GPE Project Final Report

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2022 | Supervisor & instructor: Dr.

Nguyen Hong Vi



Team member: Võ Thị Hồng Hạnh ID: 17953

Vũ Mạnh Quân ID: 18278

Trần Anh Khoa ID: 18377

Table of contents
TABLE OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................ 2

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................................... 3

EXECUTION SUMMARY........................................................................................................................... 4

1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................. 5

1.1 COMPANY’S BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................... 5

1.2 PROJECT OBJECTIVE ..................................................................................................................... 5

1.3 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT ................................................................................................................ 6

1.4 PROJECT PLAN ............................................................................................................................ 6

1.5 PROJECT RESOURCES ALLOCATION.................................................................................................. 7

2. METHODOLOGY............................................................................................................................. 8
2.1. TYPE OF LAYOUT ........................................................................................................................ 8

2.1.1. PROCESS LAYOUT ................................................................................................................ 8

2.1.2. PRODUCT LAYOUT ............................................................................................................... 9

2.1.3. FIXED POSITION .................................................................................................................. 9

2.1.4. GROUP TECHNOLOGY OR CELLULAR LAYOUT ........................................................................... 9

2.1.5. HYBRID LAYOUT................................................................................................................ 10

2.2. CYCLE TIME/ TAKT TIME ............................................................................................................ 10

2.3. LINE BALANCING ...................................................................................................................... 10

2.4. 5S METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................... 11

3. PROBLEM ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 12

3.1. PRODUCT ............................................................................................................................... 12

3.1.1. PRODUCT TYPE ................................................................................................................. 12

3.1.2. OVERALL MANUFACTURING PROCESS / INFORMATION FLOW .................................................... 12

3.1.3. PROCESSING TIME OF PRODUCT ID: AGC568........................................................................ 13

3.2. CURRENT LAYOUT AND FACILITIES ............................................................................................... 14

3.2.1. CURRENT LAYOUT ............................................................................................................. 15

3.2.2. MACHINES INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 17

3.3. OTHER PROBLEMS .................................................................................................................... 22

3.3.1. BOTTLE NECK AT THE BENDING AREA .................................................................................... 22

3.3.2. 5S APPLICATION ............................................................................................................... 23

4. IMPROVEMENT IDEA ........................................................................................................................ 25

4.1. LAYOUT MODIFICATION............................................................................................................. 25

4.1.1. SPACE REQUIREMENT ........................................................................................................ 25

4.1.2. FACILITY LAYOUT CONSTRAINTS ........................................................................................... 27

4.1.3. NEW LAYOUT DESCRIPTION................................................................................................. 27

4.1.4. ESTIMATED COST FOR ACQUISITIONS .................................................................................... 35

4.2. 5S APPLICATION IMPROVEMENT ................................................................................................. 36

4.2.1. MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................... 37

4.2.2. VISUAL MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................... 39

4.2.3. STANDARDIZATION............................................................................................................ 45
4.2.4. DOCUMENTATION IMPROVEMENT ....................................................................................... 48

5. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 50
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 51

APPENDIX.......................................................................................................................................... 52

Table of figures
Figure 1: project schedule............................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 2: Overall manufacturing process .................................................................................................... 13
Figure 3: Product ID AGC568 ...................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 4: Current layout and its material flow ............................................................................................ 16
Figure 5: The waiting for paint area ............................................................................................................ 17
Figure 6: TRumpf Trulaser 1030 fiber machine .......................................................................................... 18
Figure 7: Trubend 3100 ............................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 8: The cycle time in each station...................................................................................................... 23
Figure 9: New layout proposal .................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 10: The proposed arrangement for assembly area ......................................................................... 29
Figure 11: Welding area .............................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 12: Simulation the production of product AGC568 in the proposed layout.................................... 31
Figure 13: Data of added trolley in simulation ........................................................................................... 32
Figure 14: pegboard in deburring area ....................................................................................................... 37
Figure 15: an example of tools shadow board............................................................................................ 38
Figure 16: Suggestion for the tools and equipment arrangement in workbench ...................................... 38
Figure 17: Current situation of material storing in racks ............................................................................ 39
Figure 18: Andon light systems and its signal meaning .............................................................................. 40
Figure 19: Visual workplace color standards .............................................................................................. 41
Figure 20: a sample of labelling and arranging material racks ................................................................... 42
Figure 21: Sample stock card ...................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 22: Current warehouse area for chemical barrels ........................................................................... 44
Figure 23: Color code for chemical label .................................................................................................... 44
Figure 24: Dangerous Chemicals Guidance Safety Signs ............................................................................ 45
Figure 25: 5S in the office - training document .......................................................................................... 46
Figure 26: 5S checklist sample .................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 27: Sample of Standard Work instruction........................................................................................ 48
Figure 28: Project poster............................................................................................................................. 52
Figure 29: CAD drawing of the new assembly area .................................................................................... 53

List of tables
Table 1: Processing time and set up time for product ID AGC568 ............................................................. 14
Table 2: Material flow track ........................................................................................................................ 15
Table 3: Technical data of Trulaser 1030 fiber............................................................................................ 19
Table 4 : Technical data of TRUBEND 3100................................................................................................. 20
Table 5: Machine matrix ............................................................................................................................. 21
Table 6: The required area for each activity ............................................................................................... 25
Table 7: From to Relationship among workstations ................................................................................... 33
Table 8: Simulation result ........................................................................................................................... 33
Table 9: machine and equipment price ...................................................................................................... 35
Execution summary
This document, conducted by Võ Hồng Hạnh, Vũ Mạnh Quân, Trần Anh Khoa, is the final report for this
GPE Project course for the department of Global Production Engineering and Management at the
Vietnamese-German University. The GPE Project module aims to provide the students an opportunity to
effectively recollect, combine, and apply all the knowledge acquired during the entire GPE master course
into real life application. The university’s partner, Roeders Vietnam Co., Ltd, is a company well known for
its high-tech High Speed Cutting machines, blow molds for PET bottles and pewter. Roeders, with
collaboration with the university has allowed the students to take a tour around the production facility
for situation analysis and identification of the problems for which an industrial engineering-based
solutions could be provided to promote an increase in productivity and efficiency in a 3-week period. From
the analysis, it was concluded that a lot of time is wasted on unnecessary movements of workers as the
machines and workstations are arranged and positioned ineffectively on the sheet-metal floor. With the
application of the industrial engineering approach of facilities planning in combination with the 5S
methodology and waste elimination principles, it is expected that a modified and improved layout would
contribute to an improved production process and operations. The vision for this project is to develop a
study on the sheet metal production floor and deliver an economically and technically viable solution for
a significant improvement base on the GPE modules, particularly simulation, time study and lean
1. Introduction
GPE project is the final module in the Global Production Engineering master course of Vietnamese-
German University. This module aims to provide the students a chance, an opportunity to recollect all the
knowledge acquire throughout the course and apply them into analysis and problems solving of a real-life
situation. Two factory tours at the production facilities of the university’s partner, Roeders Vietnam Co.,
Ltd., are arranged for the collection of data and analysis of the current situation. The students are
expected to provide/propose their ideas, suggestions to improve, adjust, modify the current production
situation of Roeders Vietnam Co., Ltd.

