Work Plan Attached To The Telpaneca Missionary Project

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Plan of Action that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022 Church of Christ in Telpaneca

Annex to the Telpaneca Missionary
Project DATE: AUGUST 17, 2018
Addressed to: Kyle Mauck, Robert Brown, Audrey Mauck y Michell Brown

This document is the
annex to the Missionary
Project that is being
executed in the Church
of Christ in Telpaneca,
Madriz, Nicaragua, for
the integral
aggrandizement of the
Kingdom of Christ
Prepared by: Erick
Enrique Arcia García,

"Because our mission is the building up of the Body of Christ"

Missionary: Brother Erick Enrique Arcia García.
Bachelor in Theology, Bible and Ministry Bica-Nicaragua G9 (2016-2017) Cel: 57964194 E-Mail:
Plan of Action that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022 Church of Christ in Telpaneca

Executive Summary
The main need or opportunity for improvement is the low level of integration of the Staff to the growing
progress of the Telpaneca Missionary Project (TMP), and its different ministries. Qualified staff is needed in the
IDC for the direction and execution of the project. The results that are proposed in it are affected by the desired
low level of employee involvement. The majority of the staff is not full time in the corresponding ministries
except for one person, consequently, some ministries must be reinforced and open to the effective and efficient
advance of the project, the ministries, the church and the expansion of the gospel.
The Church has a leadership willing to learn, support and contribute to the Missionary Project, being evidenced
in the experience of the first missionary with the local leadership. This brings a good working environment and
an excellent opportunity to implement the Action Plan in addition to the TMP.
This annex to the TMP presents the solution to the need and opportunity that IDC Telpaneca has to be
empowered, thanks to the open leadership, many brothers involved with enthusiasm. This will make it possible,
along with the first missionary, to generate synergy in the work with the help of our God for the effective and
efficient fulfillment of the goals, thus achieving the results that we want to achieve in the project, so be it!
With the work of a second missionary, this annex will be implemented to the project already in execution by
the first missionary, working in conjunction with the congregational leadership. IDC Telpaneca requires a second
full-time missionary to work, reinforce, and direct the following ministries: Evangelization and Restoration (in
the preaching of the gospel and the restoration of lost souls), Adoration (contributing in the preaching, direction
of the praises and the formation of a Ministry of Praises), Pre-Youth as a segmentation of the Youth Ministry to
make it dynamic and develop it to the necessary maturity, contribute in the Discipleship Roots and Christian
Talent as teacher and trainer to make grow spiritually, mature the Church and train Christian leaders and
workers; in the administrative and biblical organization of the Church, and contribute in the Ministry of
Communion in the management and direction of Tribes or Groups of growth.
For such Grace of God that has been given to us as an opportunity to work in this way, with the help of God,
the approval of the brothers Kyle Mauck and José Guido, the leadership of the congregation, and the church
will be successful for the expansion of the Eternal Kingdom of God. Amen.

Missionary: Brother Erick Enrique Arcia García.
Bachelor in Theology, Bible and Ministry Bica-Nicaragua G9 (2016-2017) Cel: 57964194 E-Mail:
Plan of Action that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022 Church of Christ in Telpaneca

"Two are better than one; because they have better pay for their work. Because if they fall, the one will
raise his partner; but there's only one! That when it falls, there will be no second to raise it ...
... And if one prevails against one, two will resist him; and three-fold cord is not broken soon.
"Ecclesiastes 4: 9, 10, 12.
Since January of this year, the Church of Christ in Telpaneca has a ministerial structure with the arrival of the first
missionary, who proposed to the administration a missionary project that consists of a diversity of ministries. However,
since the implementation of the same has been an increasing need for greater integration by the team to strengthen the
processes, general and specific methodologies already raised in the project. This provokes a delayed progress in terms of
the goals and results to be achieved, caused mainly by the presence of a single human resource in terms of the direction
and execution of the project.
Causes tree:

A single missionary doing

the work of directing:
leading, motivating and
communicating; and
execute the project

Low Level of staff

integration to the

Missionary: Brother Erick Enrique Arcia García.
Bachelor in Theology, Bible and Ministry Bica-Nicaragua G9 (2016-2017) Cel: 57964194 E-Mail:
Plan of Action that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022 Church of Christ in Telpaneca
Effects Tree:

