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1. Why do dolphins use sound?

Dolphins also communicate through a series of clicking sounds and whistles, each with
their own unique vocal pitch. These differences in vocal pitch are essential to
communicating within the pod so dolphins can decipher who's speaking.

2. What do captive dolphins do with sound?

Captive dolphins base their whistles on human sounds. Young captive dolphins mimic
their trainer's whistle in their calls to other dolphins, researchers say

3. How do dolphins distinguish individuals in their pod?}

In general, dolphins make two kinds of sounds, “whistles” and “clicks”. Clicks are used
to sense their surroundings through echolocation, while they use whistles to
communicate with other members of their species and very likely, with other species
too. It is also thought that each dolphin has a unique whistle called a ‘signature whistle’,
which is used to identify an individual.

4. What songs do humpback whales produce when breeding?

The humpback song, which is made up of repeated themes, can last for up to 30
minutes and some humpbacks sing for hours at a time! Only the males sing and all
male humpbacks in the same region sing the same song. The song itself changes over
time, making it different from year to year. The songs generally occur during the
breeding season, suggesting that they are related to breeding.

5. How can shipping reduce the amount of collisions between ships and whales?

A way to prevent large ships from striking and killing whales is to transmit alerts to the
officers at the helm when whales are nearby. Fortunately, it doesn't happen very often
in the Pacific Northwest that ships collide with whales

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