1.1 Company’s background

Roeders Vietnam Co., Ltd. belongs to the same group as the Roeders GmbH in Germany, which has a
company history of more than 200 years. Roeders Vietnam started in 2013 and has already established
several business activities in different mechanical aspects which includes[1]:

- Machines for Milling and Grinding and Automation, which are well known for highest precision
and efficiency.
- Mechanical Precision Machining: With a variety of machines, Roeders is capable of serving and
meet various customer requirements up to highest precision and complexity of the parts
- Sheet Metal Production: Roeders is equipped with the latest laser cutting and bending machines
as well as a paint shop that can handle various sheet metal parts.
- PET Blow Mold Manufacturing: Roeders Vietnam has close cooperation with the blow mound
department of the Roeders GmbH in Germany an extensive laboratory for testing and over 40
years in PET bottle design are available for the development of new PET packaging projects.

1.2 Project objective

The students are expected to deliver an economically and technically viable solution for a significant
improvement of the current situation. The changes, adjustments and modifications recommended by the
students should increase the economic result of the production activities, either by increasing productivity
or by reducing cost.
1.3 Scope of the project
The production site of Roeders Vietnam Co., Ltd. Is divided into two sectors: the mechanical workshop
and the sheet metal processing workshop. The students have been assigned to analyze the current
situation of the sheet metal processing workshop after a factory tour on 11/03/2022.

The students place primary focus on the interactions between the activities in the production procedure
starting from the raw material handling movements to the delivery of the packaged finished goods storage
space on the factory floor. These activities are included in the scope as they play crucial role within the
production site and the facility layout. Hence, critical observation and study of these activities is required
for the purpose of improving the current layout of the facility.

The scope would also include a closer observation and study of the application of the 5S methodology in
order to establish a more standardize working environment, which would also increase the production
site efficiency and productivity.

1.4 Project plan

The duration of the GPE project is 3 weeks, starting from 7th March to 1st April in 2022. In this project,
the plan is scheduled based on components of the system engineering methodology. They work as the
phase cluster in which relevant tasks are distributed within a range of execution time with specific in-
charge person.

Milestone of project is listed below:

- Project kick off meeting: Mon 7th March 2022

- Completion of data collection: Fri 11th March 2022
- Completion of data analysis and problem statement: 25th March 2022
- Completion of Improve and evaluate phase: 31st March 2022
- Final presentation: 1st April 2022

The figure 1 below illustrates the detail schedule of our group for this module
1.5 Project resources allocation
As discuss among project team, we assign the workload for each member as follow

Name Task

Võ Thị Hồng Hạnh Prepare the outline project, methodology, improvement idea on 5S

Trần Anh Khoa Study on the layout and simulation, improvement idea on layout

Vũ Mạnh Quân Collect data and prepare the presentation as well as documentation

Figure 1: project schedule

2. Methodology
This section focuses on the knowledge and research our group has gathered and applied during this
project. The related knowledges include various information, concept, methodology, etc. regarding the
multiple aspects of production optimization and improvements such as layout optimization, line
balancing, 5S methodology, etc.

2.1. Type of layout

Layout planning or facility planning is defined accurately as the activity of planning and integration of the
paths that the components and parts of a particular product or products follow, for the purpose of
achieving the best interrelationship in efficiency and economy between equipment, staff, and the
movement of the materials from the receiving point, through production until the completion and delivery
of the finish products Fundamentals of Manufacturing by Philip D. Rufe [2]. The book also stresses the
importance of the facility layout, as this is one of the critical elements related to the plant productivity,
and if not optimal, would result in multiple negative effect on other aspect of the production process. For
example, an unoptimized layout would affect non-operating time, the level of manpower used to move
parts and materials resulting in an increase of non-operating time. Thus, causing the production Leadtime
to increase. These elements contribute to a more labor hours, which result in a product with high
production cost.

Facility layout, according to Operations Management: Theory and Practice, facility layouts are categorized
into four basic types: process, product, group technology, hybrid, and fixed position. In this section we
look at the basic characteristics of each of these types [3].

2.1.1. Process layout

Process layout means the layout which group resources based on the similar processes or functions. This
type of layout can be found in companies that use intermittent processing systems. A process layout is
used in contexts where many different items are produced in small quantities. Because there are so many
different items are produced with distinct processing requirements, it is not viable to allocate an entire
facility to each item. It is more effective to organize resources based on their function. The products are
then shifted from one resource to the next according to their specific requirements [3].
2.1.2. Product layout
Product layout or line layout is concerned with locating machines and other auxiliary services as per the
product’s processing sequence. Its main focus is on the sequence of operations related to production or
assembly which is required for a product or any of its part’s assembling or manufacturing. Usually, product
layout is beneficial for industries that have mass or continuous production such as oil refining, automobile
assembling, cement manufacturing [3].

In product layout, if there is a large production volume of one or more than one product, then facilities
can be aligned for achieving the flow of materials efficiently and lower cost/unit. For this, machines for a
special purpose (specialized machines) are utilized to perform the desired tasks in a fast and reliable way.
Unlike process layout, this layout is not flexible because this is specifically meant for developing or
assembling a single product [3].