Low Level of
integration of the
Staff to the Project

Late progress Slowness in the

Staff with low
of goals and implementation
productivity of the Project

The need already raised can be solved with the arrival of a second Missionary to this church, because in this way
the missionary project in IDC Telpaneca will be potentiated on a larger scale of results with the work of two
missionaries correcting the needs raised in the Project , giving continuity and support to the previous work of
the first missionary.
With the formation of a missionary team composed of two elements, the implementation of the strategies
proposed in the Project will be consolidated, in terms of direction, motivation, leadership and execution. As a
result, the team of local leaders and servers will be strengthened and integrated according to the Project's
The missionary team, and no longer a single missionary with the limitations of working alone, will be able to
carry out a better work product of the synergy, in terms of the implementation of the project, since they will
be two missionaries and not one, who will lead, motivate, they will lead and execute most of the work of the
Project, giving example to the rest of the team of leaders and servers for their integration, involvement and
support with greater intensity of motivation.

Missionary: Brother Erick Enrique Arcia García.
Bachelor in Theology, Bible and Ministry Bica-Nicaragua G9 (2016-2017) Cel: 57964194 E-Mail:
Plan of Action that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022 Church of Christ in Telpaneca

Procedural Objective
Prepare an action plan that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project in order to reinforce the direction,
leadership, motivation and execution of it.

Contribute to the direction, leadership, motivation and execution of the Telpaneca Missionary Project in the
work of the various ministries to achieve effectiveness in the objectives of God.
Integrate and develop the team of leaders and multifunctional servers with sufficient skills, motivation and
satisfaction to achieve an effective and efficient execution of the Telpaneca Missionary Project.
1. Collaborate with the management of key ministries within the Telpaneca Missionary Project.
2. Increase productivity, achievement of the goals and results of the Missionary Project for its full
Objectives Tree:

Contribute to the direction,

leadership, motivation and
execution of the Telpaneca
Missionary Project in the work
of the various ministries to
achieve effectiveness in the
objectives of God.

Integrate and develop the team

of leaders and multifunctional
servers with sufficient skills,
motivation and satisfaction to
achieve an effective and
efficient execution of the
Telpaneca Missionary Project.

Increase productivity,
Collaborate with the
achievement of the goals and
management of key ministries
results of the Missionary
within the Telpaneca
Project for its full
Missionary Project.

Missionary: Brother Erick Enrique Arcia García.
Bachelor in Theology, Bible and Ministry Bica-Nicaragua G9 (2016-2017) Cel: 57964194 E-Mail:
Plan of Action that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022 Church of Christ in Telpaneca

A. Level of Involvement:
i. Before the Project: 3 people involved in a formal ministry.
ii. Project Goals: Involve and maintain in a formal ministry to:
1. 2018: 3 brothers
2. 2019: 4 brothers
3. 2020: 5 brothers
4. 2021: 6 brothers
5. 2022: 8 brothers
iii. During the project: 11 people were involved in a formal ministry.
iv. Projections with the Telpaneca Missionary Project Reinforced (TMPR): Involve and maintain:
1. 2019: 14 brothers
2. 2020: 18 brothers
3. 2021: 23 brothers
4. 2022: 28 brothers

Ministerial Involvement



3 3 3 3 3

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022


BTMP = Before the Telpaneca Missionary Project. TMP = Telpaneca Missionary Project. RTMP = Reinforced
Telpaneca Missionary Project.
The present graph shows the number of brothers involved in a formal ministry throughout the quinquennium
2018-2022, making a comparison between the possible outcomes without the Project, with the project and with
a reinforcement in the Missionary Project. Likewise, all the other graphs will make this comparison.

Missionary: Brother Erick Enrique Arcia García.
Bachelor in Theology, Bible and Ministry Bica-Nicaragua G9 (2016-2017) Cel: 57964194 E-Mail:
Plan of Action that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022 Church of Christ in Telpaneca
B. Brothers involved in Communion and Discipleship:
i. Before the Project: No brother involved.
ii. Project Goals: Involve in companionship and discipleship to:
1. 2018: 6 brothers
2. 2019: 8 brothers
3. 2020: 10 brothers
4. 2021: 12 brothers
5. 2022: 15 brothers
iii. Projections with the TMPR: Involve in communion and discipleship to:
1. 2019: 28 brothers
2. 2020: 36 brothers
3. 2021: 46 brothers
4. 2022: 56 brothers

