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Idea about group projects…..

Some problems you may not have thought to explore for group

How to make hindi movie more popular to students of IIML

How to make India made products (of different categories) more
popular to students of IIML
As a brand manager you have been asked to change perception
of consumer’s usage of product/brand.
Think yourself as brand manager in ABC Company. Suddenly the
market share declined substantially. You have been given
responsibility to increase market share. How can you change
consumer’s motivation for using your product? How you can
develop favorable attitude towards your brand/product etc.
(Here for this kind of study you have lot of opportunity of
brands/stores etc which have been used by IIML community).
Think about Indian airlines, sonu,kendriya bhandar , just tea or
your mess/your heath centre.
Impact of celebrity endorsement on purchase decision. You may
think of certain product context.
Impact of different promotional schemes on consumers attitude
towards product
Factors affecting impulse purchase decision in certain FMCG
product categories
You want to raise fund for some important social cause(serious
desease, sports, community service etc.) from IIML community.
You want to do initial marketing research to understand
consumer’s underlying motivation.
Evaluate current positioning of different product/brand
How to develop favorable attitude towards different child snack
How to increase market share of men’s cosmetic products
Whether ABC to invest in social media sides for developing
brand equity among IIML students. If so which sites. What
message it should deliver.
Social network site usage behavior of IIML students.How to
make certain social network site more appealing to IIML

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