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This week 6, I present your feedback from week 5, and build upon it:

Week 5's Feedback: It does strike me as I read your assignment for this week and previous weeks

that you make reference to how the question of what makes marriages last has been asked.

What, however, is clear about this is that no matter how many times the question has been asked

there still is not definite answer. You seem on track to formulating a question that still needs to

be asked. I do, however, think that one obstacle you may have here is that you have both quality

of marital relationship and length of marriage mentioned as possible dependent variables. They

are not the same thing and you would want to decide which one interests you the most. Are you

looking at whether social media use impacts on whether marriages last or on marriage quality?

Facebook has bee around for about 16 years and that does suggest it has been around long

enough to see if it has a relationship on whether marriages last or not. One way of doing this is

that you could split your group of participants into those whose marriages have continued after

10 years and those that did not (I am just using 10 years as a possible cutoff). These groups

could then be compared on whether they differ between heavy, moderate and little to no

Facebook usage. That is just a suggestion for a possible starting point in terms of defining your


My Response This Week 6

Thank you for pointing that out! What interests me the most is the quality of marital

relationships. With this in mind I seek to disprove the null hypothesis that assumes Facebook

activity has no significant impact in the quality of marriages.

MODIFIED Topic of Interest: Does Facebook activity affect the quality of marriages

among millennial’s marriages?

MODIFIED GAP STATEMENT: Though ideally expected for marriages to last forever, the

question of what enriches the quality of marriages is one that many have study and

researched. However it is pertinent to keep asking this question in times in which new

social dynamics are introduced, and our most current social dynamic these past 15 years is

the creation and normalization of social media. With that in mind this paper seeks to

answer the question how does Facebook usage affects the quality of marital relationship

among millennials.

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