Involvement in Communion and Discipleship





0 0 0 0 0
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022


C. Projected Assistance:
i. Before the Project: 20 people attended on average on Sundays.
ii. Project Goals: Average Sunday attendance:
1. 2018: 24 people
2. 2019: 30 people
3. 2020: 38 people
4. 2021: 49 people
5. 2022: 60 people
iii. During the Project: 40 people on average.
iv. Projections: Average Sunday attendance
1. 2019: 53 people
2. 2020: 70 people
3. 2021: 90 people
Missionary: Brother Erick Enrique Arcia García.
Bachelor in Theology, Bible and Ministry Bica-Nicaragua G9 (2016-2017) Cel: 57964194 E-Mail:
Plan of Action that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022 Church of Christ in Telpaneca
4. 2022: 112 people

Average Dominical Assistance



40 38
20 20 20 20 20

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022


D. Baptisms and Restorations:

i. Before the Project: 5 souls won per year.
ii. Project Goals: Baptize / Restore to:
1. 2018: 8 souls
2. 2019: 13 souls
3. 2020: 17 souls
4. 2021: 20 souls
5. 2022: 22 souls
iii. During the Project: 23 souls in 2018 won:
iv. Projections with the PMTR: Baptize / Restore to:
1. 2019: 32 souls
2. 2020: 42 souls
3. 2021: 45 souls

Missionary: Brother Erick Enrique Arcia García.
Bachelor in Theology, Bible and Ministry Bica-Nicaragua G9 (2016-2017) Cel: 57964194 E-Mail:
Plan of Action that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022 Church of Christ in Telpaneca
4. 2022: 55 souls




23 22
5 5 5 5 5

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022


Missionary: Brother Erick Enrique Arcia García.
Bachelor in Theology, Bible and Ministry Bica-Nicaragua G9 (2016-2017) Cel: 57964194 E-Mail:
Plan of Action that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022 Church of Christ in Telpaneca

Logic frame
Indicadores Medios de verificación Supuestos
General purpose Contribute to the direction, Fulfillment of God's goals by Report of the fundamental The will of God and the
leadership, motivation and 90% ministries support of the sponsoring
execution of the Telpaneca brothers
Missionary Project in the
work of the various ministries
to achieve effectiveness in the
objectives of God.
Specific objectives 1. Integrate and develop the - Level of integration and -Report of the Fundamental Disposition, good attitude,
team of leaders and ministerial involvement Ministries motivation, commitment and
multifunctional servers with - Satisfaction survey and effort on the part of the
sufficient skills, motivation and -Level of motivation and ministerial climate leaders, work team, church
satisfaction to achieve an satisfaction and population in general
effective and efficient - Ministerial Climate
execution of the Telpaneca
Missionary Project.
-Numbers of directed
2. Collaborate with the
management of key ministries
within the Telpaneca
-Number of baptized and
Missionary Project.
3. Increase productivity,
-Number of consolidated
achievement of the goals and
results of the Mission Project
-Number of brothers involved
for its full implementation.
in communion and

Components - Ministerial updates -Number of events / services Report of the fundamental -Provision of leaders, work
-Extraordinary training performed per month ministries team and church in the
-Extraordinary seminars -Quality of events / services participation of activities and
-Eventives for Motivation for -Execution of events / services events
the Staff -Inputs and resources
-Bible studies, preaching, available for activities
classes, organization of events -Good weather conditions for
and administrative its realization

Ministries to Direct
A. Ministry of Evangelization and Restoration:
Forming the values contained in the project in the ministration of the second missionary together with the fellow servants,
by the grace of God. The second missionary will be as Director in conjunction with Brother Argelio Rocha, making known
the work in the incorporation as second missionary of the specific plan, the goals to achieve and the strategies located on
pages: 22, 23 and 24 of the TMP.

Specific Plan of the Ministry of Evangelization and Restoration:

Goals 2019:
1. Baptize / Restore 32 people as a missionary team.
2. Provide 960 evangelistic and restoration Bible studies as a missionary team.

