BRM Hypothesis

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Causes(Independent Variable) Effect( Dependent Variable)

1. Quality of food
2. Taste of Food
3. overestimation of appetite
4. Uncertainity of attendance
Food Wastage in mess
5. Shelf Life
6. Appearance of food
9. Awareness of Food Wastage

Problem Statement: How we can prevent food wastage in NITIE Hostel mess?


1) Ho: There is no effect of the Quality of food on amount of food wastage in mess.
Ha: The Quality of food impacts the amount food wastage in mess
2) Ho: There is no effect of the Taste of food on amount of food wastage in mess.
Ha: The Taste of food impacts the amount food wastage in mess
3) Ho: There is no effect of the overestimation of appetite on amount of food wastage in mess.
Ha: The overestimation of appetite impacts the amount food wastage in mess
4) Ho: There is no effect of Uncertainity of attendance on amount of food wastage in mess.
Ha: The Uncertainity of attendance impacts the amount food wastage in mess
5) Ho: There is no effect of Difference in Food habit on amount of food wastage in mess.
Ha: The Difference in Food habit impacts the amount food wastage in mess
6) Ho: There is no effect of Shelf Life of food on amount of food wastage in mess.
Ha: The Shelf Life of food impacts the amount food wastage in mess
7) Ho: There is no effect of the Appearance of food on amount of food wastage in mess.
Ha: Appearance of food impacts the amount food wastage in mess
8) Ho: There is no effect of Awareness of Food Wastage on amount of food wastage in mess.
Ha: The Awareness of Food Wastage impacts the amount food wastage in mess


.1)Do you take the food of mess all 4 times a day. ( Uncertainity)
(a) Yes (b) no
2) How many times per day do you take meals in mess?
a) once b) twice c) thrice d) four times
3) Which meal do you skip most?
a) Breakfast b) Lunch c) Snacks d) dinner
4. How much you like the taste of the food of the hostel mess?
(a ) Fair (b) good (c) very good (d ) bad.
5. On average how would you describe the quality of the food?
(a) Unhygienic Food quality (b) Poor Food taste (c) Uncleanness of mess makes you feel not to eat
(d) Above all 5.
6.How important is the quality of food for you?
(1 to 5)
7. Have you ever found the flies in your food?
(a) Daily (b) Sometimes (c) Never
7. How often do you throw your unfinished food into the green composting bins?
Everytime / 8-9 out of 10 times / 5-6 out of 10 time / 1-2 times out of 10 times / Never
8. How much of the initial amount do you usually throw into the composting bin?
0% / 2% / 30% / 50% / 75% / 98% / 100%
9. Do you usually waste the same amount of food when you eat at home?
(a) Yes (b) No
10. Are you aware of the consequences of food wastage on environment ?
a)yes b) no
11. How often do you overestimate your appetite?
12. does overestimation of your appetite made you throw away leftovers?
13. are you aware of the shelf life of fruits and vegetables?
14. how often do you throw food because of shelf life? is the appearance of food that you get in mess?
(a ) Fair (b) good (c) very good (d ) bad.
16. how often do you throw away mess food because of its appearance?

17. Rank the reason for not finishing your food(multiple select) ?
1. Quality of food
2. Taste of Food
3. overestimation of appetite
7. Appearance of food
8. Awareness of Food Wastage

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