2.1.3. Fixed position

This type of layout allows a product to maintain at a certain place and the required resources such as
machinery, equipment, manpower, material, etc. are transported to the product’s location. In other
words, the location of the main element or part of the product remains fixed due to its bigger size or heavy
body. Also, the cost of shifting or transportation costs will be lesser in the case of moving resources as
compared to the transportation cost involved in the movement of the product. So, it is more convenient
to shift the required tools, staff, equipment, and materials at the location where the product is assembled
rather than shifting the product [3].

2.1.4. Group Technology or Cellular Layout

Group technology layout or cellular manufacturing layout is the type of layout in which different machines
can be grouped as per the process requirements for a similar set of items or families of similar parts that
require a similar kind of processing. Groups that are formed in such a way are termed as cells.

In this type of layout, cells are formed by grouping different processes. This process includes the
identification of parts having similar characteristics in terms of their design i.e., size, function, and shape.
And also, characteristics of a similar process i.e., required processing type, type of machinery to perform
such process, and the sequence of processing [3].
2.1.5. Hybrid layout
Now a days in pure state any one form of layouts discussed above is rarely found. Therefore, generally
the layouts used in industries are the compromise of the above-mentioned layouts. Every layout has got
certain advantages and limitations. Therefore, industries would like to use any type of layout as such [3].

2.2. Cycle time/ Takt time

Lead Time and Cycle Time are two important metrics in Lean and process improvement in general.

Cycle time refers to the time taken to complete one task from start to finish. In other words, it reflects
the time spent on producing an item up to the point it is ready for shipment. Cycle time also includes the
time when production was paused – the waiting period between active production work. Cycle time is a
critical KPI that is used to make purchase decisions and in budgeting. It also plays a crucial role in
calculating overall manufacturing equipment effectiveness [4].

Lead time is the time between the need for goods and the receipt of the goods. This time can be made up
of order preparation time, manufacturing time, transportation time, receiving time and quality check
time. Processing time is the actual time a person spends working or operating on a specific item or task.
That time might be customer value-added (CVA), business value-added (BVA), or non-value added (NVA).
Takt time is the rate at which you need to complete a product to meet customer demand. It is calculated
by the available production time divided by customer demand [4].

Understanding Cycle Time, Lead Time, and TAKT Time is the first step for Project Managers and Lean
practitioners to move one step closer to improve the efficiencies of their operations

2.3. Line balancing

Line balancing, which also be referred to as load balancing, production leveling, or originally Heijunka
(Japanese), is a technique to align production output with customer demand through leveling of cycle
times. It works by shifting resources, improving workflows, and addressing machine-level capacity, so that
machines are given the right product mix of jobs or work orders to allow an equalized and optimized
workload. Balancing assembly line problem is classified as one of the hard optimization problems, and
mainly occurs in a continuous production line. Due to the feature of resetting production line is a long-
term decision and highly cost intensive, there is a proper need of designing the assembly line and
balancing the workload at the workstations [4].
2.4. 5S methodology
5S is one of the first tools that can be applied in a company that is starting down the path of the continuous
improvement culture. A 5S implementation helps to define the first rules to eliminate waste and maintain
an efficient, safe, and clean work environment. It was first popularized by Taiichi Ohno, who designed the
Toyota Production System and Shigeo Shingo, who also put forward the concept of poka-yoke. This
system, often referred to as Lean manufacturing in the West, aims to increase the value of products or
services for customers. The 5S list is as follows [4]:

- Seiri / Sort: Separating of the essential from the nonessential items

- Seiton / Straighten: Organizing the essential materials where everything has its place
- Seiso / Shine: Cleaning the work area
- Seiketsu / Standardize: Establishing a system to maintain and make 5S a habit
- Shitsuke / Sustain: Establishing a safe and sanitary work environment (Safety)

The 5S Principles are recognized in many industries as effective tools for improving workplace
organization, reducing waste and increasing efficiency.
3. Problem analysis
Due to the constant changing in product types at the Roeder’s production line, any optimization methods
based on any specific types of products would either conflict with the future products processes or the
decrease in efficiency of the stream value line. As the result, this case study’s goals are to analyze the
current layout of the sheet metal cutting line, then apply appropriate approaches (spaghetti diagram,
cycle time analysis, lean management, etc) to give possible ideas of how to achieve the best scenarios in
terms of increasing efficiency, eliminating bottleneck and creating a safer working environment.

Therefore, this section focuses on presenting the collected data and our group analysis on the current
situation and problems at the Roeders Vietnam after two factory visits.

3.1. Product
3.1.1. Product type
At the sheet metal cutting section, Roeder company’s production line functions as a bath production
including assembly type of line, which would include small quantity orders with short production time.
The products are varied with the number of variations now has gone up to 2000 ranging from technical
specifications different to shapes differences. However, most of the products belong to machine housing
and electrical box type of products. As a result, a general manufacturing process could be drawn out to
be worked with for any optimizations leading to a selection of a product A with its most fit manufacturing
processes in this case study.

3.1.2. Overall manufacturing process / information flow

Since most of the orders are machine housing and electrical box, all the produced parts are also different
in size, shape and working conditions. Still, with the advanced machines with the exceptional
manufacturing flexibility, matters at size, shape and working conditions could be easily resolved by only
one machine with various programs. Consequently, a general manufacturing process as the figure 2 below
is recorded.
Figure 2: Overall manufacturing process
As mentioned before in previous section, the sheet metal department of Roeders Vietnam currently
having over 2000 variation of products, resulting in a constant changing of product type in the production
line. Hence, currently, Roeders Vietnam production orders are currently being handled manually with the
manager informing each workstations products data such as procedure, quantities, etc during each
change over. Hence, a notification system should be applied to improve the process.

3.1.3. Processing time of product ID: AGC568

Due to variety of product types, we select product ID AGC568, illustrated in figure 3, as our case for
improvement and simulation, because this product has most ordered quantity in March – April, according
to the manager. This product’s information would be later utilized as a reference information for
simulation, in particularly the processing time and set up time for each station is mentioned in table 1.

