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Date 28-07-2022

Our reference BSA / B-LR / 5529808

Subjects Information about study progress
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Delft Technical University

S.L.A. Caron Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

Education & Student Affairs

Dear student,

As you know, Bachelor Aerospace Engineering applies a binding recommendation on

continuation of studies as designated in Article 7.8b, Section 3 of the Higher Education and
Research Act (Wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek, WHW).

The standard for the binding recommendation on the continuation of studies (BSA) for the 2021-2022
academic year is 39 EC. This concerns the EC you obtained in this academic year 2021-2022 for the
first-year subjects.

In total, you have obtained 47 EC of the 60 EC available in the first year. This means you have
achieved the minimum standard for the binding recommendation on continuation of studies and we
are issuing you with a definitive positive recommendation on continuation of studies.

You may therefore continue the Bachelor Aerospace Engineering. You can now re-enrol for the
next academic year via Studielink.

We wish you the best of luck in your further studies.

Yours sincerely,

Prof.dr. H.G.C. Werij

Dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

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