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Adressen the results of this article, it is arguable that the specific research questions heavily rely on

studies done by Zipora Schechtman, particularly the first one mentioned. Other sources support the

results, but only 2 support the exact results. This lowers the overall reliability of this conclusion.

Sources reach from America, Israel, and China with results that support the main idea. Which

supports a higher probability of a more generalizable result across different cultures.

One might also argue that in the presented studies, different kinds of group therapies were used, so

it is rather hard to make a definitive statement. This on the other hand, also strengthens the

generalizability of the results, since they supported the research question.

Another point honorable to mention would be the costs, time and effort put into group therapy. But

one could argue that the positive results make up for it. Group therapy is also a very economic and

low-risk type of therapy compared to others like individual psychotherapy or medication.

Group therapy has a significant enhancing impact on troubled elementary school children’s intimate


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