Figure 3: Product ID AGC568

Table 1: Processing time and set up time for product ID AGC568

Process Setup Time Process Time Unit

Laser cutting 10 7 Minute

Bending 15 15 Minute

Welding 30 45 Minute

Deburring 5 5 Minute

Grinding 10 45 minute

QC (weld + debur) 5 10 minute

Assembly 30 15 minute

QC (assembly) 1 5 minute

3.2. Current layout and facilities

Parallelly working with the mechanical workshop, the sheet metal cutting shopfloor of Roeder company
is also thriving every day with the increase in orders and quality as well. Although with the exceptional
manufacturing currently being applied in the production line, this section of the company would achieve
even more by doing some modification in connection with reducing any wastes and improving the
efficiency of the line. Through an on-site auditing session, the current layout of the sheet metal processing
area was recorded with the following traits.
3.2.1. Current layout
The table 2 and figure 4 below illustrate the current layout and its material flow moving through the

Table 2: Material flow track

Track From To

1 Warehouse Laser cutting

2 Laser cutting Bending

3 Bending Welding

4 Welding Debur/grinding

5 Debur/grinding Weld QC checking

6 Weld QC checking Cleaning and paint waiting queue

7 Cleaning and paint waiting queue Painting

8 Painting Painting QC

9 Painting QC Assembly

10 Assembly Entrance (shipping)

Figure 4: Current layout and its material flow
The current material flow is not yet optimized, hence, there are a lot of unoptimized areas, and drawbacks,
which includes:

- Complex material travel routes

- Long travel distance between some stations, causing waste movement
- Many routes between station intersect each other, the forklift trucks might obstruct each other
during the process
- There are some unused spaces, while some of the semi-product is obstructing the traveling path
of material flow, the figure 5 illustrates how the product in the painting waiting queue area is
making the forklift to go over other areas.
- Waste movement during the transferring of semi-product between stations. The figure below
illustrates the current layout and how the material flows through the production process

Upon analyzing the current facility layout of Roeder’s Sheetmetal workshop as well as taken the current
manufacturing process into consideration, as well as detecting the waste movement of the current
material flow, it is determined that a redesign of the current layout is required to optimize the travel
distance between the stations.

Figure 5: The waiting for paint area

3.2.2. Machines information

To be able to process sheet metal products, Roeders Vietnam Co., Ltd. Is equipped with the following
machines and equipment from Trumf and other suppliers

a) Trulaser 1030 fiber

The TruLaser 2030 is a productive laser cutting machine from TRUMPF Group which is one
of the world’s leading manufacturers of laser and production technology. The user is guided
through a menu provides all of the information that needed for each step by a control panel with
touch control and optimal view of the entire work area. The same cutting unit can be used to cut
all types of material and sheet thicknesses. These parameters are stored on the machine before
delivering to the customer that helps save setup time. Cutting programs can be easily transferred
to the TruLaser 2030 fiber using a network or USB drive. The drawings can be designed directly
on the machine and converted into cutting programs. The automatic nozzle changer with space for
eight nozzles increase speed and process reliability while reducing setup times. In short, TruLaser
2030 combines the advantages of a compact machine with the performance of higher machine
classes. Bellowed table are the machine specifications retrieved from the manufacturer’s website [5].

Figure 6: TRumpf Trulaser 1030 fiber machine

Table 3: Technical data of Trulaser 1030 fiber
Specification Value

Dimension 9333 mm x 5090 mm x 2200 mm

Total weigh of machine 9400 kg

Maximum speed

Simultaneously 140 m/min

Working range

X axis 3000 mm

Y axis 1500 mm

Laser-specific data Trudisk 3001

Maximum laser power 3000 W

Maximum sheet thickness, mild steel 20 mm

Maximum sheet thickness, stainless steel 15 mm

Maximum sheet thickness, aluminum 15 mm

Maximum sheet thickness, copper 6 mm

Maximum sheet thickness, brass 6 mm

b) TruBend 3100

The TruBend Series 3000 brings together the best TRUMPF quality with simple operation and an attractive
price-performance ratio. This means you can manufacture economically even in low utilization, and profit
from precise results as well as the highest safety standards. Through the perfect interaction of all
components, the TruBend Series 3000 machines are the fastest bending machines in their class [6].
Figure 7: Trubend 3100
Table 4 : Technical data of TRUBEND 3100
Specification Value

Dimension (L x W x H) 3607 mm x 1644 mm x 2370 mm

Total weigh of machine 7700 kg

Press force 1000 kN

Bending length 3060 mm

Width between columns 2364 mm

Maximum speed y axis operation 15mm/s

Maximum speed y axis, rapid downward

200 mm/s

Besides that, there are a list of machines in sheet metal shop floor and machining shopfloor, that could
be listed in the table 5 as below:

No Machine / equipment / process Model (brand)

1 5-axis mill Roeders RXP800DS

1.1 5-axis mill Roeders RXP601DSH

1.2 5-axis mill Roeders RXU1201DSH

1.3 5-axis mill-turn

2 5-axis turn-mill

3 3+1 mill Roeders RXP501DS

3.1 3+1 mill Roeders RXP501DS

4 3-axis mill Doosan DNM 400

4.1 3-axis mill Doosan DNM 650 II

4.2 3-axis mill Doosan DNM 650 II

4.3 3-axis mill Doosan DNM 650 II

4.4 3-axis mill Doosan DNM 750 L

4.5 3-axis mill Doosan DNM 750 L

6 3-axis turn FEELER FTC-350L

6.1 3-axis turn FEELER FTC-350L

6.2 3-axis turn HAAS ST-35

7 CNC profile grinder

8 Surface grinder Ziersch ZT 715

9 Surface grinder Ziersch ZT 48

10 Deep drilling machine Accurate DH-450

11 Pneumatic/electric tapping gun ET-12-1200

12 CNC Laser cutting Trulaser 1030

13 MIG/TIG/ARC welding units NBC-350 : Mig Welding machine.

Tig 300 : Tig Welding machine

CD-800 : Stud Welding machine

14 laser welding unit LXW-M-500W

15 CNC bending Trubend 3100

CNC bending TruBend 7036

16 Roller machine: AKYAPAK AS 75-12/1.5

17 Wet paint Manual

18 Sand blasting TL 250

19 CMM Zeiss Accura II

20 CMM Zeiss Accura II

21 Ultrasonic Cleaning Units Joke Premium1200

22 Hardness tester Leeb HP 100

24 X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy Vanta

25 Mark station Trumpf TruMark Station 1000

3.3. Other problems

3.3.1. Bottle neck at the bending area
Upon discussion with the Sheetmetal department manager, Mr. Hiển, there exists a bottle neck problem
at the bending area. Our team has confirmed the existence of the problem through on-site observation
and calculation of a certain product (ID: AGC568) cycle time, which is presented in the figure 8 below.
Cycle time Part ID: AGC568 (mins)


Laser cutting Bending Tig Welding Deburring Grinding QC manual Assembly QC assembly

Figure 8: The cycle time in each station

The reason for this phenomenon includes:

- Under-utilization of machines
- Unsuitable machine specification. Most of the products require the processing of the bending
machine with large working space, which make the small bending machine unsuitable for
utilization, in turn making the large bending machine unable to satisfy the production flow.