Missionary: Brother Erick Enrique Arcia García.
Bachelor in Theology, Bible and Ministry Bica-Nicaragua G9 (2016-2017) Cel: 57964194 E-Mail:
Plan of Action that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022 Church of Christ in Telpaneca
3. Make 120 contacts with potential people for baptism and restoration based on an average of 8 Bible studies
per person (2 months if it is a weekly study) as a missionary team.
4. Visit 480 houses through the cold touch or evangelism / house-to-house restoration as a missionary team.
Missionary Day, Cold Segmentation and July and December.
Evangelization, Contacts studies of the target Midweek in the houses.
and Groups of growth. audience. Design of
events based on needs
and characterization of
the target population.

B. Ministry of Worship:
In the integration, the second missionary will be ministering as Director in coordination with the fellow
Leonardo Salazar as Deputy Director, making known the specific plan of the events to be carried out.

Specific Plan of the Ministry of Worship:

Worship Services, Creative praise, Word Sunday 10:20 am and
Extraordinary Cults, of God with themes, 6:00 pm
Prayer Circles. definition of Tuesday 6:00 pm
achievement indicators,
Organization of
inclusive roles and

C. Youth Ministry (Pre-Youth):

In the integration a segmentation was opened in the Youth Ministry, which is the "Genesis" Pre-Youth
Ministry as a strategic ministry with unified events (Youth and Pre-Youth), in coordination with the first
missionary and Norling Rocha .

Specific Plan of the Ministry of Pre-Youth:

“10. Dress in the new essence and renew yourselves as you mature and know your Creator and become more
like him." Colossians 3:10
Specific Objective: "Disciple the new generations with the knowledge of God to reach a spiritual maturity
and the edification of the adolescence of the Lord's Church."

Missionary: Brother Erick Enrique Arcia García.
Bachelor in Theology, Bible and Ministry Bica-Nicaragua G9 (2016-2017) Cel: 57964194 E-Mail:
Plan of Action that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022 Church of Christ in Telpaneca
Sunday classes Pedagogy and creative Sundays 9 a.m.
learning dynamics.
Pensum of topics
Youth Tribes Inclusive group, Thursday 6 pm
interaction dynamics
Youth Cults Creative praise Last Saturdays of each
Sports Training Futsal training, Volleyball Sundays 4 pm-6 pm
Camps Prepare in advance the Luminares
young people to make the
most of activities within
the Camp Luminares

Ministries to Collaborate
D. Ministry of Communion "Koinonia":
With the integration of a second missionary, he will work subordinated to brother Norling Rocha, for
which purpose a modification of the name of the ministry will be proposed to be called Ministry
"Koinonia". A new event will also be organized: "Agapes" and in this ministry the second missionary
will contribute as Tribe Leader.
Specific Plan of the Ministry of Communion:
Tribes Growth group, inclusive Thursday 6:00 pm
group, interaction
Agapes Motivate the church Thursday 6:00 pm
beforehand to prepare 2 times per year
the event, encourage April and December
the church through
interactive dynamics.
Use of Ecclesiastical
Marketing and use of
important dates.

E. Ministry of Root Discipleship:

The new missionary team will work on all the strategies of events and services presented on page 21 of
the Telpaneca Missionary Project. Likewise, the goals to be achieved in 2019 will be presented with the
help of our God.

Specific Plan of the Ministry of Root Discipleship:

Goals 2019:

Missionary: Brother Erick Enrique Arcia García.
Bachelor in Theology, Bible and Ministry Bica-Nicaragua G9 (2016-2017) Cel: 57964194 E-Mail:
Plan of Action that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022 Church of Christ in Telpaneca
A. Effectively disciple 24 brothers of the congregation for their maturity in Christ, imparting doctrinal,
counseling and spiritual growth studies with a margin of loss of 25% (6 siblings). 12 disciples per
B. Provide 960 discipleship Bible studies to 24 brothers in the congregation with an average of 1 weekly
Sunday Class Biblical Pedagogy and creative Sunday 9:00 a.m.,
Home Studies. Seminars learning dynamics, Class weekdays at the houses.
with invited brothers. curriculum, Class of songs Saturdays extraordinary
the first Sunday of each seminars

F. Christian Talent Ministry:

In this ministry the collaboration of the second missionary will be as a trainer in coordination with the
first missionary in the different events presented here.

Specific Plan of the Ministry of Christian Talent:

Ministerial Update, Human Talent Saturdays from 6:00 pm to
Extraordinary Seminars Management, Pedagogy 8:30 pm (Ministerial
with invited brothers and and Creative Learning Update).
Biblical Training Studies. Dynamics.

