities:

The European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) is a Public-Private
partnership created by the European Commission (Article 187 TFEU) and which aims to ensure
industrial leadership for Europe in 5G and 6G.
Does this body receive funding from the European Commission?
The SNS JU is jointly funded by Industry and the EU. The budget of the SNS JU is at least €1.8
billion for the period 2021-27. An EU contribution of €900 million will be at least matched by the
private members. The SNS JU provides financial support in the form of R&I grants to participants
following open and competitive calls.

Precise description of the work:

The Legal Officer provides the Executive Director and the staff of the Joint Undertaking with
If you receive an invalidity allowance, a form relating to Art.13 (2), Annex VIII of the staff regulations concerning the details on
the activity after leaving the service will be provided to you.
Version/February 2022/EN

relevant legal advice and support for the smooth operation of the activities of the JU, monitors
the implementation of contractual obligations of the JU, and drafts the tender, contractual and
legal documents of the JU.

Expected duration of the work: Initial period of three years

Expected starting date of the work:03/01/2023
Position in the body: Legal Officer- member of the JU Staff-CA FG IV

Will you be an employee in the body? YES

a shareholder in the body? NO
self-employed? NO
Will your envisaged activities be related to, or be in the same areas as, your tasks and
responsibilities in your previous position during the last three years of service? YES

Will you receive remuneration or other pecuniary advantages? If so, please specify
Remuneration will be based on the European Union scale of salaries. Pay is subject to
European Union tax and other deductions laid down in the Staff Regulations. Remuneration
is, however, exempt from any national taxation.
In addition to the basic salary, staff members may be entitled to various allowances, in
particular expatriation allowance, household allowance, dependent child allowance and
education allowance

Does the body for which you wish to work have direct or indirect commercial, financial or
contractual links (including grants) with a European Union institution (in particular the Commission)
or body? If so, please specify: Contractual link with the EU Commission (EU PARTNERSHIP)

During your work at the Commission, did you have any direct or indirect relations with the body for
which you wish to work2? If so, please specify: Indirect contacts as I was in charge of the legal
support of the JUs (including SNS JU) in the frale of the CIC( Common Implementation Centre)

Will your new activity have / entail direct or indirect links / contacts with:
- your former service? YES
- other Commission services? YES
If so, please specify: As a funding body of the Union, the SNS JU will use the services of the CIC
in DG RTD as well as it will be in contact with other R&I parent DGs and horizontal services of the
European Commission

Will your new activity entail activities of lobbying or advocacy vis-à-vis staff of your former
institution for your business, clients or employers on matters for which you were responsible
during your last three years in service? You are invited to give a detailed explanation in your reply
to this question.
No activities of lobbying or advocacy in my new activity

Other relevant information: n/a

I have complied with the provisions of Article 11a of the Staff Regulations at all times while in
active service, including when negotiating the terms and conditions of the envisaged activity while
being in active employment.

State in particular whether you were engaged in preparing financial and/or contractual relations .
Version/February 2022/EN

YES ☒ NO ☐

If you ticked "NO" or have a doubt, please contact Unit HR.F.5

Article 11a of the Staff Regulations

1. An official shall not, in the performance of his duties and save as hereinafter provided, deal with a matter in which,
directly or indirectly, he has any personal interest such as to impair his independence, and, in particular, family and
financial interests.
2. Any official to whom it falls, in the performance of his duties, to deal with a matter referred to above shall
immediately inform the Appointing Authority. The Appointing Authority shall take any appropriate measure, and may
in particular relieve the official from responsibility in this matter.
3. An official may neither keep nor acquire, directly or indirectly, in undertakings which are subject to the authority of
the institution to which he belongs or which have dealings with that institution, any interest of such kind or
magnitude as might impair his independence in the performance of his duties."

Wednesday, 07 December 2022


Staff members can usefully attach to the present form any documents such as vacancy notices,
job descriptions, offer letters, draft contracts, and project descriptions to demonstrate that the
intended occupational activity is compatible with the Commission’s interests. Any information
provided should not lead former staff members to divulge business secrets.

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