3.3.2. 5S application
From the observation carried out, currently implementation of 5S activity at surrounding area in Roeders
Vietnam is not working properly. This organization did not have any objections or raised any issues on the
practice of the 5S activity and have used it consistently. On the implementation of the 5S activity, several
critical problems have been observed in the duration of this study by the researcher and therefore suggest
an improvement proposal as outlined below:

- The arrangement of the equipment is seen to be in an unsatisfactory condition. Fixing the right
sized study benches and more drawers will help to reduce the clutter as well as improve the
ergonomics of the workplace
- All machines need to be labeled and study pathways should be marked correctly and clearly in
color. Both writing and coding systems will assist in reducing the misuse and abuse of machines
and prevent accidents at the workplace
- Machines need to be thoroughly cleaned periodically otherwise problems concerning the
cleanliness of the machines would arise due to oil and chemicals settling via the installation inhale
fluid system of the machine which is the support mechanism in the machine itself to suck up the
oil that spills during processing
- The distance marker element and a warning system sound should be installed in helping to
improve the capacity of the material handling and the transportation system in the workplace
- The 5S form is incomplete as it does not have a space on examination and evaluation to categorize
this company. This can be solved by using print photographing to display images that need the
attention of the observer
- In order to make the 5S study the top management has to give its full support to practice this
activity in their company. But it is observed that the top management of this company is not
supporting the 5S practice and the reason given by them is the amount of the time and money
that would be required to implement the proposed activities in the 5S. In order to make the top
management aware of the effectiveness of the 5S they have to be shown the performance
indicators relating to the costs involved, sales, profits and product quality of this approach. For
example, by comparing the quality of production by a machine before and after the
implementation of 5S activity
- The labeling system is found to be unsatisfactory especially in the chemical store. The labeling of
goods should also be monitored as it is incomplete and not enough. This matter needs to be
seriously looked into to avoid confusion and technical problems that could happen in future.
There should also be a coding system to label documents and files
- The inventory division which involves storage of the engineering material and packaging, chemical
barrels and sheet metals, tools and mechanical devices need to be frequently monitored.
- A flow chart of the storage for both raw and finished materials need to be presented and updated,
so the employees will place the items at the right place
- Cleanliness and health levels should be ensured through the wearing of helmet by some
appointed employees. Since the forklift is moving around the layout with heavy metal sheet, it is
crucial to request workers follow strictly to the safety regulations and wear PPE while operating
is a must.

The solutions are then carefully studied, and detail discussed in the next section.
4. Improvement idea
As mentioned in previous section, our team focus on trying to improve two major areas, which include
the modification of the current layout and improvement of 5S methodology application. First is the
modification of layout

4.1. Layout modification

Layout planning or facility planning is defined accurately as the activity of planning and integration of the
paths that the components and parts of a particular product or products follow, for the purpose of
achieving the best interrelationship in efficiency and economy between equipment, staff, and the
movement of the materials from the receiving point, through production until the completion and delivery
of the finish products Fundamentals of Manufacturing by Philip D. Rufe [2]. The book also stresses the
importance of the facility layout, as this is one of the critical elements related to the plant productivity,
and if not optimal, would result in multiple negative effect on other aspect of the production process. For
example, an unoptimized layout would affect non-operating time, the level of manpower used to move
parts and materials resulting in an increase of non-operating time. Thus, causing the production Leadtime
to increase. These elements contribute to a more labor hours, which result in a product with high
production cost.

4.1.1. Space requirement

One of the most important elements we need to consider before designing a new facility layout is the
space requirement. After two visits to the factory sites and consults with the Sheetmetal department, Mr.
Hiển, the students have estimated approximately the amount of space that needs to be assigned to each
workstation activity. Each workstation includes the equipment used for the activity, materials that are
involved in the process and of course the workers working at each workstation. All of these elements
require space in order to perform its required function, as mentioned in table 6.

Table 6: The required area for each activity

Activity requirement Area Requirements (m2)

Workstation No. of Worker Equipment Material Workers Total

Laser cutting 1 11 x 10 = 110 8 x 5 = 40 1.5 151.5

Bending 2 7 x 6 = 42 7 x 6 = 42 3 87
Welding 5 24 x 4 = 96 25 x 3 = 75 7.5 178.5

Deburring/Grinding 1 14 x 3 = 42 7 x 2 = 14 1.5 57.5

Welding QC 1 0 2x2=4 1.5 5.5

Cleaning 1 0 20 x 2 = 40 1.5 41.5

Painting 15 26 x 14 = 364 0 22.5 386.5

Painting QC 1 0 2x2=4 1.5 5.5

Assembly 5 0 20 x 15 = 300 3 303

Total net area required 1216.5

Aisle allowance (35%) 425.775

Total area required 1642.275

The space allocations for the activity equipment only includes the equipment used within the scope of the
production of Sheetmetal department. The assumption was made in which a person would take up
approximately 1.5 m2 space within their workstation during the working period. Additionally, this area
calculation only taken into consideration two dimensional areas on the production site as the vertical
distances is not a constraint within this facility. Another point that has been taken into account is the
additional space for aisles in-between workstations. The table below from Facilities Planning textbook
(Tompkins et al., 2010) illustrates the Aisle Allowance percentages based on the largest material handling
load, which in this case is the standard steel metal sheet of 1.25 x 2.5 m = 3.125 m 2 or 33.6 ft2 [7]. This
result is greater than 18 ft2, giving the percentage of between 30-40%. In this case, a percentage of 35%
is chosen.