G. Ministry of Benevolence:
In this ministry the collaboration will be in the field work in subordination to the Director of the Ministry
of Benevolence.

Specific Plan of the Ministry of Benevolence:

Donation of Funds will be raised As needed
medications with various sales
Food Donation activities. A
Clothing Donation percentage of the
offerings will be

H. Ministry of Construction / Maintenance / Cleaning:

In this ministry the collaboration of the second missionary will be as Labor Force in subordination with
the Director of the Ministry of Construction.

Missionary: Brother Erick Enrique Arcia García.
Bachelor in Theology, Bible and Ministry Bica-Nicaragua G9 (2016-2017) Cel: 57964194 E-Mail:
Plan of Action that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022 Church of Christ in Telpaneca
I. Ministry of Marketing:
In the integration of the second missionary, the collaboration in this ministry will be as a polling agent,
interviewer and usher in coordination with the first missionary and the support of the brothers involved.

Working hours
Incorporation of a second missionary in the Telpaneca Project
Missionary Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Erick Arcia Class, Worship Day off Biblical Studies Evangelization Consolidation, Consolidation College,
and Sports (Rotary) of and Discipleship, and Discipleship Mega Youth
Training Evangelization- Restoration and Tribe
Service and
Restoration and
Circle of Ministerial
Prayers Update
Luis Arcia Class, Worship Day off Evangelization- Evangelization Consolidation, Consolidation Administrative
and Sports (Rotary) Restoration and and Discipleship, and Discipleship Work, Mega
Training Circle of Restoration and Tribe Youth Service
Prayers and Ministerial

Annual production
Event / Service Day Unit of Measure Amount
Sunday classes Sunday 9-10 am y 5-6 pm Lessons 2 per week
8 per month
24 per year (1 Trimester)
Worship Services Sunday 10:20-11:45 am y Cults 2 per week
6-7:45 pm 8 per month
96 per year
Sports Training Sunday 3-5 pm Training 1 per week
4 per month
48 per year
Prayer Circles Tuesday 6-7 pm Cults 1 per week
4 per month
48 per year
Evangelization and Tuesday 8:00-11:00 am y Biblical Studies of 5 per day X 2 missionaries =
Restoration 2-5 pm y Wednesday 8- Evangelization and 10
11:00 am y 2-5:00 pm Restoration 20 per week (2 days per
80 per month
960 per year.
Tribes Thursday 6 pm Meetings 1 per week X 2 missionaries
8 per month
96 per year

Missionary: Brother Erick Enrique Arcia García.
Bachelor in Theology, Bible and Ministry Bica-Nicaragua G9 (2016-2017) Cel: 57964194 E-Mail:
Plan of Action that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022 Church of Christ in Telpaneca
Consolidation and Thursday 8-11 am y 2-5 Biblical Studies 5 per day X 2 missionaries =
Discipleship pm 10
Friday 8-11 am y 2-9 pm 20 per week (2 days per
80 per month
960 per year
Ministerial Updates Upgrade 6-8:30 pm Ministerial Update 1 Update per week
4 Updates per month
48 Updates per year
Mega Youth Cults Saturday 4:30-5:45 pm Cults 1 per month
12 per year
Total Events 276 per year.
Total Services 2016 per year.

Plan for the preparation of the implementation of

the Action Plan
Reflect a lot and learn a lot from mistakes constantly. The things that should always be improved will be the
1. To develop every day more an attitude of perseverant patience.
2. Not having an attitude of only blaming others (Pilate Syndrome).
3. Not have an attitude of justification and projection to not recognize bad actions or attitudes.
4. Have the attitude of contributing to the solution of the problem.
5. Be more humble and do not project superiority.
6. Leave hypersensitivity if you are attacked.
7. Not having a minor and not a greater concept of oneself, but thinking with sanity.
8. Encourage love, no matter the situations and people that were.
9. Form an excellent communication between the consierves.
10. Work even harder in the Church.
11. Encourage unity and fellowship among fellow servants.
12. Serve without seeking the glory of men.
13. Maintain a ministerial ethic, resolving the problems of leadership and the Church internally, without divulging
to third parties the possible difficulties that may be faced.
14. Respect and be subject to the leadership of the Church set by God to encourage collaborative work.

