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EENG203/EPENG204 Practice Questions

Question 1
A digital voltmeter is used to measure the output voltage V from a chromel-alumel thermocouple
(sensitivity s = 60ᶙV/⁰C) as shown in Figure 1 below

Figure 1
a) Determine output voltage V indicated by the DVM.
b) If the DVM reading changes to 20.470 mV, what is the new temperature 𝑇1 ?
Question 2
A basic PMMC meter movement with internal resistance 𝑅𝑚 = 100Ω and full scale current 𝐼𝑓𝑠𝑐
= 1mA, is to be converted into a multi-range dc voltmeter with voltage range of 0 – 10V; 0 –
50V; 0 – 250V; and 0 – 500V.The circuit arrangement of Figure is to used for this voltmeter

Figure 2
Find; 𝑅1 𝑡𝑜 𝑅4

Question 3
a) Describe two different types of pressure transducers, highlighting their salient features.
b) A thermistor can be used to measure gas flow rate. Describe how this is achieved.

Question 4
The following diagram (Figure 3) shows a dual-slope A/D Convertor

Figure 3
a) Identify blocks labeled 1 through to 4.
b) Describe how the system works
Question 5
a) In intelligent instrumentation systems, distinguish between talker, listener and controller. Give
an example of each
b) Describe the IEEE 488 bus structure specifying the number of lines and their functions,
data transfer rate, maximum number of instruments it can support and maximum
Question 6
a) Give two reasons to justify conversion of analogue signals to digital.

b) Why is it necessary to sample and hold the analogue signal.

c) What are the major disadvantages of single slope A/D conversion compared to dual slope

d) A typical modern data acquisition system is made up of a number of building blocks. What are
these blocks
e) Describe the USB interface taking into account the number of wires and the function of each.
f) One major disadvantages of electromechanical recorders is low frequency response. What
causes this and what is the typical response?

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