If the largest load/area is: Aisle allowance percentage is:

Less than 6 ft2 5-10

Between 6 and 12 ft2 10-20

Between 12 and 18 ft2 20-30

Greater than 18 ft2 30-40

4.1.2. Facility layout constraints
Aside from the space requirements, there are various constraints that must also be taken into
consideration upon designing alternative improvement layouts. Layout constraints for the Sheetmetal
department is listed below:

- The physical structure of the site building cannot be changed as the costs would be an unwanted
expense by management. This includes the shape as well as the total available space of the factory
floor. Additionally, even if this is approved, it would require a huge amount of downtime in
production activity.
- There are certain physical elements within the scope of the layout that are fixed in their positions,
for this case is the painting area and the storage area. These locations would need to be taken
into account as it would not be possible to relocate or change the size.

4.1.3. New layout description

This section of the document would shortly describe the student proposition for the new layout that was
designed as a solution for Roeders Vietnam. Include in this section is the simulation results to provide a
clearer comparison between the current layout and the proposed layout.

The design was made utilizing the AutoCAD 2022, which is a very powerful and popular software for the
construction of 2D design, making it a very appropriate tool for creating and constructing the layout design
for Roeders Vietnam production site. The current layout could be imported to the program easily,
providing the student a base to develop new layout design with less time.

Before creating a detail CAD design, a rough sketch is visualized using Microsoft PowerPoint, the figure
below illustrates the general arrangement of the machines and workstations, as illustrated in Figure 9.
The detailed CAD drawing would be included in the attachment file.
Figure 9: New layout proposal

a) Benefits
The modification of the new layout includes:

- Relocation of the assembly area near the entrance, which allow the finished good to be ready for
delivery right at the entrance, which in turn making their transportation activity would not
interrupt the material flow between other activity. Additionally, this position also allows the
assembly area to receive the semi product faster by shortening the distance between the painting
area and the assembly area.
- The laser cutting and bending area is also relocated to the assembly original area. Although the
travel distance between the raw material storage to the laser cutting machine has been increase,
this relocation allows the transition between the finished semi products could easily be transfer
directly to the welding area, which smoother the material flow.
- Additionally, originally the painting waiting area is located next to the painting area, which make
the aisle became narrower, creating potential safety problems. Hence, our team utilize the wide
space near the welding area to solve this problem as well as shortening the distance between the
deburring area and the waiting area as well as between the waiting area and the painting area.
- Modification of the assembly area to optimize the assembly process. The figure 10 below
illustrates how the assembly area is modified.

Figure 10: The proposed arrangement for assembly area

This modification of the assembly area allows better utilization of the material trolley in the assembly area
as the trolleys are now arranged into designated area for each step, enabling the worker to faster locate
the necessary parts required for the next steps, thus increase the efficiency of the process. Additionally,
this arrangement also enables a constants flow of material trolley from the back, while the finished goods
are placed in the front ready to be delivered, which also contribute to the process efficiency.

b) Drawbacks
Aside from the benefits presented above, this new layout also possesses some unwanted drawback that
need attentions. To solve the bottle neck problems presented in the previous section, in the new layout,
our team propose the acquisition of an additional bending machine, resulting in the bending area is now
relative near the welding stations, which poses a problems of welding dust affecting the laser cutting and
bending area.

Figure 11: Welding area

As the figure 11 illustrated, the welding area is currently separated into 5 booths with screening panel to
minimize the effect of the welding light between stations. However, the welding area is currently
operating without any dust collecting system, which could generate a lot of dust, effecting the
arrangement of the new layout. Hence, to solve this problem, our team propose two solutions, which
includes: the acquisition of a welding fume extractor or the installation of cartridge dust removal system.
However, considering the installation of cartridge dust removal system would require a lot of
consideration relating various aspects such as the optimization of the airflow, the arrangement of the
current ventilation system, the machines and facilities layout, etc., which would then require a huge
amount of investment from the management, the acquisition of the welding fume extractors would be a
more economical solution

c) Simulation result of the proposed layout

To better visualizing the improvement of the new layout, the students have applied both the current
layout and the proposed layout into simulation. The software used for the simulation process is the
SIEMENS Technomatix Plant Simulation software, which is a world's leading 3D logistics modeling and
discrete event simulation tool.

Figure 12: Simulation the production of product AGC568 in the proposed layout
The simulation input data includes:

- The arrangement of the machines and workstations

- Material flow track length (track names and information is presented in the material flow track
table below, track’s length depends on the layout), each track is marked with different color for
better visualization
- Working duration: standard 16 hours (2 working shifts)
- Only 1 type of product is applied in simulation (ID: AGC568), the product processing procedure
and its processing time is presented in section 3.1.3
- One additional bending machine is added into the proposed layout to solve the bottle neck
problem at bending area (mentioned in section 3.3.1)

Figure 13: Data of added trolley in simulation

With each track is handle by a trolley in the simulation, the software assist providing detail statistic on the
travel distance of each trolley/forklift in the working period of 16 hours. From then, the result of both
layout is put into the comparison table 7 as below.
Table 7: From to Relationship among workstations
Track From To

1 Warehouse Laser cutting

2 Laser cutting Bending

3 Bending Welding

4 Welding Debur/grinding

5 Debur/grinding Weld QC checking

6 Weld QC checking Cleaning and paint waiting queue

7 Cleaning and paint waiting queue Painting

8 Painting Painting QC

9 Painting QC Assembly

10 Assembly Entrance (shipping)

After simulation, the result of both layout is put into the comparison table below


Layout 0 (current) Layout 1 (new) Distance (m)

Track 1 3943 6570 2627

Track 2 2014 1726 -288

Track 3 3411 1861 -1550

Track 4 961 921 -40

Track 5 541 541 0

Track 6 851 426 -425

Track 7 851 681 -170

Track 8 601 526 -75

Track 9 301 226 -75

Track 10 1651 451 -1200

Total -1196

The final results include:

- Reduced 1196 m /day of travel distance

- Number of product increase from 40 to 60 products
- Solved bottle neck at the bending area
4.1.4. Estimated cost for acquisitions
This section presents the estimated cost of acquisition for the new machines and equipment’s


Machines and Equipment Information and estimated price

TRUMF Trubend 3100 series Unable to acquire brand new price

of the machine as the price is not
publicly displayed.

Different option also affects the


The price for this item is estimated

based on a used machine on sale
with the ratio of 0.6

≈180.000 USD (4 billion VND)/unit


HSVN cartridge dust collector The investment of this system is

relatively costly. Many related
issues and information need to be
taken into account upon
installation of this system which
include the production site air
flow, the site’s ventilation system,
the facilities layout, etc.