Missionary: Brother Erick Enrique Arcia García.
Bachelor in Theology, Bible and Ministry Bica-Nicaragua G9 (2016-2017) Cel: 57964194 E-Mail:
Plan of Action that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022 Church of Christ in Telpaneca
Involve the second missionary in the Plan of Internal Pastoral Care to ensure spirituality and Christian health
always trying to make the Word of God when he says: "Take care of yourself and the doctrine, doing this you
will save yourself and those who hear "1 Timothy 4:16.

The new missionary will communicate this plan in 3 levels: The leaders, the Staff, and finally the Church in
general. The stakeholders will be communicated and trained through ICTs, printed material (posters, flyers,
newsletters, etc.), classes, trainings, updates, preaching, and seminars. This plan will be communicated
emphasizing the benefits and advantages to motivate your support and involvement. A Youtube channel and an
official Facebook page of the Church will be managed to communicate the Action Plan. Visits will be made to
the houses, to promote the new missionary. In the first two weeks all the brothers will be visited to meet the
new missionary. The missionary's personal integration activities will be carried out with each one of the members
of the leadership and the Staff so that the missionary knows the people who collaborate in the Church and in
this way they connect with each other.
The new missionary must be trained in all the TMP, the Organization Manual and the ministerial culture of the
Church for their familiarization with the leaders, the Staff and the Church in general. The results of the situational
analysis will be communicated to the new missionary, through a Complete Ecclesiastical Diagnosis.
After the results of the qualifications of the new missionary are obtained in the induction courses, the detailed
planning of the operational plans of the ministries he will direct is continued. The impact of the change made by
the new plans on the affected individuals and the impact of that change on the affected systems of the Church
should be analyzed. A specific plan will be developed to integrate the changes of these plans into the Church.
The plans to measure the success of the proposed changes made by the ministerial plans will be reviewed. The
beginning of the changes of said plans will be announced and their benefits will always be promoted.
The implementation of the new plans and the integration of the new missionary to the TMP and to the Church
and the Staff must last approximately 8 months in total (4 months of integration and 4 months of execution).
For this, it will be necessary to continue with the definition of individual responsibilities and train the new
missionary in that direction, now guiding him to how his functions are executed in a "learning by doing" style,
explaining to the Staff the beginnings of the changes, meeting the deadlines, always promote in advance the
benefits of the changes proposed by the plans, keeping communication lines activated for coordination.
Once the Plans of the new missionary have been fully implemented, the results should be monitored. To do this,
it will be necessary to: establish benchmarks to measure results (define quality standards) and prepare
monitoring and evaluation formats with the help of softwares. Communicate the criteria for the success of the

Missionary: Brother Erick Enrique Arcia García.
Bachelor in Theology, Bible and Ministry Bica-Nicaragua G9 (2016-2017) Cel: 57964194 E-Mail:
Plan of Action that is annexed to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022 Church of Christ in Telpaneca
results. Coordinate the collection and measurement of the effects of changes to the Plans. Constantly inform
key team members of sponsors, leaders and in-charge servers during the review process.
When the results of the Plans are reviewed and the objectives were achieved according to the plan, then all the
changes are adopted. It is necessary to continue monitoring the results. You have to monitor: results, the
adjustment of people to the new status, what aspects have not been achieved and why. If most of the expected
results were not achieved, then it will be necessary to make adjustments in the previous steps and review the
plans. It will be necessary to determine: where the results do not reach, attract key persons to determine
adjustments, communication lines activated with all those involved, and make the adjustments.

Ganth diagram

The present diagram of Ganth shows the steps to follow so that the new missionary can be integrated into the
TMP and the Church, and likewise he elaborates plans and executes them in the various ministries that he will
be in charge with the help of the Messiah.

Thank God for this opportunity to elaborate, analyze and contribute to the Telpaneca Missionary Project 2018-2022. Thanks
also to the brothers Kyle Mauck, Robert Brown, Audrey Mauck, Michell Brown and Jose Guido who have given faith and
prayed for the integration of the new server and the implementation of the plan of action in the TMP for the work of God,
which Express your love in Jesus Christ. In the same way, Brother Luis Arcia for his support and dedication to merge the
ministerial work in the Telpaneca IDC Project.

Waiting in prayer that God will give you the answer through you. Amen so be!

Missionary: Brother Erick Enrique Arcia García.
Bachelor in Theology, Bible and Ministry Bica-Nicaragua G9 (2016-2017) Cel: 57964194 E-Mail:

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