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Subject- Mathematics (Standard) 041

Date: 22.11.2022                                                              Class: X

Time Allowed: 3Hrs                    Maximum Marks: 80


1. HCF of smallest composite number and smallest prime number is

(a)4                  (b)  3                    (c)    6              (d) 2
2. The least number that is divisible by 1 to 5 is . 
(a)70                (b) 60                (c) 90                 (d) 80

3. If the lines 3x + ky- 2 = 0 and 2x + 5y + 1 =0 are parallel, then what is the value of k?
(a)2/15              (b)15/2            (c)  4/15               (d) 15/4

4. The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 10. The first digit is 2 more than
the second digit. Find the number 
(a)46                   (b)82                 (c)64                 (d)28

5. The graph of x = -10 is a line parallel to the 

(a)x-axis                   (b) y-axis                  (c) both x and y- axis                 (d) none
6. If the common difference of an AP is 3, then find the difference between 20 th and
15th term  
a. 5                     (b)   3                (c)   15              (d) 20
7. The sum of the first 15 multiples of 8 is
(a)920                  (b)860             (c)900             (d) 960
8. If p-1, p+3 and 3p-1 are in AP, then find p
(a)4         (b) -4                (c)2                   (d)-2
9. In the given fig.TP and TQ are two tangents to the circle with centre O,if
<POQ=110 then find <PTQ
(a)55                  (b) 70                 (c)  110            (d)90
10. In fig. AP,AQ and BC are tangents to the circle. if AB=5 cm, AC=6cm and BC=4 cm
then the length of AP is
(a)7.5               (b) 15                (c) 10                 (d) 9

11. The areas of the two circle are in the ratio 4:9. the ratio of their circumference is 
(a)2:3             (b)4:9            (c)  9:16               (d)16:9

12. The minute hand of a clock is 12cm long. find the area of the sector subtended by
the minute hand in 35min.
(a)265cm²                   (b)    266cm²             (c)    264cm²             (d)none of these
13. A bicycle wheel makes 5000 revolutions in moving 11km . find the diameter of the
(a)60cm                   (b) 70cm                  (c) 66cm                 (d) 68cm
14. If we change the shape of an object from a sphere to a cylinder, then the volume of
cylinder will  
(a) increase            (b) decrease          (c)  doubles              (d) none of these
15. The radii of two cylinders are in the ratio 2:3 and their heights are in the ratio 5:3.
Find the ratio of their volume.
(a)27:20             (b)20:27             (c)9:4             (d) 4:9

16. Find the value of x , if the mode of the following data  is  25.                                
15, 20, 25, 18, 14, 15, 25, 15, 18, 16, 20, 25, 20, x, 8
(a)25         (b) 20               (c)18                 (d)15
17. Mode and mean of the data are 12k and 15k. find the median of the data is.
(a)12k                 (b) 14k                 (c)  15k            (d)16k
18. If the probability of an event is p, then the probability of its complementary event
will be?
(a)p-1                  (b)p            (c)1-p             (d) 1/p

19. Find the probability of getting perfect square from 1 to 50.

(a)6/49         (b) 7/49                (c)6/50                   (d)7/50

20. The probability that a non-leap year having 53 Sundays

(a)1/7                  (b) 2/7                (c)  5/7            (d)6/7


21. Find the LCM of 96 and 360

HCF (26,169) = 13, then  LCM(26,169) 

22. In fig ΔABC is circumscribing a circle. find the length of BC.

23. Two cubes each of volume 64 are joined  end to end. Find the surface area of
two resulting cuboid.

24. The mean of the following frequency distribution is 25. find the value p.
25. A letter of english alphabets is chosen at random. find the probability that
(a) it is a consonant. (b) the letter is between f and n.

26. Prove that √p is an irrational number.  

27.  A right triangle having sides 15 cm and 20 cm is made to revolve about its
hypotenuse. Find the volume of the double cone so formed.(use π = 3.14).

28. Two years ago velpari was thrice  as old as his son and six years later, he will be
four years older than twice his age. How old are they now?

29. A thief runs away from a police station with a uniform speed of 100m per min.
After one min the policeman runs behind the thief to catch him. He goes at speed
of 100m per min in first min and increases his speed 10m each successive min.
After how many min, the policeman will catch the thief?

30. Find the mean mark of the following data.

MARKS 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50

No of STD 7 10 15 8 10

31.  In figure, a crescent is formed by two circles which touch at A. C is the centre of
the larger circle. The width of the crescent at BD is 9 cm and at
EF it is 5 cm. Find the radii of two circles.



31. If a triangle ABC circumscribe a circle of radius 4 cm and the sides AB, BC and
CA touches the circle at D, E and F. If BE = 6 cm and CE = 8 cm, find AB and
PQ is a chord of length 8cm of a circle of radius 5cm. the tangents at P and Q
intersect at a point T. Find the length TP.

32. In circle of radius 21 cm, an arc subtend an angle of 60° at centre. Find the area
of the segment formed by the corresponding chord.

33. There is a squre field whose side is 44m. A square flower bed is prepared in its
centre leaving a gravel path all round the flower bed. The total cost of laying the
flower bed and graveling the path at ₹ 2.75 and ₹ 1.50 per square meter,
respectively is ₹ 4904. Find the width of the gravel path.
34. The median of the following data is 62 find the value of α and β
CI 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 Total
f 4 12 α 16 20 16 β 8 100



35. Case study 1 : An Auditorium has 20 seats in the 1st row, 24 seats in 2nd row and so
on. Based on the above information, Answer the following questions.

(i) How many seats are there in the 16th row? [1m]
(ii) In the last row of the auditorium there are 116 seats. How many row are there in the
auditorium? [1m]
(iii) The hall was full on last Saturday for a show, how much where the total collections
for the day. If a ticket was for ₹200? [2m]
(iv) If one seat is added in 1st row, two seats in 2nd row and so on, then find the total no
of seats in auditorium.

36. Case study 2 : One day Maruthu was going home from school, saw carpenter
working on wood. He found that he is carving out a cone of same height and same
diameter from a cylinder. The height of the cylinder is 24cm and base radius is 7cm.
While watching this, some questions came into Maruthu’s mind. Help Maruthu to find
the answer of the following questions

(i) find the slant height of the conical cavity. [1m]

(ii) find the CSA of the conical cavity so formed. [1m]
(iii) Find the volume of the resulting wood. [OR] Find the SA of the resulting wood.[2m]

37. Case study 3 : Two different dice are thrown together. Find the probability that the
number obtained.
(i) have a sum less than 7. (ii) have a product less than 16.
(iii) is a doublet of odd number. (iv) product be prime number.


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