The price for this item is the base
option of the system: 180 million
VND / unit [9]
Dr.Air KHF-1200 Double Filter This is a more economical solution
compared to the cartridge dust
collector system above.

However, further attention needs

to be paid to the type of dust as
well as the amount welding time to
select the suitable model.

Price: 36.600.000 VND/ unit [10]

Signal light Hanyoung STL025-D513-N This is the price for the Adon signal
price. The installation of the
notification system may require
additional cost such as racks or

Price: 225.000 VND / unit [11]

4.2. 5S application improvement

This section focuses on the improvement of the 5S application of the production site. With the principles
5S in mind, the first step is to sort through the items in the area, only keeping the tools absolutely
necessary to the job and remove any duplicate tools taking up. When the materials and tools are
organized, work is done more efficiently, the equipment is protected. Operators do not waste time looking
for tools and they actually work more efficiently when the tools they use are located near them and

4.2.1. Material and equipment

First of all is the setting of a new welding station, with a pegboard for the tools and equipment at a
designated area on the workplace. Currently, the company is setting pegboard in deburring area, as
illustrated in fig 14.

Figure 14: pegboard in deburring area

However, in welding station, unused items and tools are placed on the trolley taking off space for work,
making workers need time to find the tools and equipment when needed. We suggest using Pegboards as
an easy way to set up and offer the convenience of flexibility in workbench. Any time operators introduce
new tools or get rid of the tools, it only takes some simple rearranging to accommodate. It’s easy for safety
managers or workers to quickly glance at the pegboard and recognize what tools or items may be missing.
Tool Shadow Boards is another method that will quickly alert operators to any missing tools when a tool
is removed from that space, recognized by the outline of the tool, as an example demonstrated in fi 15.
Creating a shadow board is probably the best way to know where particular tools are stored when not in
Figure 15: an example of tools shadow board
A suggest of welding station therefore could be drafted as illustrated in fig 16.

Figure 16: Suggestion for the tools and equipment arrangement in workbench
In this workshop, the raw material storage zone was organized with multi-layered racks. Lots of raw
material from executed projects were still in stock, using space on the racks that were fully loaded. The
goal of Sort is to eliminate all the unneeded tools and materials and create an organized space free of
clutter. This allows for a workflow free from distraction, as current state that mentioned in section 4 and
illustrated in fig 17 below

Figure 17: Current situation of material storing in racks

4.2.2. Visual management

Visual management, a method of managing a business that uses visual signals to communicate important
information, is applied carefully in the marking materials on racks, color-coding, floor markings and more.
It allows operators in the shop floor to quickly understand the information being conveyed related to the
materials and workstation. It also makes it possible for everyone in the layout to understand the current
state of work processes. With the notification light system in welding stations, a green light shows that
welding process is moving smoothly, while a red light calls attention to a problem with a process.

Figure 18: Andon light systems and its signal meaning

Visual markings in material racks of storage, laser cutting, bending, QC, deburring, welding, painting and
assembly station can help workers return materials to their proper locations, floor markings can create
boundaries around work cells. Signs on the floor should be set up that can point out the proper locations
for trash and recycling bins. By using visual tools like these allows operators to communicate information
among each other without needing to actually say anything. A sample of standard set of color code that
employed to visual workplace is illustrated in figure 19.
Figure 19: Visual workplace color standards
As observed from the Gemba walks, there is no template for the material label which help demonstrate
the information of name part, quantity, or any other relevant information. So, our team suggests using a
stock card/ bin card as a document for professionalizing the way of administration in the warehouse. It is
easy to use for smaller warehousing systems, where goods are regularly stocked for a short period like an
assembly line of a sheet metal shop floor.
Figure 20: a sample of labelling and arranging material racks
According to the First-In, First-Out (FIFO) accounting principle, we can manage inventory one option for
keeping track of inventory is the warehouse stock card, a ledger that tracks the incoming, outcoming, pard
name, and pard ID, the total on-hand quantity. It helps control the inventory counts and track information
related to Supplier, the Verified date, Unite price, Card quantity, Counted quantity, Notes on material,
and so on. It may also provide the figures of maximum quantity, minimum quantity, and reorder level of
storing parts. It may be not gain attention now because we have cheap materials and tools, but later on,
with more expensive and a large number of engineering parts, stock control is a big matter to the
company. A sample template for bin card/stock card is suggested in figure 21.
Figure 21: Sample stock card
Another worth mentioned problem for 5S implementation in sheet metal shopfloor, is for the chemical
barrels in material racks. As could be seen from fig 22, chemical barrels are not organized properly. And it
is hard to identify or track the name and quantity of each barrel. For handling and storing chemicals, it
requires diligence and careful consideration, as well as great effort from the supervisor. All chemical
containers should be labeled fully, which has the owner’s or user’s name along with the date received. All
chemicals, especially liquids should be separated according to compatible groups and followed all
precautions regarding storage of incompatible materials. Containers must be sealed tightly to prevent the
escape of vapors.
Figure 22: Current warehouse area for chemical barrels
Our team suggest the application of color code for chemical barrel card, with danger/warning label if
needed, input name/used quantity each time/owner and the expired date and so on. According to OSHA
Hazard Communication Standard, the background and letter color of fluid service should be strictly
following the rules mentioned in fig 23.

Figure 23: Color code for chemical label

The first thing to do in order to make a plan for handling chemical drums is determining the contents.
Before any handling, operators should gain as much information as possible by inspecting drums visually.
The most effective method is to label the chemical barrels with labels, symbols, marks, or words that
indicate whether the contents are hazardous, as illustrated in fig. 24.

Figure 24: Dangerous Chemicals Guidance Safety Signs

4.2.3. Standardization
The challenges of the system are twofold: first, it can be difficult to implement, and second, it requires a
commitment from everyone in the organization. The first three steps of the system – sort, set in order,
and shine – can be time-consuming and require a lot of effort. But once the system is in place, it becomes
much easier to maintain. Creating a consistent way of implementing the tasks that are performed on a
daily basis including “Sort,” “Set in Order,” and “Shine” is the fourth step: standardize. In our company,
there is no available document that train the employee about 5S or any KPI relating to 5S implementation.
We propose that 5S should be practiced as daily works, and evaluated as a KPI for each worker, in each
workstation. A sample of 5S in workplace for training new employee is suggested as fig 25.
Figure 25: 5S in the office - training document
The fifth step of the system – sustain – is all about making the system a part of company culture. If we
want to put the 5S into practice, we should create a comprehensive checklist that uses this process
equating to your workspace setting. This will help the company ensure that the workplace is as efficient
as possible.

This 5S audit checklist will help ensuring that 5S standards and workplace organization are being met. It
enables the observer to better address compliance gaps and provides opportunities for continuous
improvement. A sample of 5S audit checklist could be illustrated in fig 26.
Figure 26: 5S checklist sample
4.2.4. Documentation improvement
After two visits at the production facilities, our team has observed that Roeders Vietnam do provide a
relatively detail work instruction. However, although being quite detail, the work instruction requires the
newcomer to invest a substantial amount of time to study and digest the document due to the lack of
visualization. Therefore, our team would like to propose a more visually impact work instruction to
increase the efficiency of the process.

Standard Work Instruction

SWI page 1

Instruction Title Some sheet metal bended in U-shape Issue Date 31-Mar-22

Instruction No. 999 Division Sheet Metal Cutting

This Standard Work Instruction has been developed to
Department Development
achieve safe operations for all personnel, while
protecting property, the environment and producing
Section/Area Sheet Metal Cutting

Table of Contents Total number of Pages 6

Front Control Sheet Page 1

Work Operation Summary Page 3

Tools and Materials List Page 4

Work Operation Sheet's Page 5 onward

Sign-off and Document Control (master copy requires original signatures)

Effective Functional Approvals Team Leader / Senior TL Superintendent Sign off Audit
Revision Reason for Change
Date (Name & Signature) Approvals (Name & Signature) Frequency

0 24-Mar-11 Original Version 1/year

Added Isolation and
1 30-Jan-12 1/year

Figure 27: Sample of Standard Work instruction

The figure 27 above illustrates the how the product information would be displayed in the document. In
this document any changes related to the product would be recorded including the person who approved
the changes
Standard Work Instruction

Work Operation Sheet

Instruction Title Some sheet metal bended in U-shape Issue Date 31-Mar-22 Page 15

Element Name Element # 10



1 Material preparing Check for any defects that might obstructs the laser beam

2 Material positioning inside the machine's tray

3 Cheking the cutting program and original point setup

4 Doing a test drive to make sure the laser nozzle is on the right track

5 Executing the program for the cutting

6 Take the product out of the machine

7 Separating any intact product from the preform


For the work instruction, each step of the process is described in detail with clear description of the step
requirement and its defect. To better visualization of the process, figure of each step should also be
included in the document

The benefit of applying the document include:

- Easier to communicate information to the workers with actual visual demonstration along with
word explanation.

- Help the QC team with the defective checklist at each operation, speeding up the process.

- Could be use as the defective record for any statistical analysis during improvement operation

However, the application of the document may encounter some problems, which include:

- Take time to thoroughly capture the picture for making the file.

- Need more space for storage on the computers (minor).

- Error during file making could lead to defective on the production line.

- Need to be translated into native language for the workers to understand.

5. Conclusion
In conclusion, the vision for this project is to develop a study on the sheet metal production floor and
deliver an economically and technically viable solution for a significant improvement base on the GPE
modules, particularly simulation, time study and lean principles are achieved through the success of this

With the aim is to employ Lean principles and simulation tools to create a Lean Flow production line, a
suggestion of a new layout production line of sheet metal products was demonstrated. The material flow
and the economic efficiency was carefully evaluated to determine the result of improvement idea. Several
suggestions on tools, implementation of visual management and 5S practice, as well as word
standardization was also proposed to improve productivity. The new line layout remains the number of
workstations while increase a new bending machine designed that helps increase the line’s efficiency and
output. The new flow of materials was established, in which the wastes of moving path are identified,
reduced, and eliminated during the reallocated workstation in the production line. More than that, a table
of cost of machines was also provided, which the purpose is to outline the expenses that could help the
board of manager consider the tradeoff between the original and proposed alternative.

Within the 3-week time, our team manages to evaluate the current situation and comes up with the ideas
of: improving the moving path by reducing a significant amount of walking distance; help to better
implement the lean management principles for a safer and cleaner working environment through 5S tools.
With enough time and resources, our team believes this improvement could be a game changer for this
section of the production lines.

This study was focused on how layout design and 5S principles was implemented in a simple production
line, which processing time for studying the simulation is selected according to a main product (part ID
AGC568). In the future, this could be further extended on how Kanban and Kaizen tools might be
conducted at the line to improve the productivity and efficiency of the system. Moreover, extended
research on redesign the warehouse layout and change the flow of materials for metal sheet in laser
cutting/bending area should be taken into account. Since our proposed layout move the location of
bending/cutting machines, and give the assembly area to the entrance gates, further study on the
input/output flow should be carefully studied.
[1] L. Roeders Vietnam Co. (accessed.
[2] P. D. Rufe, Fundamentals of Manufacturing, Third Edition. Society of Manufacturing Engineers,
[3] B. Mahadevan, Operations Management: Theory and Practice. Pearson, 2010.
[4] T. Pyzdek, The Lean Healthcare Handbook: A Complete Guide to Creating Healthcare Workplaces.
Springer International Publishing, 2021.
[5] TRUMPF. "TruLaser 1030 fiber / 1040 fiber / 1060 fiber-A cut above the rest."
machines/trulaser-1030-fiber/ (accessed.
[6] TRUMPF. "TruBend Series 3000-Cost-effective standard machine."
series-3000/ (accessed.
[7] J. A. Tompkins, J. A. White, Y. A. Bozer, and J. M. A. Tanchoco, Facilities Planning. Wiley, 2010.
[8] "Icon Machine Tool | TRUMPF 3000 Series Press Brake Machines."
series.htm (accessed.
[9] "Tháp xử lý khí thải hút lọc bụi Cartridge."
bui-cartridge/ (accessed 2022).
[10] "Máy hút khói hàn di động 2 lõi lọc Dr.Air KHF-1200 Double Filter."
han-di-dong-2-loi-loc-dr-air-khf-1200-double-filter/ (accessed.
[11] "STL025-D513-N - Đèn tín hiệu Hanyoung 3 tầng 24V."
hieu-hanyoung-stl025-d513-n-3-tang-24v/ (accessed.



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